Mua was frustrated with everything." Imagine living in the outskirts of the outskirts" Mua muttered to herself as she was on her way to work.
"Must suck right?" said a voice in the background. Mua wondering where the voice came from, turned back to see a young woman who is about her age behind her. She was tall, blonde with fair skin and green eyes. She was wearing a white shirt and black tights. Mua was surprised to see another powerless person in the inner city.
"My name is Zora" the woman said.
"Mua" responded Mua
The two talked, bonded, and shared experiences of their dreadful time in Atsan.
How they are always discriminated against and how they can't get a decent pay.
Time moved fast , and before you know it, 5 hours had passed.
"We have to hurry.The last bus is leaving soon"
Zora exclaimed.
Despite the fact that they hurried, they were not able to meet the bus.
Zora:What do we do now?
Mua: Do you trust me?
Before she could finish her sentence, Mua had pulled herself and Zora on the bus.
It was a long ride home. The cold wind made everyone shiver. Suddenly, they reached a stop. They were in Atsan. The women were home. But what they met at home was unexpected....