Chereads / Welcome to Urdak / Chapter 3 - Bonds and plans

Chapter 3 - Bonds and plans

Next day came soon enough, I got up early at around 6am and immediately began training, I gotta make the most of my ability, Blank Slate has infinite potential, I gotta make use of it

My Endurance is a bit higher than normal so I could keep at it for hours, at 9am, I finally got a result

"Agility increased! F—>F+"

[It didn't take that long…]

"Master, increasing F rank abilities is not by any means hard, normally children increase it by just playing around, by the time they are 15 most skills are C- rank" that is the norm after all, an average adult has C+ in their core stats, B- and onwards is when people are considered strong"

-Got a long road ahead it seems then…better keep going!

By 12pm, I had also increased Strength to F+ so after another shower I heard knocking on my door, I had already gotten dressed by then so when I opened I saw Hilda with Impa

-Ah! Aunt Hilda, Impa, what can I do for you?

-We came to see you!

-Have you had breakfast dearie?

-I was actually cooking some, what about you?

-You cook too?

-Yup! And I am pretty good Impa!

-Can we try it? Mom? Can we?

-Is it no bother?

Hilda seemed concerned so I smiled gently

-No problem at all! Come in please!

They entered and I went back to the kitchen, I was making some bacon and eggs but it's time to be a bit more fancy, I made a bit of rice, some miso soup and a bit of fish, since Zelda is a japanese franchise, perhaps some of it applies here? I ain't japanese but I do know how to cook, after all I felt awkward at home when only mom cooked, sis never bothered…ok, don't think about that, you'll get sad

Thankfully the fridge had all I needed so I put away the bacon but I still made some eggs for myself anyways, after preparing enough for 3, I served them and they were surprised

-Oh my! All this for us?

-It smells so good!

-Mom used to make that breakfast on special occasions, since this is your first visit, I was a bit fancy, what do you think?

They both began eating and judging by the sparkles in their eyes, they loved it


-This is just as good as Link's!

-I am glad you like it

It was a very peaceful breakfast, after a bit, we were done but Hilda insisted on doing the dishes herself while Impa sat on the couch of the living room and turned the TV on, she changed channels for a bit until finally landing in a cartoon about ninjas in a fictional setting…and it was the Sengoku period…I am noticing a pattern

"History in your world is nothing more than fiction here and vice versa"

[What even is the story of this world?]

"I could tell you but it would take about 38 hours"

[The brief version?]

"The briefest"

[Forget it then]

I sat down with Impa as we watched the cartoon, the main ninja in black was fighting some evil looking samurai, as he disappeared and used multiple ninjutsus, Impa began mimicking him, I chuckled

-You like ninjas Impa?

-I love them! I am actually training to be just like them!


-Yeah! Check this out!

She placed her hands together and suddenly 2 ethereal hands got in front of me, they were see through but they were solid enough

-Guess who?


-Yup, I know how to clone myself! But I can only do one

The hands left me and I turned around to see another Impa smiling at me, though she was completely blue and ethereal

-Wow…that is so cool!

-I know right?

Hilda then said from the kitchen

-Impa! No cloning while in the house of a friend!

-Yes mom! Sorry

The clone disappeared and I sighed

-Why do you want to be a ninja?

-I want to help in the fight against those gates! When I was younger, my cousin Purah nearly got hurt when a monster attacked her and her family, luckily dad was there and he handled the monsters but…

-Dad won't always be there right?

-Yeah, so in order to protect mom, Link and Zelda, I asked Dad to contact anyone who could teach me how to be a ninja! He knew someone, an old man named…Maz…Ko…Koshia, the old man is a very good teacher, but he is so strict!

-Still, the results are amazing

-What about you?

-…I am training too but, nothing too fancy, first I will train my body, then I will learn either a martial art or swordplay!

-Ah, you could join Link then! He always trains with father in the morning, Link wants to be a knight after all

-Eh, that sounds fun, so both you and Link train, what about Zelda?

-She apparently has inherited some ancient power from our mother's family, but she hasn't unlocked it yet, however, when she does, I have been told by mom that all evil monsters will not stand a chance!

Yeah the power of Hylia is to be feared after all

-Still, if only she wasn't such a crybaby…

-She is?

-She can't sleep at night! Mom and Dad have tried to sing lullabies to her but she just can't fall asleep and keeps turning and complaining! It makes night so troublesome…

A lightbulb popped in my head and I said

-Is that right? Give me a second

There were some instruments in the storage room located in my parents bedroom, and I am sure I saw an ocarina in there yesterday!

After a bit of looking, I found it and came back to Impa who was now watching the show with Hilda

-Eric, what happened?

