Chereads / Games We Play -Shaman / Chapter 12 - Highgarden

Chapter 12 - Highgarden


"What do you mean you are pulling out!?" Tywin asked furiously. As he slammed his hand on the table. He was still blind to the situation that King's Landing was gone.

House Tyrell is already acting on this situation.

"I received word that King's Landing has been attacked by the Wolf King."

The old Lion's eyes widened to a huge degree.

"The city is gone. All that is left is a crater which has been filled up by the seawater. My apologies, Lord Tywin but I was instructed to return to Highgarden with all my banners." Garlan Tyrell. The older brother of Margaery said with a courteous tone. He was the one who was leading the command to all of the 100 thousand Reachmen.

"...The city is gone…but this is impossible…"

"The Queen Dowager, King Joffrey, and an array of other nobles have been erased. We don't know what the Wolf King's next move."

"...Fine…you can go. I need to think."

Tyrell nodded before turning around and walking out.

"...My Lord—"

"Send out scouts, double time Kevin!" The old Lion swiftly ordered his younger Brother while pouring some wine into a goblet.

The Lannister nodded before matching to organise scout groups. They need answers!

"One huge mess… What now? How to fight this thing?"

Tywin never faced such an enemy before. Taking out the biggest city of Westeros and they didn't even know!

At that moment the old Lion realised something…how had Tyrell learned of this before he did?

His expression turned much more sour. Something is in motion! Though he has no idea, he needs context, acting blindly will only get him killed!

Though he finally got some answers several days later one of the groups returned with Tyrion.

Tywin was already waiting for him.

"What happened?"

"Directly to questioning? I just arrived, give me some wine at least?"

"I have no time for your farce. You were in King's Landing, tell me what happened!" Tywin snapped at the dwarf.

"Fine. But first, let me give you a message from that…thing."

This made the old man feel a chill wash his body. Him a message? Is that Wolf…King already targeting him?

"He said, as I quote 'Tell your old man to pack his things and go back to his Rock. Otherwise, I will turn Casterly Rock and Lannisport I into a crater, like King's Landing'." Tyrion parroted what Raynor said to him.

"...I see…tell me what happened? Did you talk with him? I want the details."

The Imp just nodded and proceeded to enter the tent where there is a large meeting table and there is a goblet with wine on it. He poured some wine for himself and proceeded to tell things from his perspective. He skipped the part where he was in a brothel, instead he said that he was exploring the town. Then he had a specific urge to leave the city and how the entire population left the city just like he did. Eventually, he reached the part where only Tyrells escaped. The dwarf said his theory on why they survived was most likely Margaery charm or something like that which allowed them to escape everything.

He then told about the explosion and how the whole city glowed white and turned into nothing before the sea swallowed the crater, how he was blinded and deaf for a while as it was just that insane.

And finally…he said that it was Margaery who did it. The Wolf King gave some sort of a stick and said that she will do the honours.

"...I see…I understand the situation. For now, we will retreat to Casterly Rock and wait."

What Tywin didn't know is that Tyrells are using this opportunity to expand their influence. While the old lion gets cautious, Tyrells will be opportunistic. It will take time for Tywin to get over the fact that his legacy which he tried to make great is nothing more than in shambles. Most of his children and grandchildren are dead. What he got left is a deformed dwarf.

This whole event has shaken him intensively. So he will be preoccupied.

While this is happening the Reach will work on gaining new territory as Iron Throne is gone. What has been uniting the continent is gone.

