Chereads / Ben 10: Heroes Assemble / Chapter 24 - Chapter 24

Chapter 24 - Chapter 24

All the other heroes in the room looked on nonchalant but Supergirl who was still new to the entire situation could not help but be surprised. How long were they going to keep us in the dark she thought angrily. Everyone deserves to know what was going on as much as the heroes in the room. She was also slightly worried about the development. Incase doomsday regained consiousness before they arrived in OA, it will just be the two of them trying to subdue it and whatever innocent planet that was dragged into the fight.

Green lanterns smirk turned into a frown for a few moments before righting himself and ending the hologram heading to the door. "Come on, we have a long journey ahead of us,try to keep up."

Everyone was walking out of the conference room heading to the hanger to see the two off.

Doomsday was still out cold with a few younger superheroes still observing and ogling the brute lying in the improved containment cell in the hanger. They saw the justice league and the avengers approach and made themselves scarce some watching from the top decks while others a few meters away from them. Everyone was weary of batman and his no nonsense attitude.

"What if it wakes up when you haven't reached OA?" Wanda asked them having sensed doomsdays mind healing and reorganizing itself albeit at a very slow rate. It appears as though J'onn had sensed it too because he too was focused on doomsday.

"We will deal with it." Green lantern answered her with a wink much to her annoyance.

"When it is done return immediately, we still have things to handle." Batman told them before patting Green lantern on the back then moved back to stand with the rest of the league.

"We will, it'll be a piece of cake." Green lantern spoke up while Ben was opening doomsdays cell before green lantern encased it in a green circle bubble while the green aura surrounded his whole body and he floated mid air looking at them.

"Well…" Hal called out when he saw Ben was not changing to anything.

Ben had zoned out a little. This situation reminded him of the time they had to escort Vilgax out of the earth making him really miss his home. It was about time he started researching on ways on how to get back to his dimension. How hard could it be? He had enough smart aliens to help deal with that.

"Oh, was just thinking about something.." Ben said a little awkward when he saw everyone look at him obviously waiting for him to change since he could not go into space with his original form.

Trixx, which one do you suggest for this particular adventure? Ben asked Trixx since he could not decide. He was stuck between Jetray and Supreme because he had to consider speed in this little traveling of theirs since interstellar travel required traveling at blinding speeds.

In a flash of bright green light, Ben was gone and everyone looked on with curiosity and amazement at the what or who was standing in front of them.

Everyone shielded their eyes from the bright green light, it was just too much for them to handle because they were not used to it like most plumbers back in his home world.

In Bens place stood a human figure with black wavy hair and green eyes with a well defined cheek bone that was slightly taller than Thor. His face very pleasing to the eyes. He was built like Thor but with way more muscle that could be seen through his armor which was was more modernized than Thors and made from the unique material or element in Thors armor. The chest plate was very durable and heavy. He was glad it did not come with a cape. His lower half was covered in the same armor but contained pockets in which something could be stored. Yes the omnitrix was really smart and efficient. The circular disks on the shoulders and midribs were still present much like in Thors armor. His armor was themed green and white much like the clothes Ben likes wearing. His armor was a simplified version of a navy seals combat uniform mended together with ancient warrior attire complete with black boots and a pair of gloves that seemed to be held in place on his hands feeling like a second skin but very comfortable. He had a base voice. The Omnitrix was still on his wrist camouflaged with his combat suit while the symbol was where the belt buckle usually was. His armored clothing looked to be a tribrid between Thors warrior armor and superman's suit and a modern day soldier.

"Wooaahh" Ben commented inspecting himself. I already feel godly, not like when I am Chromastone but it is still a great feeling He thought to himself.

"Is that…?" Captain America started asking but couldn't finish because…he actually didn't know the reason either. Bens current form looked all too familiar.

"I think it is." Hawkeye answered him suspecting the same.