-Well, I heard Impa say that Zelda has issues falling asleep, so I thought I could help

-Oh sweetie, that is very kind of you but you don't need to force yourself

-I want to help! I had the same trouble 2 years ago, it sucks, but I know how to make it better!

Hilda looked at me with a sad smile before seeing the ocarina

-An ocarina?

-Yes, I liked to play music to soothe myself into falling asleep, I no longer need it but perhaps I can help Zelda now

-…Well, she had a bad night…

-Why not mom? Today we are free anyways!

-…Ok, Eric, come with us

I followed them and once in their apartment, we got to Zelda and Impa's room, it was quite royal looking with a double bed that was massive, guess both sisters slept together, their wardrobe massive, a computer on a table in front of the bed, 2 nightstands at each side of the bed with different things on it, and Zelda in some cute bird themed pijamas in bed turning

She noticed our arrival and looked at us grumpily before noticing me

-Hello Eric…

-Hey Zelda…I see you can't sleep


-Well, I know a couple of songs that perhaps can help you

-Songs? But mom sang to me and it didn't work!

-Now now little bird, why not give him a chance?


Her eyes had bags underneath, it was clear that she was having a bad time, so I sat next to her and told her

-Try to relax and think of happy things ok? So that you have a nice dream


She still was grumpy, I placed my lips on the ocarina and began playing

A soothing melody soon covered the room, I was playing "Zelda's Lullaby", if this doesn't work, nothing will! And much to my delight, Zelda's eyes soon closed and she fell asleep with a smile on her face, much to the shock of Impa and Hilda who looked at me in surprise

-Sweet dreams princess

I got up and got close to them

-Let's go

We exited the room quietly and when we got to the kitchen, Hilda hugged me


-Thank you so much Eric!

Then Impa hugged me too

-Yes! Thank you so much! I can finally sleep well at night!

I smiled and after a bit they released me

-What melody is that? It was so soothing…

-It doesn't have a name, it was just something that I played when I felt down and couldn't sleep, but…now I guess I could give it a name

-Well? Tell me!

Impa was excited so I smiled

-Zelda's Lullaby

Impa looked dissatisfied but Hilda smiled gently

-An appropriate name, but are you sure you want to name it after her?

-I think it fits, plus it sounds better than "Eric's Lullaby" you know?

We laughed a bit at that, before Impa yawned

-Oh…even I feel sleepy now…

-Go nap my little ninja, I will wake you up for lunch

-Ok…good bye Eric…

After Impa left and entered the room as well, Hilda thanked me once more

-Thank you Eric…you have no idea how long I have been trying to give Zelda a good nights rest

-Think nothing of it aunt, it is for my friend after all

-You are such a kind boy…

I smiled happily before saying

-I gotta go now aunt, I need to buy some things at the mini market

-Should I come with you?

-Don't worry, I have been doing this since I was six! See ya aunt Hilda!

-…Ok, good bye Eric

I left their apartment and headed down, I had the credit card in my personal inventory, I also placed the Ocarina there for good measure, that is when I felt something change, so I went to Bonds


"89 (Good dreams maker)"


"70 (Gentle and Strong boy)"


"80 (Knight of Dreams)"

Chuckling I left the apartment and using the mini-map I began to explore, the neighbor was quite peaceful and it was full of different sentient races, some humanoid, some not, people constantly stopped me in worry and asked where my parents where, I always gave the same excuse that they trusted me with my first trip to the store alone and I was ready to show them, that was enough to get people off my back

As I explored this neighbor, I arrived at the nearby park, and only one person caught my eye, one girl, one of the most badass bounty hunters ever, the blond hair, the blue eyes, tiny perhaps, but I recognized her face

Samus Aran

I ABSOLUTELY want her on my team! I got the Hyrule trio, now I need to get the badass bounty hunter…or well, I would love to but…well, she is here in the park reading…with her parents nearby

Her parents are alive, if the story will happen regardless, Ridley will kill them and she will become the badass bounty hunter I want on my team…but since I can save them, will I not do anything?

…It is arrogant to think I can save anyone with how little power I have but…there has to be SOMETHING I can do right?

"There is a high likelihood that Ridley will appear on this year, would you like an alarm for when he appears?"


"Alarm set, once Ridley is detected, I will inform you"

Now, I have to get close to them…maybe I am losing an invaluable ally but…I can't just do nothing when I have the chance

I got close to the girl, she was wearing a blue dress with dark blue shorts and sandals, she looked adorable, right now she is reading something, seemingly…ancient ruins of bird people? Ah, Chozo


She turned around and looked at me

-Who are you?

-My name is Eric, a pleasure!

-…Samus, can I help you?

