1000 years ago, four heroes saved the world in an incident known as the Chaos Era. They were known as the elementals, and they possessed the ability to control "the natural elements."Â
The peoples of the time gave them four islands: kawatari, tetsuno shima, soratobu, and waldinsel, which they divided among themselves. After centuries, their successors had their own power, and some of them developed new power.
To remember them, each island had their best fighter becoming an elemental. The protector of the island.
Kamizu Kawatake is one of their descendants, has grown on one of the five islands that were given to the elementals: kawatari.
He lives with his parents, Kai Kawatake, a tall and thin man with the build of an assassin, black hair, blue-ice eyes, and a body covered in scars, and Anne Hagane, a short and beautiful woman with blonde hair and white eyes, they were two of the four elementals, and his older sister, Thea Kawatake, a tall and young woman with black hair and white eyes, she wore a moon-shaped earring. One day, while his sister was in a mission, his mom was about to give birth to his little sister, when, after her birth, a man wearing a black coat that has an eye drawing on it entered the house and tried to attack kamizu's little sister, but Kai stopped him, but then he went to kamizu, and kicked him in the face, then Kai went and tried to cut him, but the man in the coat dodged the knife, then he took a sword and tried to stab kamizu's little sister, then Kai and Anne went to stop him and they were stabbed, then kamizu's consciousness faded. He then awoke next to his big sister and saw a man explaining the situation, so he asked Thea, "What happened?" He learned that his two parents died that day, but his little sister survived, and Thea named her Kitsune.Â