Chereads / Games We Play -Shaman / Chapter 25 - Pet Satan

Chapter 25 - Pet Satan

"W-What did you do to me?" Serafall asked as she was feeling her magic going haywire! He only took a few drops from her! It should be impossible for a human to do long-lasting damage or disrupt her large magic reserves like that!

"I am using blood magic developed by a race of people who existed for more than 6 thousand years.

Their blood magic mastery is far greater than anything I saw. They could evolve creatures from simple flying lizards to dragons who can grow Infinitely."

The Satan Leviathan frowned when the guy knew what she was thinking.

"...F-Fine… you win." She said that while slowly standing up. Her world was still spinning while her magic was haywire.

"...Stop this thing…I am getting sick…"

"If you say so."

The older ex-Sitri sighed in relief when it stopped. She then frowned heavily at him and tried to punch him with heavily imbued magic power. But that moment her magic was dispelled and Raynor was no longer in front of her!



A heavy slap to her ass made Serafall squeak loudly!

She once again tried to respond but once again her magic got dispelled and another smack into her rear.


"You don't use magic on your Master."


Serafall turned around and saw him behind her. He was showing his hand which was quite red. As he spanked her hard. It sends shockwaves through her whole being.

"W-What crazy magic is this!?"

Instead of answering her once again her world has changed and she was standing in front of him.

He wrapped his hands around her and pulled her closer to himself from behind.

"You have been forever added to my summoning list. Have you heard about summoners who can summon pets to their side?"

"Y-You…are crazy…"

"Sweetling… I have waged war against the whole continent on my own. Do you think I won't claim Satan as my pet?"

'Sona was right about this guy… he has no fear of us whatsoever.'

"...I understand…"

"No, you don't. I can sense your dishonesty and disobedience. I will train you until you are obedient Sera~"

"...You are going to do this to your future sister-in-law?"

"Oh…so now you are using this card. What about this card at the beginning when you first appeared in front of me~?"

The black-haired twin tails beauty had some shame to blush for her shameless behaviour.

"... you can't do this to me, I can't be your summon, I have a political position and responsibilities."

"Oh you mean being a cheerleader with a magical girl suit?"

She started to pout like a hamster when she heard that! It helps in her negotiations!

"Now, now… you are my sweetheart. A catch I won't give up."

"...There will be consequences…and I am not threatening you, I am simply saying that Devils will investigate my disappearance.

Why don't we compromise on this?"

By this point, she was talking sweetly with him. Internally she was terrified of how heavily he can impact Devils…this human.


That's simple, I will give you some time. Find a replacement for your position. I will wait. Once you do, you will be mine forever." As he said that his hands wandered to her assets and squeezed them for a bit.

Which made Serafall's breathing get hotter. Though she controlled herself.

"...You…fine…I will do as you ask… and what about Sona? What are you going to do to my sister?"

"You are a silly girl for a Satan. Your sister has been honest and a good girl. Girls like that are perfect girlfriend material. Unlike you. She will be Princess. And you could have been a good Sister-In-Law but you decided to try to establish dominance. And for that…"

He squeezed her boobs once more.

"You will be my summon. You should be glad, if not for Sona's request I might have killed you."

"...You…are mad~"

"No, I simply don't take shit from people."

"Sometimes it's wise to compromise to live longer to fight another day."

"Indeed. When prey runs away next time you will be prepared even better."

Internally she groaned. This was not what she meant!

"...Fine, FINE, you win… what is it you want me to do?"

"Well, first you will fix the mess you caused then you are going to give me your phone number. We will be in touch. And three I will tell Sona about your escapades. For a siscon, you are a failure."

"W-Wait! I-I didn't try to kill you! I-I just wanted to interrogate you and…maybe threaten to keep your hands to you—Ahhh~"

Raynor squeezed her nipples quite hard which made Serafall slightly moan.

"She is my girlfriend, and she was the one who came to me. I am very certain she will be pissed at your half-baked efforts."


He released her after this. The Leviathan looked quite defeated… by a human no less.

She then summoned her phone and pressed a few buttons before showing her number to him.

The Wolf King did the same thing; he pulled out his phone and entered a new contact number which he named 'Sera~'.

He then called her.


"...Sailor Moon? Really?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing is wrong. Didn't expect it. My ringtone is from Bleach." He said with a shrug.

Serafall sighed before motioning with her hand and a bunch of circles appeared around and removed all the ice and restored the pavements.

"Can I go now?"

"Sure. I will see you very soon, in the meantime enjoy a call from Sona."

