Chereads / Western Upheaval / Chapter 32 - Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter 32 - Chapter Thirty-Two

Molly was surprised how tired she felt after the late night last night and really not doing much today. She tidied up in the house a bit as her sister spent one last night preparing for her first day tomorrow. She spent a little bit of time on the back porch reading and enjoying the sun and warm breeze. But she didn't actually do much, which felt almost criminal after all she'd been up to the past week. And especially compared to how much she knew Jake and Duncan would be doing today to keep the ranch functioning. 

But she was happy that she got the chance to spend some time to herself relaxing, before she did start working at Café Chris. 

Jennifer ended up heading upstairs to have a shower and get her clothes ready for tomorrow at 09.30 while Molly still had the TV on. She however gave up soon too, not really paying attention to what she was watching anymore. She did the rounds in the house to lock the doors and turn the lights off before she padded into her room. She quickly changed into shorts and a stringy top before she clambered into her bed and sank gratefully into her comfortable bed. 

It felt like she'd only just dozed off when she heard tap, tap. She half-opened one eye to look around her, noticing she'd left her wardrobe light on, but feeling too tired to get up. 

Tap, tap

Molly opened both eyes now, still not entirely sure what was going on. She decided it must be her tired brain playing a trick on her. 

Knock, knock. 

This time it was right by the window next to her bed, from where she'd be able to see the back porch. Grouchy she sat herself up, going through her hair as she did to peek out the curtains, almost letting out a surprised scream. She had no idea what she'd been expecting to see, but it sure as hell hadn't been Jake. He gestured for her to open the window, which she did, careful not to open it too wide too fast and hit him against the head. 

"Jake, what are you doing here?" she whispered as she leaned on the small sill to be closer to him, so she wouldn't have to talk any louder.

"I couldn't wait 'til tomorrow to see ye," he said in a similar soft tone, which on the one hand made her melt but on the other annoyed her a little. 

"I'm seein' ya at like nine," she objected now. 

"Not soon enough," he answered, finally making her appreciate the gesture for what it was. "Move back 'n I'll climb in," he told her, to which she shook her head. 

"Nuh-huh, I'll let you in," she objected, not wanting to have to move the things off of her window sill. She also figured that if he did try to climb in, he was more likely to fall and make more noise, therefore being more likely to get caught by Jennifer. And there was no way she wanted to die just yet. Molly hopped out of her bed and quietly made her way out of her room to unlock the back door. Jake stepped in quickly, already pulling her in for a kiss as she was still pulling the door shut. It was hard to stay mad at him when he did stuff like that, his hands resting on her hips. She could feel his thumbs brush her bare skin where her top had crept up a little, a tingle running through her as she wished he would touch her more. "We shouldn't stay out here," she said, just about being able to pull away after a minute or so. When he nodded, she stepped away from him and led the way back into her room. It wasn't until he saw her bed that he thought maybe he should've thought his actions through a bit more. Molly got in now, feeling too tired to think of anything else but sleep despite how his kiss had made her feel a minute ago. "What are you doing over there?" she asked when he sat down on her desk chair. "Just get over here," she instructed as she lay down as close to the wall and window as she comfortably could and moved the pillows slightly. Jake hesitated for a moment, then kicked his boots off. He pulled her duvet across the rest of the bed so he could lie down on top of it, instead of under it, next to her. "You're being silly, you know that, right?" Molly teased him a little now. 

He ignored her as he wrapped his arm around her so that she'd be leaning on him. "My pa raised me right," was all he said now, earning a kiss on his cheek as she hugged him. There was no way anyone could think he'd come over for just one thing if they found them like this. Jake hugged her closer, pressing a kiss to her hair. He could tell she was starting to feel tired again, snuggling up against him the best she could. But he didn't mind. This was still better than being at home alone, just thinking about holding her. 


"Molly?" he whispered, his lips near her ear. She groaned as she tried to turn over, but not being able to pull the duvet with her. His chuckle reverberated against her back as he leaned in over her. "Molls, ye need to wake up," he said softly now, pressing a kiss to her neck. She tried to yank on the duvet, which actually only pulled him closer. "Wake up."

"No," she complained, not quite giving up on the duvet yet. 

"Ye silly girl," Jake chuckled, wrapping his arms around her as he pulled her in. 

"Yer not supposed to be this happy this early," Molly grumbled, still refusing to open her eyes but she did snuggle up against him a bit more. 

"I'm a cowboy," he remembered her first lesson, to which she poked his chest feebly, telling him she wasn't impressed. 

"Very cute," she repeated her words to him from that same day. "Seriously though, why?" she asked, still not showing any inclination to actually get up.   

"I have to get back home," he told her, seriously now. He didn't want to get caught by her sister and he didn't really fancy getting into trouble with his father either. 

"Jen'll have left by now," Molly said nonchalantly. She was going by the fact she assumed it was gone 06.30 but she couldn't actually know that for sure. And if Jennifer had already left, there was no rush for him to leave yet. 

"Maybe but my pa will be up 'n startin' work soon," he answered. His words and supposed urgency to leave were belittled by the way he was trying to snuggle in closer to her. Of course, he wasn't ready to leave yet, but he knew it was the right thing to do. She could feel his breath tickling her cheek before he kissed her softly. Molly smiled to herself as she cuddled him closer before turning her face towards him so she could kiss him properly on the lips. He seemed to hesitate initially. "Molls..." he tried to object but got lost when she kissed him harder. Jake let himself enjoy her kisses as he gave in, his hands wandering down her back and hips slowly, enjoying how she felt. How her body was responding to his touch.

It took him only a few minutes before he realized that they were going too fast in their relationship if he didn't leave now. "Molls," he stopped her, sounding a lot more steadfast this time. "I gotta go now," Jake repeated himself. 

She gave him one last kiss but feeling him tense up to stop her was enough to make her realize he meant business now. "Okay," Molly sounded like a grumpy toddler. "I'll see you at nine," she conceded as she let go of him and moved away a bit to let him move. 

"Lookin' forward to it already," he assured her, giving her one more passionate kiss before he got up. "Stay, get some more sleep," he stopped her when she made to get up to let him out. He smiled to himself as she didn't need much persuading and lay back down. "Bye," he said, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Picking up his boots he made his way out of her room quietly, pulling the door shut behind him when he suddenly heard noise coming from the kitchen. Shit, was all he could think, frozen like a deer caught in headlights. Jennifer was pottering about making her breakfast and obviously hadn't left yet. It took Jake a full minute before he was able to get himself to move, thankful he hadn't put his boots on yet. It felt like every foot he moved took agonizingly long; that back door hadn't seemed that far away from her bedroom last night. Slowly he managed to make it and, eyes on the kitchen, he carefully unlocked the back door. He held his breath as he pulled the door open the minimal amount that he'd need to sneak through and snuck out. He didn't release his breath until he'd closed the door without making another sound. He shoved his boots on and almost sprinted away from the house as if it was on fire.