Chapter 95 - Chapter 94

[Third Person's PoV]

Cid getting out of his Julius disguise walking around aimlessly. He smelled some of the kabobs that were being sold and decided to buy a couple to taste.

As he walked around savoring the taste of his food he detected Rose close by. He disappeared from where he was standing and reappeared behind Rose, who was looking lost in thought sitting on a bench.

"Boo" he said close to her ear causing her to jump in fright, she held her chest as she turned towards Cid in surprise.

"My goodness, you sure have frightened me"

Cid just smiled as he went around and sat next to her while handing her a kabob, "Here you look like need one"

Rose smiled as she instinctively took one, "Thank you" she softly said.

She took a bite and pulled the meat right from the stick, "Mmmhm it's quite delectable"

"So what has you so deep in thought?" Cid asked as he continued eating.

Rose smiled softly to herself ones more happy to see Cid worry about her, she sighed as she said, "After this I'm going to go and meet my fiance"

She looked towards Cid hoping to see him devastated at the news of her being engage but all she saw was him happily enjoying his food.

'Sigh, it looks like he's in denial and chose not to react at the news' Rose thought lying to herself.

"It's true, no matter how much you want to deny it. I have already betrayed many people's expectations for me due to my selfish behavior

And I might end up causing disappointment again. But this time I'm not doing it for myself, whatever happens I hope that you'll believe in me. That's all I wish for, I hope we can meet like this again"

She then stood up and started walking away.

"Here" Cid called out, handing her another Kabob, "And don't worry about it, just do what you need to do, I wouldn't judge you"

Rose gave Cid a large grin as she took the stick of meat and said, "Thank you" and started walking away with a spring in her step.

'Well I guess that means I'll be seeing her in the newspaper tomorrow' Cid thought burning away the empty sticks as he stood and walked away as well.

Cid laid in bed with his eyes closed and with

Alpha nestling in his arms, with cum dripping down her thigh and a content expression.

From the side of the bed his shadow moved slightly as a newspaper shot up from it. Cid's hand snapped to the side, grabbing it. He opened one eye to look at it before closing it and throwing back towards his shadow.

While cuddling with Cid, Alpha looked up at Cid as she asked, "What was that about?"

"Oh nothing important just that Rose is now on the run for stabbing her fiance" Cid responded nonchalantly hugging Alpha tighter in his arms causing her to giggle and sink more into his embrace.

"Only you could find something as a runaway princess as 'nothing important'"

"Of course it isn't important, I have some of my shadow soldiers with her secretly protecting her, so there's nothing to worry about, thus making it unimportant"

Alpha didn't say anything else and nodded as she laid on Cid's chest, since that was expected of him.

And like that they spent their evening in each other's embrace.

Alexia presented the newspaper of Rose's attempted murder in front of Natsume, Beta's disguise.

"What on earth is going on?! Rose attempted murder? What made Rose do this?" Alexia asked Natsume worried about Rose.

Ever since their encounter with Shadow Garden, Alexia has decided that it would be for the best if they formed an alliance between herself, Rose, and Natsume and keep each other informed and in the loop with anything related to the Diabolos Cult. So hearing about Rose's being wanted came as a great surprise to Alexia since it hasn't been long since their alliance came to be.

"After stabbing her fiance, it seems she's headed North during her escape, the security at the borders has been strengthened, so I would say she's still in the capital" Natsume explained as she sipped her tea, giving Alexia a better image of the situation at hand.

"The Oriana Kingdom is refusing any interference, stating that the matter will be handled as an internal affair." Natsume further explained.

Alexia put a hand on her chin as she put on a pondering expression, "Quite suspicious… It's like there's something they don't want someone to find out. I never heard or been told of her having a fiance before in the first place!"

"Her fiance is the second son of a Duke in Oriana Kingdom, his name is Perv Asshat"

"Perv Asshat?" Alexia reiterated the name.

"Fortunately Perv Asshat got off without any fatal injuries"

"Even with Rose's swordsmanship? I guess Perv Asshat is must be quite skilled himself."

Alexia suddenly stood up, "Even so, if she stabbed a noble, then she can't avoid a severe punishment. We must find her and talk things out before it comes to that"

Natsume quickly intervened, "No, I believe we should refrain from jumping to action so rashly. If you too were to stir things up, it could affect the relationship between the two Kingdom, You are a princess you have to think about the consequences of your actions"

"What so you think I should just abandon her?!?! I just can't do that, we swore towards each other that we would look out for one another and then this happened and now you want me to just simply forget about it?!?"

"No, I'm not saying that I'm saying to think before you act"

"Are you trying to say I'm not thinking at all?"

"No, I'm saying that it is necessary to be careful at times"

"Are you trying to say I'm a rash blockhead?"

"No, I'm trying to tell you to calm down"

Alexia hearing this stopped herself and took a deep breath before exhaling and repeated the same action over and over again.

"What are you doing?" Natsume asked titling her head in confusion.

"A breathing exercise Cid, a… friend of mine, taught me. He always told me that for my case it's best to treat everything as a sword match, to take deep breaths, calm down, and think of my next move and it's consequences, if I make a mistake because of me being rash or do something without thinking ahead, the next time the opponent strikes it could be the decisive blow that could end up killing me" Alexia explained calming herself down as she was still agitated and worry about Rose.

Natsume's eyes widen slightly before smiling, "Your friend sounds really wise"

Alexia nodded her head, "One of the smartest people I know"

"Oh? If so why don't you go and ask him for help?" Natsume asked curious about what reason Alexia will give.

"It's his son of a Baron status, if he gets intangled in the messes of Royalty he and his family may end up facing the consequences… as he has done once before" Alexia once again explained.

Narsume nodded her head, due to her explanation Alexia didn't know she had earned a bit of respect from one of Cid's wives.

Alexia then started walking away, which cause Natsume to raise a brow, "Where are you going?"

"*Sigh* It's time I stop being so childish and make up with my sister, we may need her help if we want to help Rose. In the meantime try to gather more intel on the situation."

Alexia started walking towards the door but stopped before saying, "Also, while I find your personality vexing, it goes without saying that I think of you as a comrade and friend as well.

I underestimate writers information networks, you grasped info on this case before any body else. And most importantly you're quite informed about the Diabolos Cult, you're a great help, thank you"

And with that Alexia left the room and went to have a talk with her sister. Meanwhile Natsume looked at the door with a small smile, "You, yourself aren't as bad as I thought princess" she muttered to herself.

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