They lost track of time as they ate and talked more about less serious things. But Molly thought it was actually better this way, as she enjoyed getting to know him better on a more personal level.
It was close to half past 10 before they realized how late it was getting. "I'd better get ye home, before Jen gets suspicious," Jake said, beckoning to the waiter for the bill. Although if he was meeting her tomorrow, he supposed it wouldn't make too much of a difference.
Molly however thought it was better if they didn't make her any more suspicious, just in case they did have to continue keeping it a secret. That would be harder to sustain if Jennifer started keeping a closer eye on her. "Yeah, probably," she nodded, sad the day had properly come to an end now, apart from the drive home.
They had a short walk from the restaurant to his truck and, as soon as Jake had cleared the city and was on the straight road back to Pleasanton, he took hold of her hand. He wanted to make the most of the time they still had left to do so. "So the plan for tomorrow?" Jake asked when he recognized they were about five minutes away from Pleasanton.
"Come round mine for 12.00 and we'll see how it goes. Remember, I'm introducin' ye as our neighbor and a friend," she told him.
"I will if ye will," he teased her with a wink, getting a slight glare in response. He was right of course though, it would be more likely her to forget to behave a bit more formally and unfamiliar with each other.
"And if she doesn't wanna know?" Molly asked just to check again, as it would be him that would need to compromise on what he felt was right if they wanted to keep seeing each other despite her sister's disapproval.
"Then we may have to continue sneakin' 'round," he admitted, confirming what he'd said before when they'd been at the restaurant. "But it'll be fine, she'll be fine," he said, needing to believe that it would work out the right way.
"Of course," she agreed with him, but knowing what her sister was like, she had her doubts. She suddenly recognized where they were, and she didn't want to have to say good night yet. "Today was good, we should try to do somethin' similar again," she said, wishing that could happen sooner rather than later.
"Yeah, for sure," Jake agreed with her. As he pulled into their road, he started thinking of what else he could say to make sure she knew how he felt. But that kind of thing was not exactly his forte. The only thing he could come up with in the end, with time running out, was to show her. As soon as he pulled the truck over just off of her drive, he undid his seatbelt and moved over, wrapping his arms around her as he started kissing her. It took her a little by surprise, but she got over that quick enough and kissed him back. She could feel his fingers slip under her shirt and caress her skin, as their tongues teased each other. A moan escaped her as she pushed up against him. It was the first time since they'd started seeing each other that it felt like things could move beyond just kissing, if they hadn't been in his truck… right outside of her house. She ran her fingers through his hair, trying to stop him from pulling away after a few minutes. "Molls," he breathed in between kisses, trying to disentangle himself, despite the fact that he had initiated this. "Not here okay, we got plenty of time," he said now, breathing heavily, cupping her face and giving her a single kiss. "I'll see ya in the mornin'."
"Yeah, okay," Molly nodded grudgingly, trying to control her breathing. "Night," she gave him a last kiss and made to get her purchases before getting out.
"Night," he said and watched her head back to the house, her free hand going through her hair as she tried to regain her composure and not give away anything to her sister when she walked in. Jake took a deep breath to settle himself before he drove the rest of the short way to his driveway.