It's returning to battle royale how it was back in the days before the dragons. And Reach has the upper hand in manpower, hell they might be able to employ the Wolf King in some fashion, in other words they are the ones who hold the upper hand and all the cards.

~~~~~~Around the Same Time in Highgarden~~~~~~

The first thing which comes to mind when you see Highgarden is that the castle is from a fairy tale. Like those old Disney movies. It was big but at the same time it was full of gardens, and roses do dominate most of it. There are labyrinths made from bushes. And the weather is just perfect for agriculture.

A much greater upgrade from the whole smell of shit and piss like King's Landing. The more he thinks about it the better he is feeling about blowing it up.

Apart from that, he meets Mace Tyrell, the father of Margaery Tyrell. All I can say is that the only thing she inherited from him is his brown hair. That's it. The rest is her mother. The dude is a fat bubbling fool. Both Oliana and Margaery insisted on not paying attention to any sort of slight this man can do.

The man is a doofus, so Raynor didn't interact much with him. All he wants is to give him Margaery, which he did…this was where Raynor saw something which made him smile.


[REWARD: Companion Interface]

As Mace Tyrell bitterly agreed, he quickly got happy when Oliana said that he will be the King.

So he quickly forgot about making Margaery the Queen. Being King himself is better in his opinion.

As the meeting was over Margaery pulled him aside. There was a weird look on her face.

"...The moment Lord Father agreed to give me to you I felt something. It's like something washed my whole body…"

"My magic claimed you."

"What does this mean? What will happen to me?" She was worried. The Brown haired girl never dealt with anything like this. She wasn't trained to deal with magic…

"You are mine now. In the most literal sense. My magic is symbolistic and ritualistic. This means that all the conditions were met when your father agreed to give me to you."

" is magic…what does it do to me?"

"Allows me to summon you as I do with my wolves."

Her eyes widened for a bit. Now that's… convenient…terrifying!

"What? You don't like it? You don't need to travel with me the whole time, quite convenient. I could just summon you when the tent is all built up."

As he said that he wanted to see her expression. She had an unreadable look, he wants to know how she will continue to progress.

"...If this is what you want. I could follow you normally." Margaery said it smoothly. Though internally she was barely holding herself. She started to feel that she was getting out of her depth.

"Heh~" He lifted his hand and stroked her cheek before his fingers played with her lips.

"A good answer. You did pass one of my tests. You do know that we are in the same boat now? I might be the one who placed those totems for the explosion but you are the one who broke them with that stick. In other words, you blew up King's Landing while I blew up Winterfell."

"...Good to know." She said with quite a nervous tone.

"Don't be nervous dear, impress me enough and I will make you into a Shaman yet."

"...Shaman? Is this a Northerner wizard thing?" She asked very curiously. Magic is something a woman will get hooked on, just as much as any man would.

"In a way. Just like how you have archers, Pikemen, and Men-at-Arms you have magic users with different arts.

A Shaman is connected to nature and spirits. They perform rituals that help them harness the souls of animals." As he said that he pulled out a steel sword and showed it to her.

At that moment there was a glow of white around him. Margaery for a second needed to shake her head because she just saw a wolf and a bear next to Raynor!

He then started to bend the sword as if it was made from some sort of soft material.

"What you just witnessed was me borrowing powers from animals."

"...A wolf and a bear…I saw it!"

"Aye. Good girl, you understand then."

"...Will I be able to do such things?" She asked with a gushing tone. Honestly, she was excited with such strength! She could rip a person apart or punch someone to death! Of course… in defence! She is a lady after all!

"In time. For Shaman power to work, you need to hunt them down and do all the rituals by yourself. Nature has to accept the whole process. Once you do it then you can claim the animal soul."


He nodded at her and pulled out a wooden carving and handed it over to her.

"...This is…"

She inspected the wooden statue…it was a man… A Familiar man…

"...This…is Jaime Lannister!?" She said with wide eyes before she turned pale. She understood what this is!!!

"Be careful, don't break it." He warned her as he saw how her hand was shaking.

"...This is…you stored his soul in a wooden statue."

"Yep, I wanted to give this to his beloved sister, but that bitch was not capable of speaking normally."

Margaery slowly nodded. She has underestimated just how dangerous and utterly terrifying Raynor can be! Even in death, they can't escape his anger! This made her steel herself to make sure she never offends or does something to him.

Otherwise, she and her family will suffer…even in death!

"Maybe it's for the best. She would be even more hysterical." The brown-haired girl said smoothly as she handed over Jaime Lannister's statue.

"...Maybe you are right. My talent lies in provoking people. I don't think I can think of ways to speak normally with such…a…"

"Bitch. I know. How about this? Let me handle speaking with nobles and such. I was raised to be in a court?" She offered this to him.

He simply shrugged at her before pulling her closer to himself.

"Fine me. Now, why don't you show me around your Highgarden?"

"As my Lord commands~"


Strangely enough, Raynor was feeling weird. It was far too quiet, far too peaceful. Highgarden was beautiful, the most beautiful Castle he has ever seen. But it's just that… It's beautiful.

It was more like a women's club. He had a hard time seeing this place as a man's thing. Maybe because of all those roses. Too girly? Not enough war trophies?

Anyway, after getting his room the Hunter swiftly walked over and took a seat, and then opened his new Interface.

The Companion Interface.

[Margaery Tyrell]

[Type: Human]

[Bloodline: Garth The Greenhand]

[Magic: Herbology, Potioneering, Gardening]

[Talents: Diplomacy, Gardening, Administration, Acting]

[Obedience: 100%]

[Loyalty: 80%]

"...Whoa… I didn't expect this…so she does relate to that Chad who created half of the houses of Westeros."