The Leviathan palled before disappearing in a circle.

~~~~~~High in The Air, Above Raynor's Town~~~~~~

"...It appears another Scathach is born. What do you think father?" A burly blond man asked his father after seeing the short battle on the ground.

"...You are not wrong. Though he is more than Scathach in terms of what one is.

The Celtic Godslayer only cared about martial prowess, this one here is a Hunter. He sees it as a sport."

The blonde man slowly nodded when he heard that. A hunter who sees Powerful supernatural entities as a sport to hunt?

How does one develop such a mentality? In this age?

"Thor, send your son. As God of Hunt, he will find him interesting. It's time we foster relationships with him."

"I will, Father."

After witnessing that everyone was gone the pair of Norse Gods disappeared.


Serafall was biting her lower lip when she saw that Sona was calling her.

This was the worst! She even named him 'THE Bully!' in her contact list.

Eventually, she couldn't stand this and picked up the phone.


"Sister are you mad!?"


"Do you want to ruin the deal I have been working with!? Did you know that he knows Fertility magic? It's extremely versatile? He can cast it on people, plants, or even death land!"

"...Wait what!?"

"You are far too impatient!"

'Only when you are involved…' Serafall thought to herself.

"...I see…if he truly can do this…then Devilkind will change forever…"

"Would. But now you attacked him! Tried to use force on him!"

"A-And!? He won! He made me his slave!"

"Maybe it's for the best? He will make you work instead of wasting time."

"S-So-tan! You can't speak to your older sister like this!"

"I can and I will. You tried to kill my boyfriend!"

"I-I-I didn't!"

"You turned the entire area into an iceberg. I felt a drop in the temperature even in my area. You can't escape from this!"

"F-Fine! Maybe just a little…I was spooked out by his sheer bloodlust!"

"I see. I told you not to mess with him. Regardless, I will see you soon. Now that Raynor can summon you."

Serafall grimaced when she heard that. It was as if Sona was enjoying her suffering.

'It's all that wild boy's fault!'

For a second she remembered his hands on her body! It made her feel certain goosebumps.

Honestly… she felt that he could have done much more for her…like taking her right in the middle of the street. She is certain… he would do it.

For a second she shook her head. This was not the time!

She needs to get out of this issue. She can't do this alone.

'I could ask Sir-chan for help. He could arrange something!'



Serafall blasted into Lucifer's office.

The silver-haired maid with red eyes looked at the invader with annoyance. She was right behind the crimson-haired Lucifer. Watching him work.

Making sure he is doing his job.

"Sera what is it? I am busy."

"You are always busy! Anyway! I have a huge favour to ask!"

As the Leviathan said that she swiftly walked over and took her seat in front of the table.

"What is it? You look serious."

"This is important," Serafall said with an uncharacteristic serious look. This made the pair look serious as well.

"Oh, do tell me what is on your mind."

"Remember the So-tan finals match in Stockholm?"

"I do believe she lost? You have been living in some small European country for a while….did something happen to Sona's Fiance?" Sirzechs asked curiously. The boy looked like someone with a lot of promise. A good Bishop.

"Yes it did…and it's something absurd…"

"Absurd how?"

"He got spirited away…for five years… he returned as a changed man… he became a wild hunter like a man with an array of esoteric magic."

"...Wait a second… spirited away? As in transported…"

"In his sleep."

"...The only being who can do this is the Great Red…" The maid said from behind the Crimson Lucifer.

"Exactly! Though he was transported to a medieval world with strange magics… his magic could ignore my ice, he can wield an array of blood magic, and soul magic, and his weapons are strange too."

"...You sound like you fought him…" Lucifer pointed out with raised eyebrow.

"...I did and I lost…"



"...You serious?"

Serafall stiffly nodded at him.

"...And there was something more?" He asked more, his intuition is telling him she did something more than just a mere attack.

"...He used his magic on me."

"...which did?"

"Turn me into his summon." The Leviathan said as plainly as she could.



"...Are you telling me that one of the Four Satans is a mere summon to a human?" The silver-haired maid said with a 'no bullshit' tone.

"If the public learns of this…we will become a laughing stock of the supernatural world."

Sirzechs nodded to what his wife said.

"So, you want me to deal with this issue?"

"N-No! This is all on me! What I want is for you to strike a deal. Currently, I am at a major disadvantage when it comes to negotiating with him! One of the esoteric magic he learned is fertility magic! According to Sona, it works on people, land, even dead land!"

"...You saying he could potentially solve Devil fertility issues!?" The Crimson Lucifer said this with a contemplated look.


"...You are putting me in a disadvantageous position. I still need to fix your issue and get that Fertility magic."

"...Umm…he told me to find a successor because he wants to keep me around."

"...Sera… it's not easy to replace you. From sheer Power to your diplomatic skills."

"...Grayfia can take my position! We fought for it already!"

"...You do know it's not possible anymore."

Serafall pouted upon hearing that.

"I will speak with him. And we might be able to negotiate something."

"Fine. I can tell you a few things about him, as well as what Sona learned."

The Leviathan sighed in resignation, she had messed up big time. So, she started to tell all that she could recall and some of her speculations. On top of that, she added what she understood and what she learned about the world where he was spirited away.

It's something they need to Investigate. Maybe there is a way to breach it? Or it was just a simple decision on Great Red's side and he just threw the boy into this random dimension.

~~~~~~With Raynor~~~~~~

[Serafall Leviathan]

[Type: Devil]

[Bloodline: Sitri {Mutated}, From 72 Devil Pillars]

[Magic: Ice, Devil, Dark, Soul]

[Talents: Charisma, Diplomacy, Ice Magic, Acting, Dancing]

[Obedience: 64%]

[Loyalty: 36%]

'Her loyalty and Obedience are slowly growing even when I am not around. Is she constantly thinking about what she has done?'

