In the human world, during the era of the kingdom of Shnei Karna'im, King Shnei Karna'im embarked on a very distant journey. He underwent three important expeditions, visiting lands in the west, east, and mountains. During his journey, Shnei Karna'im was granted the right by God to punish those who denied or violated His commandments.
Among them were creatures descended from demons:
- Dragons, proud of its power, causing the land to become barren and mountains to crumble.
- Goblins who enjoyed seizing the rights of other creatures, causing poverty and misery.
- Half-beast humans controlled by rage, creating war and chaos without regard for justice.
- Lazy and disobedient elves who did not interfere in the affairs of the world.
- And some human clans who forgot about God, defiling the purity and natural order of the world.
In the name of the just God, all these disobedient creatures were subjected to severe punishment in their realms. Fierce winds blew, massive floods occurred, the ground cracked beneath them, and hellfire fell from the sky. This left them helpless in the world until they realized their wrongdoing and sought protection from Shnei Karna'im, while the obedient ones were left unharmed. In the name of the merciful and forgiving God, God commanded King Shnei Karna'im to separate those who disobeyed. He built a giant wall between the world of obedient creatures and the disobedient ones. Positioned between two tall mountains, the gate stood strong, making Shnei Karna'im the ruler of both worlds.
Thousands of years passed, and the once tightly closed gate often opened. The disobedient beings would arrive, creating new chaos in the world. Humans, with the power of magic, repelled them and closed the gate when it opened.
People believe that someday from beyond the gate, the descendants of Shnei Karna'im will emerge and become a new king who will lead the entire world, restoring peace to the world.