Then he came over to the couch where I was reclining. Ena helped me into a sitting position and Shigure knelt down on one knee.
"Uki-chan, my precious girl, firstly, I must apologise. I have overstepped my boundaries on more than one occasion and although I knew it was wrong, did not stop myself from indulging in this fantasy. I, who am older, more experienced and knew better, did not stop your advances when I noticed the change in your perception toward me. Instead, I welcomed and allowed it. Last night, I should have sought the Creator for his help, yet I couldn't but help indulge myself in my emotions and be impulsive. I knew what you were planning when you cast the illusion but didn't stop you. I should have stopped myself, but I didn't. You were already quite injured at that time and yet you were so willing despite the circumstances. I'm so sorry," Shigure said, not daring to look into my eyes.
There were small gasps of surprise from around us and a flurry of activity at the door where Big Brother was, as well as a suppressed growl. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mr Holt and the Director subdue Big Brother and hold him down, but my attention was on Shigure.
I couldn't help it. My heart rate was increasing along with my respiratory rate. There was a stuffiness in my chest that made me both want to cry and to laugh at the same time.
"I also want to thank you," Shigure told me seriously, now raising his head to look into my eyes. His hands held mine and I felt his emotions surging through our link. "Without you, I would have died many times over. Without you, my old wounds would never have healed. Without you, I would not have gained so many new abilities, deepened my understanding of the spiritual laws and had such freedom and a new lease in life. Even abilities aside, without you, I'd still be a lonely man hiding from the world, I'd have died from my injuries in the last invasion or be still lying in a coma. Your wholehearted and persistent love has gradually crept in and warmed my heart. I truly love you, Uki-chan. Will you marry me?"
"Of course," I gulped, wiping my tears. "Yes. Of course, I'll marry you. Just as often as you said I've saved you, you've done the same for me," I whispered. "Without you, so many things could have happened to me and I would have thrown myself off the Cliffs of the Dead," my mind drifted off and was only wrenched back by Shigure through our link. "I'm sorry," I told him. "You're marrying someone who is below you and nowhere near equal to you. At first I thought I would look for someone who could be your match but gradually, after so many things happened, I realised that I don't want to live without you. I'm sorry about last night too. I started things without your consent and teased you when you told me to stop. What happened is my fault. I'm sorry. I just wanted you and was being selfish. I didn't want to lose the opportunity. I didn't want you to leave and abandon me. I rely on you for too many things. I feel like I'm just a dead weight that pulls you down. I want to wake up and see your face beside me every day from now on. I want to have your baby and I want you to live on. If not for yourself, then at least for me. I don't want you to give up on life because of an old promise. In the next few days or whenever the city is invaded again and we are betrayed to the enemy, no matter what, I intend to stand by your side. If you choose to die here. I'm dying with you. If you choose to live, I'm living with you, but you are in no way leaving me behind. The Creator can bring you back to life even if you die. Do you understand me? So if you are willing to marry me, I'm totally and very willing to marry you. But you have to promise to give me another baby after this one is lost."
There were so many sharp intakes of breath at my speech but my eyes were only on Shigure.
"Alright," he said after a long moment, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. His voice was hoarse and tight. "I promise. I've managed to keep you alive this far, I won't leave you behind in the future either. I'll give you the second baby. This time, we'll be able to watch him or her grow up into a fine man or woman. If you can handle it, we'll have more than one."
I heard Big Brother give a moan of pain, but ignored him for now.
Shigure opened the jewelry case to show me a ring. The same ring I had seen in the design plans in his mind and that I had chosen. The twin silver plants and leaves with small red gemstones. I swallowed hard when he withdrew the ring to place it on the ring finger of my left hand.
"And with that consent, let's do the wedding vows," James said in a cheerful voice, bringing over the other two jewelry cases, he checked them and handed one to the Director and one to Mr Holt.