-Why are you here all alone? All the other kids there are playing but you look so lonely

-…It's ok, I just don't like big groups…besides, they called me a nerd for reading…

Kids are assholes holy crap! First Link now Samus?!

-Jerks! I see why you would stay away


-Well, sorry for being pushy, but are you reading about Chozo Ruins?

-! Yes! Do you know about them?

-Yeah, I like them too, though I didn't bring my magazine about them

-It's ok! We can read together

"Intergalactic Bounty Hunter: Samus Aran"

"60 (+40) (Interesting boy)"

Thankfully I was able to befriend her rather quickly with my knowledge of Chozo and their tech, though most of it was me "Theorizing" what they could do, she had a lot of fun just talking to me, we didn't play at all we just talked, she is quite the bright girl, happy and sunny…guess all that died when she lost everything

I am gonna try to prevent her from enduring that, since I have a chance

I soon met her parents, Rodney and Virginia Aran, Rodney is a blond, he is a handsome man with a short beard and brown eyes, he also is rather muscular, guess that's the result of military training? As for Virginia, she is a beautiful woman, blond with a ponytail holding her long hair and blue eyes, they both are in casual clothing, Rodney with a white shirt and a simple black jacket and gray pants while Virginia is wearing a long purple dress, they, just like the Hyrule couple, asked me where my parents were, my response was the same sad story and a forced smile since that is what they would have wanted

Samus looked sad when she heard I was an orphan, while both Rodney and Virginia looked at me with pity, so they told me if I ever needed anything, they lived in a nearby house, so I could go visit any day I wanted, I thanked them for their kindness and said goodbye to Samus and her folks…hopefully I can save them

I kept exploring and eventually left the neighborhood to find myself near a road, this road led to a countryside away from the city, seems like my building was at the edge of the city…it's getting late, I will see where this road leads tomorrow

It was around 6pm, only 40 minutes had passed since I said goodbye to Samus, so I got home with ease and I was rather hungry, luckily I was invited by the Hyrules to have dinner with them, I didn't refuse

After a very pleasant evening, Rhoam thanked me for helping Zelda sleep well while Link looked at me with gratitude, dude doesn't speak but I should be able to learn how to speak with him without the need for words

As we spoke, I eventually asked

-Say…uncle Rhoam

-Yes Eric?

-Impa told me that you are training Link in swordsmanship

-Indeed, my boy here wants to become a Knight just like his father

Link's eyes gained a slight glow as he nodded, I smiled

-Can I ask you to please teach me too?

-You want to learn?

-Yes! I want to learn how to fight uncle Rhoam!

I then gained a solemn atmosphere and said in an angered yet sad tone

-I don't ever want to suffer at the hands of monsters again!

Rhoam looked at me with a serious face, and asked

-I will be a strict teacher, Link can tell you that, are you still sure?

I looked at Link, he nodded with a serious face but I wasn't deterred

-I am sure uncle Rhoam

-Good! Be here at 9am each day, if you are late by even a minute, I will not train you at all, understood?


As I was saying goodbye however, Zelda grabbed my hand


-Sorry Eric…but can you play that song for me again?

I smiled gently


-I am joining too, good night everyone

I followed Impa and Zelda to their room, but I waited outside for a bit since they had yet to put on their pajamas, after that, I went in, pulled the ocarina out and told them to think of happy things before playing the lullaby again

Once they were both sound asleep, I exited and said goodbye to everyone, next day will be interesting

3rd day arrived and I woke up again at 6, so I trained on my own until 8, had breakfast, took a shower and got dressed, then I went to my neighbors, I was there at 8:45 and Rhoam seemed pleased with my punctuality

-Good, you are here early, come on, Link is already practicing his swings

He gave me a wooden sword and we entered the same gym my home had, Link was inside swinging his blade in complete focus

-Do as he does, the objective will be accomplished once swinging your blade feels the same as moving your arm, understood?


I got somewhat close to Link and began swinging my sword like he did, and we stayed like that for 4 hours straight, my arms were on fire and I wanted to quit many times, but Link didn't even flinch, I couldn't give up, if I want to stand side by side with one of my childhood heroes, I need to keep up


My blade fell from my hands and I fell on my ass, Link lowered his arms and used his arm to get rid of the sweat in his forehead, he seemed ok so I commented

-Man Link! You are awesome! How are you ok after that?!

He looked at me and smiled proudly

-Link has been training for a while, honestly, I am amazed by your will! Even Link had issues the first time

-I also train uncle! But even now I feel like my arms are dying…

-Then it means it worked, go take a shower then join us for breakfast Eric

-Right, thanks sir!

