Today was a new day, and we had to leave, and we went to look at our other homes. When we got to the other house that everyone knew, it was destroyed, and now we knew that it was not an accident or whatever anyone was calling it. I also notice a camera looking at the house and whatever is coming down the driveway. It was connected to a concrete outhouse-sized building, and when I went to look and behold, it held all kinds of surveillance for the property, luckily it was hidden so that no one would have seen it, but still, it was great. I was watching the upload to the storage cloud and the hard drive that I had with me as I was coping it, it took only about 3 minutes because of so much data was being downloaded. It finally finished so we left the place and went to our underground shelter slash house if you want to call it that. I took the hard drive and connected it to the computer to watch the videos on it. What I saw will never leave my mind as I saw headshots and the faces that killed all of our family members and some friends. The face of the one who did all of this will never leave my memory for the rest of my life. I wept for the family members and our friends who died and the kids who never made it. I knew now that we were being hunted down for whatever reason, but I will find out why, and when I do I will not give no quarter at all for that person who did this to us. I did not show my brothers the video at all because I did not want them to go out and get themselves killed for trying to take revenge on that person. I know that we need to stay hidden because the person who did this is very good at what they do and I did not want them to die because of that person who did the order for our family to be killed. It took some time, but I got us new names and passports and I had all of our family accounts moved the day before I knew something was going to happen but not what. I was so happy I moved it, but sad because our family was killed because of that man I shall not name at the moment. I will have my revenge for what they did.
"Brothers come down I need to talk to you." I know that they heard me because they were all in one room when I called for them.
Brother 1 "What did you need my dear brother?"
Brother 2 "Yes dear brother what is it?"
Brother 3 " Yes how can I be of use to you my dear brother?"
"I know that we would be going into hiding and I figured out how to do it and I have already had it done but the main problem is the back story and background need to be made and I know that we are brothers but brother 1 we need to change our name and pretend that we do not know each other at all. That includes you also brothers 2 and 3. I do not like this at all like you but we will all end up in the same area we will be going to, so we do not need to worry that much but we do need to worry about being trailed and being held up and we can not be traveling the same way to the destination so ill be taking the longest route and you three will be going different ways and only two of you will be brother on paper but will have no way of being association with you three on paper but we all know we are brothers, but we need to split up so that we will not be trailed and that means no living pass our meager means on the paper at all so that means no spending large amounts of money or anything like that. I know that we are used to this but for us to disappear from this world and come back more powerful than ever we need to no longer be living in this world, I already got everything set up but all I need to do is give you everything we need to get going and the final destination for us to end up at."
brother 1 "So what are our new names and who is sticking together to get to our final area that we will be living at?"
brother 2 " Yes dear brother who is going with whom and how is it going to be and our background?"
brother three was silent the whole time as he was thinking who was going with whom and who would pair up together to get everyone to their final destination. He looked at me and gave me the look that said were going together and that was final.
"Well, brother 1 your new name is Josh Davidson and you were born to a lower upper class and your family died on your 20th birthday and you lost everything when the market crashed but you kept all of the money you had because you kept a close eye on it so your account has about 6million in it but that's because you're being paid from your CD's you bought and that is only the interest that you are getting back from. Brother 2 your new name is Jacob Knight from the Knight family and you are the last of the family name you also came from the upper middle class and because you were not that spendy with your money and not going out you saved over 10 million and you also lost half of what you had when the stocks crashed, but you survived because you were watching it and knew when to sell everything and knew what to buy into, and finely brother 3 I knew that look that said we are staying together no matter what so I kept the big one to us. your new name will be Henry the 3rd and also I'm called Bruce the 2nd and our last name will be black of the black family. The black family is not known that much only that they were rich and no one knows that at all but our net worth is in the trillions and our bank account is in the trillions and we arrived by our yacht that unforcedly sunk last year while we were weighting for a new yacht to be built. we did not show off and on top of that we are known to be together always, a roomer is going around that you love me for some odd reason and I do not see that, I only see brotherly love even though we do not live together at all and you are known to show your displeaser to anyone who shows interest in me remotely, and yes brother I knew for a while that you loved me and I'm not saying anything at this moment because we will e talking about it latter that's including you two also. Our final destination is in the USA and we will be there permanently forever and becoming United States citizens. I know that we don't get along about that destination but it will be safe for us and the area I have chosen is the Nevedia desert and I already bought the land there is an old decommissioned bunker and it still has its runway so we will meet in California and I already have a jet weighting for us by the time we get there because I have my pilots license now we will be going on a charted yacht and it will be only two so that we will get there safely and me and henry we will be in a king size room with everything we will need. Now any questions for me make sure it's about now and then later, because once we start there is no stopping this at all."
"how will we know that we will be there then if we go onto two cruise ships why not take one instead? I mean we all are going to the same state and all that, it would make sense for us to do that instead of all of that crap of staying apart," said Jacob Night.
"I know, but if you want all of us on one ship fine then, but we will be on different sides of the ship, and don't ask for any kind of crap that would get us into trouble. I'm giving us all the money we need and I will be keeping an eye on it so I will know what you have spent. I will be getting everything into order so Jacob and Josh will be in different cabins and me and bruce will share one."
"That's fine with me my dear brother I do not mind if we share a room at all and I will promise to be on my best behaviour. I will not be bad at all."
when my brother said that I know something will happen especilly the way he looked at me right when he said all that i know he will do something only behind the door atleast.