Chapter 3 - Aimed at

„Good morning."

After 10 minutes of walk distances, Katou Yusuke at 7 : 40 point of place that arrived in working- family convenience store that a 24 hours of business.

„, Katou-kun, good morning."

What greeting is the same time colleague, the full name is Takada Shiori, is a 17 -year-old young girl who has the golden short hair, goes study in a nearby school, at present is high two.

Just like Katou Yusuke, after Takada Shiori will use is on vacation from school , and weekend time here works, because has the common status, the relations of two worlds are good.( Takada Shiori thinks)

„Good morning, Takada-senpai, you were laborious."

Katou Yusuke returns a courtesy said.

„Has no need in the polite expression, after all is a student."

Is saying, Takada Shiori while looked at his one eyes, in the hand the movement non-stop.

Her upper body puts on the shop the unified dark blue uniform/subdue, the lower part is the gray pleated skirt, the stature is very hot, this/should raised place is raised, this place of outstanding curls upwards, this little while is inspecting the commodity on shelf.

„Needs to help?"

Katou Yusuke points at her foot shopping basket saying that what inside is putting was onigiri that enjoyed the taste period, although did not have is not badly suitable to continue to sell again.

In convenience store industry highly competitive Japan, " fine taste " has with " conveniently " same position, same attached great importance.

Is quite fixed because of the on the shelf time of fresh food, generally is early late respectively one time, will therefore have the special head to conduct a day of twice food warranty inspection every day, this is Takada Shiori is also doing now.

As for food that these were selected, generally will be apportioned the sales clerks to solve, according to the customs of various shops is different, is divided to bring back to the home and cannot bring back to the home, can only the situation in the shop eating, Katou Yusuke they belong to the latter.

„You attain the lounge this."

Takada Shiori is pointing at the shopping basket say/way of ground.

Katou Yusuke nods, carries the shopping basket to walk toward.

At this time the Takada Shiori resembles remembered anything to resemble, the mouth sent out „-", is shouting to him.

„Right, remembers that keeps a beef onigiri to me!"

Katou Yusuke footsteps, does not return returned to one.


However the boosting gate walks into the room.


After five minutes, when trades Katou Yusuke of clothes to go out again, in the shop some people had lined up, Takada Shiori after register is bustling about is paying up to the guest.

Sees this, after Katou Yusuke half step advance party to nearby machine, said to the present uncle's polite inquiry.

„Hello, what needs?"

„Takes No. 160 cigarette to me, again additional this bottle of water."

The appropriately dressed uncle was saying to him.

„Altogether 650 yuan, this changes your pocket money."

Katou Yusuke and gives change the smoke places to receive on the galactic disk together.

Because of the reason of position, here will often have many white-collars to pass through. Everyone will be going to work to come here to buy the water, breakfast and between-meal snack, therefore this is also in the shop the busiest time.

However is good because of two people coordinates to be tacit, dealt with methodically this wave of peak.

„Thank your help, welcome will visit next time!"

Is speaking the polite expression, Takada Shiori the direction that while is departing to the guest bows slightly.

Raised the head, the time had arrived 10:15.

„Hū-" the chest that Takada Shiori stood tall and erect is fluctuating, relaxes slightly.

„good work." Katou Yusuke said, was saying to Takada Shiori: „I supplement the commodity, you first rest."

„ei? Has no need for this, we did together are good."

Takada Shiori beckons with the hand to say again and again.

Katou Yusuke looked at her frontal eminence to moisten several wisps of sweat to send the silk, shakes the head to say.

„All right, this."

Said that entered the warehouse, before long held one pile of commodities to walk.

His tall is not rough, reason that because works year to year, the muscle on small arm is even and strong. Under the black short hair in broken bits, the clear bright eye pupil such as the lake water is generally tranquil.

At this moment is capturing the Takada Shiori attention firmly, making her cannot help but elegant the face one red.


Looks at the present scene, is taking a step to enter Yoshimura under foot in shop, the vision cannot help but cutting in two people, finally stopped on Katou Yusuke, in the eye is flashing the envious hatred ray.

„cough cough-"

He coughed gently, is raising hand to Katou Yusuke the list, is putting on a serious face to say.

„Katou-kun, you come."

„... Shopkeeper? When!?"

The mouth sends calling out in alarm, Takada Shiori somewhat flurried turning around is bowing to say to Yoshimura, under the large scale movement is one is also turbulent, looked at the Yoshimura eyeball to fall.

However the next second actually felt that at present one dark, a big form appears before him.

„Shopkeeper Yoshimura." Katou Yusuke vision tranquil looks at him, asked: „What matter has?"

The tone is neither arrogant nor servile.

The 15-year-old youngster castrated has achieved 178 cm high, but even if Yoshimura wore the leather shoes still only then about 167 cm, two people stood , the vision that Yoshimura can only to look up is looking at Katou Yusuke, this made him feel very uncomfortably.

„Un... somewhat deliveried, you go to move to the warehouse them."

Yoshimura hesitates was saying.


Katou Yusuke nods, walks toward out of the door with Yoshimura, heard two people words Takada Shiori is also hurried with.

Then, they saw that places the ground, built high the box like the hill.

„Deceived people! Some this how many!?"

Takada Shiori stared in a big way the eye.

„... Approximately has 50."

Yoshimura superficial saying.

„Unexpectedly has 50!? Moreover is completely the drink!? Why will send in this time? Should not be yesterday evening arrives!?"

„Really not fortunately, the Tanaka big heartache of evening class to wrist/skill, therefore has to keep the next day, this does not have the matter of means."

Yoshimura is answering to Takada Shiori, in the heart is actually one sneers, vision vague slanting Katou Yusuke.

„When this must move to!"

Some Takada Shiori desperate say/way.

„, Shiori-chan you do not use, these things gave Katou to be good."

„... ei?"

Takada Shiori was shocked, then looked to Yoshimura, said.

„... Is this cracks a joke? Shopkeeper?"

„No, no, no, no."

Yoshimura beckons with the hand, then looks to Katou Yusuke.

„Can give you are right, Katou-kun?"

Katou Yusuke is silent.

Sees this, on the face of Yoshimura shows the smile, seems said unknowingly.

„Doesn't want? Said that I remember the condition in your family is not quite probably good, like this? If loses this work."

And the concealed threat can be seen in speech and appearance.