I nodded at Link and went to take a shower, then I joined them for breakfast were Zelda thanked me for helping her sleep so happily and in response I merely smiled since my arms are still burning in pain

After breakfast, I left saying that I wanted to explore around, and they suggested the siblings joined me, I agreed and showed them around, we even came across Samus in the park, she was a bit shy around the 3 but since they are wonderful people, we all got along quickly, so we played around for the rest of the day, unfortunately I couldn't explore more, but every day playing with them and talking makes our bond all the stronger

At night, I play the Ocarina to help the girls sleep and I go to my own room, we kept up that pattern for a few days until at last, I was allowed to explore on my own since the kids had to join their parents for a small trip to a restaurant, they offered me to join but I refused, so after they left, I went to explore the countryside, my minimap showed me if an enemy was nearby or not and it was all clear

I explored until at last I came across a small settlement, it was a small village, kinda out of the way, if I rush, it might take me an hour to get here

"This place is worth checking out master"

-I know, I had a feeling

Dunno why, but I was compelled to come here, so I explored the small settlement, the people there looked at me in surprise since such a young boy had arrived by himself, until suddenly, a man came close, he has blue hair which is really striking, he seems like an experienced fighter with a few scars, bit of a rough disposition but overall, I don't sense evil intent

-Hello young man


-What brings you here? Where are your parents?

-I am exploring! It's better to know my surroundings in the future after all

-What about your folks?

I forced a smile

-They are dancing with the angels now

-!…I see, sorry

-It's fine, they saved a lot of people, now I have to grow up to be someone they could be proud of!

-…Then, young man, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me ok?

-I won't! Thank you mr…

-Gaidel, call me Gaidel

-A pleasure mister Gaidel! I am Eric!

-A pleasure, say, since you are here, why not meet my daughter? She is around your age but she is very shy, perhaps you 2 can become friends?

Gaidel? The name is familiar somewhat…regardless, a daughter huh? Let's meet her

-I would love to!

-Good, follow me boy

After a bit, we reached his house where I saw a girl with blue hair quietly reading, she was completely focused on it, once again, my heart dropped

"Silent Soldier Leona Heidern"

Not Heidern yet…but that is Leona… a little girl with the same striking blue hair and blueish…kinda cyan eyes, wearing a black shirt and camo pants oddly enough…so that is why Gaidel sounded familiar, the Hakkesshu has yet to reach here, another need to add to the list, [Monica! Mark this location once Goenitz arrives so I can rush here]


-Leona! Come meet our guest!

She put down the book and looked at me, she seemed wary of me until Gaidel mentioned

-So young man, what brings you here? This time the whole story

-I am learning how to be independent and training myself, mom and dad saved a lot of people before going to the angels, I want to be strong like them!

Gaidel smiled and seemingly had an idea

-Leona also happens to train, why not spar?


She seemed concerned but I smiled

-Why not? Leona right? I am Eric! It's a pleasure to meet you!

My harmless smile seemingly got her to relax a bit and she agreed to spar with me, dunno if this is the best way to become friends, but I guess Gaidel knows best

Much to my shock, despite being so young she is absurdly strong, I used appraisal and got her stats


"Rank: D"

"Age: 9"

"Strength: D+"

"Agility: D+"

"Magic: F"

"Endurance: C"

"Charisma: C+"

"Luck: F"

"Perception: C+"

Holy shit that is unfair! No wonder I am getting my ass kicked! Still! No matter how weak I am, I still fought to my utmost! I may be an F, but I will not give up!

So yeah, I got destroyed, once I hit the ground exhausted, Leona came close and offered her hand, she said nothing but had a soft smile I smiled back

-You are amazing Leona! How are you so strong?


-I need to train harder then! Can you teach me?



"65 (+55) (Approved weakling)"

Ouch, but ok, I will change that one to worthy rival!

-Still! You are not bad yourself Eric! If you want to train or just play with Leona again, just come any day ok?

-Ok uncle Gaidel! Thank you!

I then looked at Leona

-Wanna play?

She didn't answer and instead looked uncomfortable

-Oh, in that case, wanna listen to some music?

That caught her attention and Gaidel said

-Sorry Eric, we don't have a computer

-We don't need one!

I pulled out the Ocarina

-You can play?

-Indeed! I like to play music when I am bored, I called this one "Prelude of light"

Yeah, I am gonna do whatever and copy what I know if the result works

Both were entranced by the beautiful song until eventually, I stopped and smiled

-What do you think?


-It was wonderful, you are quite talented aren't you?

-I have free time, might as well use it…


-Don't worry

Leona wanted me to play more themes so I humored her and by the end of the day, I said goodbye and promised to come again, as I left, I looked at our Bond and smiled


"75 (Talented weakling)"

Gotta make the most of it