He asked Shigure to repeat the vows first and then me. With Shigure's "I do," he took the ring from Mr Holt and slid it onto the ring finger of my left hand, so that it clicked with the former jeweled ring and completed the formerly slightly lopsided design. With my final, "I do", I took the wedding band from Director Worth, pushing it onto Shigure's hand.
Our linked hearts surged at the sight of our matching wedding bands.
"I now pronounce you man and wife," James said and a soft smile spread across his face as he cleared his throat. "Groom, you may now kiss the bride."
Shigure pulled me to him and we exchanged a deeply passionate kiss that for me, only seemed to last a moment. Several coughs and clearing throats through the room brought us back to our senses. I buried my head in Shigure's chest with embarrassment.
"If you'll sign the papers," James ushered us in a hurry over to the desk while people were cheering their congratulations, "then I have to get going."
A pen was shoved in my hand and I signed on the lines that James pointed to. Shigure did the same.
I saw the name that Shigure signed and smiled upon learning his real name. Kubo was his last name, and Junichi was his given name. I paused upon the space where I was meant to write my full maiden name on and glanced up at Director Worth and Shigure. I'd had so many names and didn't actually know which one was my official name.
"Do either of you intend to change your name?" James asked at that point in time and my eyes lit up. Jame took out two sheets of paper
The Director, upon seeing my hesitation, whispered which name I was meant to write in my ear. I wrote that down wondering how and when this name had been made my official name. It had absolutely no connection to my tribal or biological family. Could it be that someone couldn't write or remember my name and so looked to one side and gave me the name for a brand of tissue paper and sanitary pads? Whisper Soft. Now I knew why everyone in school called me Whisper and why the teachers were confused when I persisted in writing a different name.
I looked at Shigure regarding whether our names needed to be changed. He glanced at me and filled out my form for me.
Harmony Kubo-Shigure.
Hmm. I liked it and nodded, putting my signature on the bottom of that document.
In his case, his surname was also changed to Kubo-Shigure, while he kept his original first name, Junichi.
We both shared a smile and nodded to each other, while the witnesses signed the documents at the side. Big Brother was gloomily slumped against the wall staring at nothing, occasionally wiping his eyes or wiping his nose.
"Don't look at him," Shigure turned my face back toward himself. While nobody was watching, we shared another kiss.
The celebrant checked over the documents to ensure everything had been signed and then requested a computer to complete the procedures and print out our marriage certificates.
"I have everything we need with me. If I might borrow a computer and your printing facilities, we will be done," James beamed.
"This way," Ena indicated.
"Congratulations!" the Director and Mr Holt said, slapping Shigure on the back and giving me a big hug.
The Director pulled out a bottle of wine from somewhere, but Shigure stopped her. His face growing solemn.
"You're going to want to be clear minded while we give our report and why we have returned," Shigure said. "Howard, you and Big Brother may as well stay to listen in once the marriage celebrant leaves."
"Is it bad?" Director Worth rubbed her forehead.
"Bad," Shigure said without expression.
"Really bad," I added from the side.
"By the way, where are Homeward and the rest?" Director Worth asked.
"They're on their way back," Shigure and I said in unison and squeezed each other's hands with amusement at how in sync we were. We still hadn't gotten used to this closeness.
"By the time they get back, the city might already be under attack," Shigure said and the smiles faded from people's faces. Big Brother stirred on the floor and looked up at us. "In fact, they've already begun their attack where we can't see. Let's all sit and wait for the celebrant to leave. And then we'll give our report."
"What about your wedding celebration?" Director Worth said with a sad face.
"There won't be time for that," Shigure said and squeezed my hand again. "I'm very sorry, Uki-chan. I'll have to make it up to you in the future."
"It's both of our faults," I made a face, remembering how I had first acted without Shigure's complete agreement. "I did kind of…"
"Let's not talk about that now," Shigure said. "We'll have plenty of time to discuss who's fault our current situation is in the future, when it's really none of our faults but all of our faults."
"I don't follow," Mr Holt said and Director Worth agreed.
"You'll understand in a moment," Shigure said.