Somewhere in space
"There's no signs of life on the planet" Supreme stated. His enhanced senses couldn't pick up anything as he and Hal were floating in orbit.
"Only one way to be sure." Green lanterns deals with facts and they had to confirm if it was indeed true. They headed down to the planet.
On the planet, apart from the lack of signs of life, nothing seemed out of place. Various machines and power plants were still running, the streets were filled with all kinds of vehicles and spacecraft's, all the buildings completely intact. No signs of war or a struggle. The planet had a red sun thus the atmosphere was completely different from earth and he could feel the effect it brought on him and his body. That definitely confirmed the weakness outlined among the many regarding to kryptonians.
"What happened here? It's like everyone vanished from sight." Supreme wondered hovering above the tall futuristic buildings using his enhanced vision to scan all around them.
"I can't locate Killowog." Hal's frustration was evident in his voice. He had conjured up a green screen scanning reading the results he obtained from scanning the planet.
"I can't sense anyone either. Maybe they left the planet willingly?" Supreme tried reasoning out. No invasion whether by a powerful being or not would be welcomed and make the natives to just drop whatever they were doing and surrender.
"Trixx can't pick up on anything either. All the electronics and machines seems to be operating fine with them having switched to auto control for the time being." Supreme mentioned what was being displayed on his HUD. Trixx had hacked into the local network and found nothing strange with it. "What if they are all dead?"
"They can't be. His ring would have either found another bearer with a strong will or would have returned to OA." Hal explained to him.
"He might have discovered whatever happened here and got taken because of it." Supreme realised.
"He wouldn't go down without a fight. He taught me better than that." Hal said looking deep in thought. After sinestro went rogue, killowog was the only mentor he remained with in the lantern corps.
This planet has been deserted for close to 72 hours. There is no trace of whatever was responsible for it. The satellites were powered down using the correct procedure indicating no external interference in their servers Trixx spoke out via the watches audio system.
Hal turned to look at them before typing something in the green construct before it deconstructed. "I know a place not far from this solar system where we can ask around. I am not leaving before finding the people of this planet and my friend" He declared. "You can go back and inform the league I will be unavailable for a couple of days." He owed it to Killowog to investigate no matter how long it took.
"Done" Supreme informed him. Trixx had just sent out a message to the watchtower explaining their current predicament.
"You don't have to do this. It will only delay you in finding your way back home" Hal appreciated his gesture but whatever was going on with Ben and the avengers was too big compared to some investigation into a lanterns disappearance.
"I know. But I choose to." Supreme reassured him. "I know what it's like to be stranded out in space with no one to help you" He couldn't forget about the incursean invasion.
"You?" Hal looked at him surprised. "What happened to the watch?"
"I couldn't use it at the time" Supreme answered having a far away look on his face. "Both my hands were tied and I couldn't reach it"
"That must have been rough" He understood why that was a big deal to him. "I can only imagine what I would do if I couldn't use my ring in times of need."
"Thanks. Luckily I got through it." Supreme offered him a smile. "I'm sure killowog will make contact when he can. In the mean time we should head to the place you suggested" He had accessed killowogs file from the files he obtained from the guardians and it showed how a great lantern he was. He was the second highest ranked lantern after Hal.
"I know. And when he does make contact we will be ready." Hal vowed. "Follow me"
They soon exited that solar system and were heading for what looked like an outpost curved into a huge meteor rock. No sooner had they entered the yellow sun solar system than Supreme could feel the immediate effect on his body. Whatever the red sun affected was cleared away in an instant and he felt revived and strong.
Space ships of different sizes were docking and taking off in the various hangers around the meteor. Some of them simply hovered in the meteors orbit showing no sign of docking.
"Where are we?" Supreme asked still taking in the view in front of him. It was breathtaking.
"This is the go to place to find anything you are looking for in this part of the universe. Kind of like the black market of space." Hal answered. "Killowog brought me here when we were hunting down a certain warlord responsible for poisoning half his people in order to remain in power."
"So there's like a bunch of aliens inside?" Supreme deduced. This did not look like a place for humans to hang out or to be found.
Trixx. Can you detect any new aliens? He mentally asked.
I cannot sense any uncatalogued life forms in proximity. This may be due to the heavy and unknown material used in making the asteroid. Trixx supplied.
Trying to use his X-Ray vision, he could not see past the outer rocky layer of the huge asteroid. That explains it, probably encased in lead.
Hal turned to look at his watch catching on to what he was implying. "Yes there are but we won't be going to the main part or stay long. They don't appreciate the presence of a green lantern and we can't have them knowing about your watch when you scan the entire population in there." He reasoned with Ben. "The last thing we need is to fight everyone who would want it for their own use thus delaying our investigation."
"I could have just scanned them from here but they've gone through extreme measures to deter anything that intends to scan this asteroid from space. I can't even see through it." Supreme was kind of disappointed. This could've been a jackpot. "So who are we going to see?" He asked Hal as they flew past the asteroid heading to one of the huge spaceships parked near it.
"An old friend" Hal answered.
"How will we know if he is telling us the truth?" Supreme was skeptical with this plan. Criminals tend to corporate when there is a quid pro quo in their favor.
"She can't lie to me. Not after I saved her" Hal thought about it.
"Her? Do you even have male acquaintances!?" Supreme accused crossing his arms across his chest thinking of Maxima and definitely what transpired between the two of them.
"I do! More than enough actually given that watch of yours has like a million" Hal argued back but mentally agreed with him.
"Anyway, can you trust her100%?" Supreme asked.
"I wouldn't say 100%...more like 60%" Hal admitted and added "It's better than nothing."
"Yeah…but I have something better though it's a little unethical" Supreme admitted but liking the idea of it.
"That depends on how you define the word unethical since everything that happens in this huge piece of rock is unethical to some degree. Let's hear it."
"Okay. Keep an open mind here. What if I read her thoughts. She won't have to lie to us." Supreme explained reaching for his watch and started scrolling through the aliens.
"You have an alien for that? Never mind. I forgot you had his DNA" Hal saw him stop when he reached the hologram of a very familiar alien he knew.
In a flash of bright green light Supreme changed to another form.