Raynor thought about it as he would check Serafall's interface. It's like getting that rare summon and constantly checking to make sure it doesn't go anywhere. Not that it can go anywhere.

*Phone Vibrating*

The Wolf King checked his phone, it was Sona.

[Sona: I talked with my sister, I made sure she knew that I was displeased.]

[Raynor: *Thumbs Up*]

[Sona: The thing we talked about the Fertility Magic…you are not scraping it, are you?]

[Raynor: Nope, I don't. I am sure your people have some things to offer. It's a card I keep on the table.]

[Sona: Great! If you use it the Devil Council will get off my back.]

Raynor smiled for a bit.

[Raynor: Sure, you can join that train.]

The Wolf King encouraged his Devil Girlfriend. If side effects of his deal help her then it's even better. He will be able to keep her close without even doing anything. Efficiency at its best.

[Sona: Thank You, See you Tomorrow! *Heart*]

After chatting with Sona, Raynor cooked up some food. And thinking about the battle he had with Serafall. It was a dance at the blades' edge.

He knows that the Leviathan slowly decided to kill him as the fight progressed; the amount of ice she was throwing around was proof of that. She was serious. He was saved by Durran Anti-Elemental Magic and Valyrian Blood Magic back then.

Though this reminds him of Valyrian Blood Magic. That thing was on a completely different level, almost at biological evolution.

This gave him ideas.

He swiftly walked to the table and opened one of the drawers. Pulled out an A4 white paper and started to draw.

The Hunter has envisioned a totem empowered by two of his magics.

Specifically made for his wolves. He is planning to breed wolves, and for that he needs kennels. And if he has kennels why not don't add a Totem there? With Anti-Elements, Anti-Gods, plus with Blood stimulation for evolution?

If he is lucky they will become dire wolves or even Mythical things like the Ragnarok Wolf itself the Fenrir.

After thinking for a while he started to draw.

~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~

The school was pretty much the same as the last two days. At least in Raynor's eyes.

He ignored the whispering, the awe, and other stuff from the normies. Instead, he planned things for Arno. This weekend he is going to take them, including Sona to Dragonstone.

The plan is to introduce them to his ladies as well. The Wolf King already suspects that Sona knows that he has some sort of girls. He can see that in her eyes.

Apart from doing the same stuff as the last two days, on the old school day, he got a message from Serafall.

There were a multitude of praying emojis…

[Sera~: Pleaseeeee can you speak with my colleague about the Fertility magic you have? I will be forever grateful to you!!! *Pray**Pray**Pray**Pray**Pray*]

[Raynor: Good to hear that you are having that 180 change in attitude.]

[Sera~: I am already suffering! There is no need to put salt on the wounds!]

[Sera~: But yes! I learned my lesson. So can you do it? He is willing to give some great benefits to you. Like for example access to forests that have beasts not seen on Earth!]

Raynor's eyes glittered for a second. He could not stop grinning seeing that! She truly is a devil!

[Raynor: Sounds good. Oh, and make sure your weekend is free, we will be going somewhere.]

After saying that he pocketed his phone. He did ignore her request for explanations. Instead, he focused on carving some arrows and filling them with souls ready for explosion. He did use three of these on Sera.

Sometime later another message from an unknown number.

[???: Raynor Valeron, I am Sirzechs Lucifer, and I wish to speak to you at your convenience, what is the best time for that?]

'As expected from Sera, she already involved the Crimson Satan. Though getting stuff from him will be the best.'

[Raynor: There is a Coffee shop in the Town Centre where I live, hard to miss since there is only one. I will see you there in 40 minutes?]

After answering the message Raynor added new contact to his list. Named him Crimson Satan.

[Crimson Satan: I will see you there.]


Sirzechs looked at the teen who entered the coffee shop. He bought off the entire thing for this moment.

'His magic reserves are mid-class the best. Though…the number of souls around him…How many people did he kill?'

He has seen wars…

And Sera was right. He does have godly essence around him. Though it's too weak to be considered at the ranks of demigod.'

As he was thinking about it the teen sat down in the seat in front of him.

"Raynor Valeron?"

"That would be me. I assume Sera went to talk with you about her situation?"

The crimson-haired man slightly smiled at him.

"She did. More precisely she talked to me about how she messed up. and I am here to clean it up."

"...Oh, you talking about Fertility Magic I have? I heard Devilkind has issues with it."

"Yes. According to her, you can manipulate it."

"Indeed, it's a legacy magic I inherited from a Spring God-like figure. His large number of descendants created half of the noble houses in the continent I was living in for five years. His magic does work. I can even amplify it with blood magic even further."

"Interesting. Care for a demonstration? If this works, Underworld is willing to pay…a lot." Sirzechs said that with a very serious tone.

To which Raynor smirked. He can see money figures and some other things waiting for him on the other end.


For advanced chapters (+6 chapters) mypat : pat




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