That week, Blake helped out on the ranch, getting to know his cousins again and helping to pay for his keep. He was trying to figure out a way to get a chance to talk to Jennifer, but he hadn't found a way past Molly yet. Kayleigh was unknowingly doing her part by letting her colleague stay for dinner almost every evening. It meant that Molly would still be able to see her boyfriend, but by Wednesday Jake wanted her to come over to his. Beth had been asking to see her and maybe it would be good for her to get to know Blake a bit better.
They had dinner together, which Blake helped his uncle make, before playing monopoly again. By the time they'd finished the game, Molly had to admit that he seemed quite charming. But she also remembered what her sister had told her; he'd won Jennifer over and made her believe he loved her. So she was going to reserve any further judgment for now. She wasn't sure yet if he deserved this second chance, but for her boyfriend's sake she was going to give it to him. Though she was going to try to keep him away from Jennifer for a little while longer.
The Cowboy Homecoming was two weeks later, and the Matthews and Rodgers families decided to go together. Molly was still a little concerned, but Blake had behaved himself the last three weeks and she really wanted to go to the festival with her sister as well as her boyfriend. It would span two days and the whole town was aflutter with stories that this one would be the best one yet, it being the 50th Annual event. Jake and Beth hadn't missed a single one yet, and Jennifer remembered attending before Jackie moved her family away. They all wanted to make sure they attended both days, and local businesses made sure of this by closing early on the Friday.
Some of the events actually started on the Thursday evening, which Jake convinced Molly to attend, with Blake and Beth joining them to Kadobees Bar and Grill, where they crowned the Queen of Homecoming. Beth complained softly to her brother's girlfriend that it was such a fix, as it usually was the high school's Homecoming Queen. Who was of course the most popular and most snobby girl in school. Molly gave her a comforting hug as she chuckled. "Just coz she seems to have it all now, don't mean she'll end up doin' summit with her life. Trust me," she said, thinking of one or two of her old friends from back home in Phoenix; they'd seemed to have it all and be set for an easy ride, but ended up in menial jobs struggling to make ends meet.
On Friday, the gates opened at 5pm, for the tractor pull and two performances by relatively local artists. The next day would be an all-day affair and it was what Molly was looking forward to the most. They had the tractor pull finale, which made her giggle as to how serious everyone took it. She was most curious about the Bull Riding Rodeo, wondering what it was about the sport that had people so excited. It was highly addictive from an adrenaline point of view, as her heart pounded the whole way through. She felt sorry for the bulls though, which made her boyfriend chuckle at how adorable she was.
There were stands dotted around with games and food, and there was even a makeshift dance floor for before the performances started. Molly made sure to pull her boyfriend onto the dance floor, as she'd actually really enjoyed the last time they'd gone to the barn dance together. The music playing was a good mix of newer and more classic country, which meant they were both enjoying themselves with the selection.
Without a warning, you're out of control. The ground shakes and the oceans roll. This is the big one. There's nowhere to run. On the ricochet, love and romance, you hit twelve and you don't stand a chance. This is the big one. I'm fallin' in love.
Jake was twirling her and having a good time dancing with his girlfriend when he recognized one of his old favorite George Strait songs.
No need to panic, I tell myself. But I never felt this feeling with anybody else. So this is the big one, I'm fallin' in love.
"Havin' fun?" Molly asked him with a laugh, seeing that he was looking a little more serious now. He actually blushed a little as he nodded, focusing his attention back on her and pulled her in.
Now this beat beat's my heart sending out a message. Please please please don't save me tonight. SOS in this situation means, she's out of sight. No need to panic, I tell myself. But I never felt this feeling with anybody else. So this is the big one, I've fallen in love. I'm falling in love. Yes, this is a big one, I've fallen in love.
The song, combined with where they were and what they were doing, made him realize that whatever doubts he'd had before about the seriousness of his feelings were gone; Jake was in love with his girlfriend. Now he just needed to find the right time to tell her for the first time.
Jennifer had invited Kayleigh along to the festivities, hoping that having her friend around would keep Blake away. It mostly worked, and she was pleasantly surprised to see that her ex didn't even bother trying to flirt with her friend, for once. In fact, she didn't see him flirt with anyone that evening and he was more than pleasant with her and her colleague. She was still a little suspicious, as she remembered how charming he'd been to start with all those years ago.
But, that weekend and recent weeks, allowed Molly to let her guard down a little. It wasn't that she didn't believe her sister about his previous behavior, but she had the feeling that he'd changed since then. Hopefully he wouldn't prove her wrong. She felt secure enough that, when Jake suggested going for a ride together on the weekend, she agreed to spend the day just the two of them.
Blake took the opportunity the couple's absence afforded him to visit his former girlfriend. He knew it was mean, but he'd been truthful when he'd said he'd missed her. It had been a long time and he knew his behaviour had been atrocious. He wanted to apologize, but he couldn't be sure that he didn't also just want to see if he could convince her to take him back.
He knocked on the front door, hiding away from the peephole so she'd have to open the door. Jennifer cautiously opened the door, stepping out to see who it was.
"Hey Jenny," he said slowly, giving her a smile.
"Go away," she told him and stepped back. Blake stopped her from closing the door. "Blake," she said curtly.
"I came to apologize," he told her carefully. He could tell she wanted to believe him, but didn't. "I know what I did to ye was wrong," he said.
"Okay, great. Thank you," Jennifer said and tried to close the door again.
He locked his elbow to keep the door open. "Jenny, come on. I just wanna talk," he pleaded with his most charming smile. His brown eyes met hers and she fought to look away, struggling to. "Please baby," he whispered, trying again.
She started to shake her head, stopping when he reached out to stroke her face. He could feel her shaking under his touch. "Blake... don't," she whispered, her voice trembling as she felt a tear brimming over her lashes onto her cheek.
"Jenny..." Blake smiled carefully. "Ye haven't changed, yer still so beautiful," he told her, his thumb gently caressing her cheek. "Please can I come in?" he asked.
She swallowed hard, trying to stick to her guns. But she was struggling. She'd dreamed of him coming back so often, apologizing and telling her she was beautiful. She just never thought it would actually happen. So she'd never prepared herself to turn him down, even though she knew that's what she should do. Jennifer shook her head again, but it was with even less conviction than before.
"I... I can't." She tried to step away, but his hand stopped her. She could feel her heart pounding at a million miles an hour. Blake stepped in closer, pausing long enough to give her a chance to push him away, even though he knew she wouldn't. He could feel her body trembling against his chest. His right hand moved up to go through her hair, taking in her face. Scared wasn't the right word, but he definitely saw a version of fear in her eyes. He hesitated for a brief moment before he slowly leaned in to kiss her. She froze when his lips first touched hers, but he didn't give up. Blake kissed her again and again, until finally she gave in and tentatively started kissing him back. He pulled her in closer as he started kissing her more intensely, and she couldn't help reciprocating. As they kissed, he pushed her into the house, not wanting anyone else to see them as well as wanting to see how far he might be able to take this. It was weird feeling this conflicted; he felt bad but the thrill of the chase was intoxicating. "Blake, not so fast," she pulled back a little when she felt his hands starting to move down her body towards her hips and ass.
"I missed ye Jenny," he whispered, moving his hands back to the small of her back in an attempt to hug her and kissed her again. Any objection she may have had melted away as she kissed him back. This time she didn't object when his hands started to roam, massaging her breast and cupping her bum, as he started pushing her towards the stairs. Together they made their way up towards her bedroom.