"Why do I feel a connection with you my young friend?" Thor asked coming to stand in front of Ben. Immediately the bright green light faded, Thor sensed the presence of an Asgardian nearby and was for some seconds hopeful that Heimdall could sense him now or the other way round. If anyone could find him, it was Heimdall because his eyes could see beyond many other gods and galaxies.

Not having established a working connection with Heimdall made him think it must be the being Ben turned into. Some of the avengers shook their heads at the question, Thor was a prince but at times he could not just see what was right in front of him, literally.

"That may be because I am an Asgardian." Ben replied waiting for Thors reaction much like everyone else.

"HAHAHAHAHAAA…that is great my friend, that way we may spur when you get back, I haven't found anyone capable of keeping up." Thor responded before playfully punching Ben in the stomach still laughing happily.

To Bens surprise, he didn't feel a thing from the blow. I must be more invulnerable than I thought.

"Hold up…can you also control lightning like Thor and Shazam…or can you lift up his hammer?" Flash asked excitedly pointing at Miljonir which Thor was carrying.

"I don't know yet but as for powers.." Ben replied sticking his hand out and a ball of flames formed out of thin air before increasing in intensity till the other heroes took a step back from the heat before closing his fist and the fire dissipating to nothing. Trixx informed him briefly what he was capable of but Ben dismissed that for later, right now they had a mission to finish. He would figure it out later.

The others looked on astonished. Ben took this opportunity to float up into the air next to green lantern and smirked at Thors dumbfounded expression. He was probably wondering why Ben got to fly on his own while he himself required the assistance of Miljonir.

"Are you a god too?" Wonderwoman asked out of nowhere. She had been observing for quite sometime. Now she had seen everything. If a simple device could replicate one of the most powerful gods they were taught about then everything else was fair game. She had to know if it had the capability of turning Ben into a god.

"Good question but as of now I have no idea but I think so." Ben replied and wondered about it himself.

"If you are indeed an Asgardian then how can you fly yet Thor can only use the Might of Miljonir?" Black widow asked finally snapping out of her many thoughts of this new development. "Yes my friend, how is that possible?" Thor asked finally finding his voice.

Ben looked around making sure the other league heroes without clearance could not hear their conversation. "I told you guys the Omnitrix turns into the prime sample of the said probably Thor can fly but does not know how yet." Ben explained to them still floating next to Hal who was getting impatient. Thor had a lot to think about.

Okay…that watch is pretty cool he admitted to himself after Bens transformation. "We have to get going." He spoke out because the questions directed at Ben did not seem to have an end.

"Yeah right…let's go." Ben answered before green lantern started flying away into the vast space surrounding the watchtower. Ben looked back once looked at everyone nodding then eyes landed on one person before turning and taking off after green lantern who was dragging doomsday behind inside the green circular construct.

At his arrival beside him, they took off disappearing from their view and the watchtowers radar immediately showing just how fast they were flying.

"What do you mean about not having anyone to keep up with you? You could ask Superman or Shazam or Wonderwoman or Supergirl to spur with you? There's like a bunch of them capable of keeping up with you" flash asked Thor thoughtfully.

"I would not want to trouble them from their busy schedules." Thor answered him truthfully. This world seemed to have very strange villains that required the leagues attention almost every time. Flash had a wicked glint in his eyes.

"You want to spur right?" He asked Thor with them being the only ones remaiing in the hanger. "Yes I do" Thor nodded.

"Great, I will contact you with the time of the session." Flash informed him then disappeared in a flash. Thor walked towards the cafeteria.

I should have said something Supergirl chided herself. At least tell them good luck…way to be professional and in the big leagues now Kara. Since arriving at the hanger with the rest of them she had been quiet listening and observing everything she had missed before and when Ben turned into an Asgardian she was shocked.

Apparently he could rock any specie and still look good doing it.. she had momentarily thought before banishing the thought from her mind.

"They will be fine" she told herself before dispersing like the others. Captain America and Wanda headed to the cave to relieve Banner from his watch duty. The justice league also dispersed, some going back to earth while others retreating to their rooms.