N/A - Is for the non-upgradable skill/s
1~10 - Is for the upgradable skill/s
10 = M - Max Level skill/s can be evolved into a superior skill/s
Night Vision (N/A): The ability to see better in dark places
Zombification (1): The ability to turn a creature you killed into a Zombie/Zombified version of themselves
Call Reinforcements (1): The ability to gather nearby zombies and summon them inside the nearby dark spots
Armor +2 (1): Extra defense
Sunlight/Heat Absorption (1): The ability to absorb heat/sunlight and become gradually stronger
Sunlight Immunity (N/A): When in a fully Zombie form become immune to sunlight
Strong Body (N/A): Stronger physical prowess
Hunger Touch (1): Inflicts the 'Hunger' status effect to anyone you touch
Switch (N/A): The ability to transform into a Full Zombie and vice versa
Split (M): The ability to split your body, the splitted clone is identical to the original
Contact Damage | On/Off (1): Giving constant damage to anyone you are in physical contact with
Floatablity (1): The ability to float on water
Pounce (1): When near an enemy you can jump while dealing minor damage
Wall Climb (1): Climb any vertical surface except magma block
Detection (1): Can detect creatures through walls
Poison Immunity (N/A): Immune to all type of poison
Cobweb Immunity (1): Immune to the slow granted by Cobweb
Aimbot (1): Increase the accuracy of projectiles while using a bow
Indestructible Bow (1): The bow that you're holding are all indestructible
Infinite Arrow (1): You can never run out of Arrow
Panic Assault (1): When an enemy is close, you can send a barrage of arrow at them
Music Disc Hunter (1): When killing a creatures they have a low chance (creeper is guaranteed) of dropping a unique music disc
Fire Immunity (N/A): Immune to all type of fire
Fire Armor | On/Off (1): Coat your entire body in an armor made out of fire
Fire Manipulation (1): The ability to manipulate fire
Damage Reduction 50% (1): The ability that reduces all damage by half
Bolt (1): Increase speed by half when running away
Leap (1): Jump at the enemy while dealing no damage
Invisibility Negation Vision (1): Can see invisible creature
Carnivorous (1): Eating meat heals you
Potion Mastery (1): You can throw and drink potions (CD: 2 Sec)
Magic Resistance 85% (1): The ability to resist magic is 85%
Self-Detonation (M): The ability to self-explode that cause major destruction, doesn't use HP anymore
Lightning Charge (1): You can absorb and contain lightning that can be used to amplify your other skills
Teleportation (1): Teleport to the desired location
Projectile Immunity (1): When you're not being able to teleport to safety, all projectiles will bouce off or phase through your body
Aggresion (1): When you feel threatened or hurt by something, you became enrage which increase speed and allow you to use [Scream] to slow down your enemy
Withering Presence (1): You emit the aura of whither, when exposed for prolonged periods anyone near you will be whithered
Withering Touch (1): Attack inflicted 'Wither' status effect
Wither Immunity (N/A): Immunity to the 'Wither' status effect
Burn the Arrow (1): All normal arrow shot by you be turned into fire arrow
Giant Fireball (1): One big fireball that cause decent explosion
Crossbow Proficiency (1): Increased the accuracy of projectiles while using a crossbow
Greed Control (1): The ability to control Block of Gold and Block of Netherite, get a mediocre boost while around gold-related object
Superior Aggravation Radius (1): When you were attacked all Piglin/Zombified Piglin will become hostile to the attacker
Airborne Attack (1): Attack could cause the enemy to launch upwards and became airborne
Knockback Resistance 60% (1): The ability to resist Knockback is 60%
Piglin's Nightmare (1): Natural enemy of the Piglins, strike fear into the piglins eyes
Burn the Arrow with Soul (1): Instead of normal fire, the arrow was burned with the fire infused with soul
Minor Necromancy (1): Capable of raise a small army of the dead. 5 max summon
Lava Walking (1): Can walk on lava as if it were a solid land
Warped Fungus Addiction (1): Love the taste of warped fungus, minor increase in all stats after eating one warped fungus, effect is non-stackable
Fall Damage Immunity (1): Cannot take fall damage
Lava Swimmer (1): Swim in lava as fast as in water
Axe Proficiency (1): 100% damage while using axe
Fearless (N/A): Immune to all mental degradation, incapable of being overwhelmed by fear
Loyal Guard (1): When in an area you consider home or base, gain major increase in stats
Fireball Barrage (1): Shoots a barrage of 3 small non-explosive fireballs
Flight (1): You can fly
Smokescreen (1): Release dark smoke from your body to cover your enemies vision
Throwing (1): Increase your throwing power
Fast Swimming (1): Increase swimming speed underwater
Spearmanship (1): Increased capability with spear
Playing Dead (1): Hide life forces and presence, gain status effect 'Regeneration I', randomly regenerate 4 hearts at once
Against the Flow (1): Unaffected by the water flow hence unable to be pushed back by flowing water
Heal the Saviour (1): Grant status effect 'Regeneration I' on an ally that killed the enemy you faced
Ink Release (1): Release a cloud of ink when attack
Intangible Tentacles (N/A): Produce an intangible tentacles, limited to eight
Squishy Body (1): Increase resistance to knockback when out of water
Magical Laser (1): Charge the laser for 2 seconds before melting the enemy away dealing 12 hearts of damage and 6 extra magical damage that bypass all defense
Spike Armour (1): Reflect all melee attack damage
Follow the Current (1): Increase swimming speed when following the flow of water
Fatigued Guardian (1): Inflict the status effect on all entities within 100 blocks
More skills incoming!