For a second Raynor remembered about the Original Gardener who banged shit ton of chicks…like the original Harem Master.

Regardless of her bloodline, she does have original First Men blood, well more like a specific powerful descendant. Who is known to build the Highgarden and live with his harem…

Well, anyway, this leads him to indeed want to train her to be useful. Like making potions and growing magic herbs.

After thinking for a while he decided to come up with a plan to train her.

~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~

"My Lord, I have heard much about you. I am Wilas Tyrell, the Heir of Highgarden."

Weirdly looked at him for a bit. Thinking about this Heir, he already likes him! The reason is that Raynor could smell nature around him.

"...You…breed animals. I can sense it."

His eyes widened before smiled at him.

"Indeed! My Lord, I have heard about you raising an army of wolves, and using them like no one else could, my dear sister told me that you can command them with a simple whistle!"

"Aye. I do command but my boys are for war and hunting."

Now he smirked for a bit.

"Same, I raise them for hunting."

"I want to see them." Now, Raynor was interested! Did he find a kindred soul in this God-forsaken world!?


"It appears I will lose him to my brother. How quickly allegiance changes." Margaery said as she observed from the balcony. Her eyebrows were twitching. She was jealous!

"You are being dramatic, it's only been a single day." Loras Tyrell, her third brother said with an eye roll.

"Shouldn't you be with your lover? Renly would love your attention right now."

"...You even want to keep me away from your new King?" He said with a smirk. Is she worrying that he will try to flirt with him? Honestly, he is terrified of this Wolf King. He doesn't have that high of courage to try. And from his understanding, he is only interested in women. Even so, is Margaery that protective?

"...King? Is that what people call him? From Boy to Hunter, to King?"

"...You just don't know how people are terrified of him, Westerlanders started calling him King to make themselves look like they are fighting an actual army and a King behind it. Do you know how embarrassing it is to constantly say that over 150 thousand men are fighting a single boy?"

For a second she had a deadpan look. It did make sense.

"I can see that. Though you don't need to tell me how terrifying it is. I witnessed everything myself."

Loras simply nodded. Sadly enough he was with Renly, then he had to leave. Before he could even join Reachmen forces he was already back home at Highgarden everything was happening so fast…


"Those are Eagles… *Whistle*"

Raynor whistled as he walked over to see nesting Eagles, Hawks, and Falcons.

"Yes. I sell these to fellow Lords. Sometimes I give some as birthday gifts."

The hunter nodded his head multiple times. By this time all the flyers are looking at Raynor for the simple fact that they sense his power.

"I can see that they already noticed you. Your magic is impressive."

"It comes with the perks of being a skin-changer and a tamer. Regardless. I do have a proposition for you."

"Oh? Do tell me I am listening."

"I need a Falcon and an Eagle to add to my arsenal. As payment, I will fix your leg."

Wilas looked shocked to hear that! Can he heal his leg? The thing with the Heir of Highgarden is that he was part of a joust where he got his leg broken in a way that he was cripple.

"Can you heal my leg?"

"I am practising specific magic which is deeply connected to hunting and shamanistic rituals. They involve animal souls and the life force of an animal. If you are lucky enough you could potentially unlock your First Men Blood magical properties. Like skin-changing or even Greenseer."

"...This- I need to think about."

"Don't worry you won't be turning into an animal or something like that… the worst that could happen is you would gain the animal's years of living. And the increased physical constitution."

"This sounds like a bonus… Fine, I suppose I could do it. Maesters said that there is no way for me to heal from this injury as it is."

"Good. It has been some time since I worked on a proper Totem and not one meant for exploding."


Wilas didn't need to hear that…


Raynor found a perfect opportunity to test how Totem and blood magic could improve one's physique and heal one from seriously maiming injury.

He is seeing this as an opportunity to heal Wilas which the Hunter already sees as good-friend-ish. Being Margaery's brother gives some bonus points.

But the thing was nature approves of Wilas so, Raynor could potentially get someone who can help him in acquiring new animals.

He always wanted a Falcon and an Eagle to be added to his Summoning Arsenal. The only issue was that they are hard to find in the wilderness of the North.

Another important thing is to expose Margaery to how Shamism works. He doesn't expect her to cut trees and work on big totems but small-scale carving or even hunting with a bow… now that's quite hot…

"Are you sure I can use this area? We are some distance away from Highgarden?"

Raynor arrived at a small forest area some distance away from Highgarden, he was in a small group with Tyrells including a few house guards.

"Yes. The surrounding areas are part of Tyrell territories, and we are far away from the roads. This means no one will see you doing your rituals." Wilas said to the hunter.

"Good enough. After I am done with the Totem we will go on a hunt. The most important part is that you have to do the hunting of the beast. Once it's hunted down you will be the one to bleed it out as well. Blood is the life force of the beast, it's what will give you the vigour of that animal."

"Understood. Though it sounds quite gruesome."

"Nature is wild and cruel, we are the ones who try to look at its beauty while ignoring the bloody parts."

As Raynor said, he dismounted his horse and proceeded to summon his wolves.

This was what had freaked out the guards and the pair of Margaery siblings. Seeing a huge black wolf just pop out. The beast then summoned a few of his pack members.

"Go and find me a good tree."

The wolves howled before dashing into the forest.

"...Then can you find trees too?"

"If you train them well enough they can find you gold as well. Don't underestimate their noses."

Wilas already started to think about how to train his hounds in ways to look for metals, which sounds like a good business opportunity!


For advanced chapters (+15 chapters) mypat : pat




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