Chapter 67 - Chapter 67

A/N: a treat for all my little dogs awaiting a next chapter, here are some crumbs for you to enjoy ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ช

Anways enjoy ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿฅฐ


[Third Person's PoV]

Cid was sitting in his classroom twiddling with pencil between his fingers.

"Classes are already over, Goddammit! Why can't we go home yet"

"The teacher said there's going to be a speech about the student council elections. The candidates and the president are gonna be coming here"

'So it's about to happen any minute now, I can already detect the cult members setting everything up' Cid thought while listening to the conversation of the people around him.

The door to the classroom was then opened as Rose went through with a girl walking behind her holding a stack of papers.

Rose then stood behind the lecturer's desk and started addressing everyone in the room, "Dear students, I would like to thank you for giving us your precious time here today. We'll start the election candidates speeches"

Rose then saw Cid looking at her and gave him a shy smile.

"She's totally checking me out." A random NPC said.

"No way dude, did you see the direction she was looking? It just had to be me!" A friend of the random NPC conversed

Cid then suddenly smirks 'So it has officially begun, magic has been officially cut off from the school. Well it couldn't even get through my skin so my magic is working perfectly fine. Oh? It looks like they're already by the door, 3 2 1'


The door to the classroom was blasted open with a huge explosion, startling everyone in the room. Everyone started screaming and shouting asking what was going on.

Everyone started running around frantically, when a group of cult members wearing fake shadow garden gear.

"NOBODY MOVE!" One of them shouted bursting through the smoke with his sword already drawn.

Another one then shouted "HANDS IN THE AIR!"

More and more cult members dressed as members of Shadow Garden started entering the classroom. The guy in the front then shouted "We are Shadow Garden! AND FROM THIS MOMENT FORWARD THE ACADEMY IS UNDER OUR CONTROL!"

The cult members then started pointing their swords at all the students and shouted "Drop your swords on the ground!! One wrong move and you're dead!"

Rose then step up towards the cult while withdrawing her sword "Looks like you don't really understand what you're walking into taking over the academy of spellsword, sounds like the ambition of a madman"

While getting into a fighting position the guy in front of Rose said "I told you to drop your swords toots"

"I refuse. As the student council president, I will not watch this unfold silently" Rose said while also getting into a fighting position.

The cult member then started charging his sword with magic.

Rose tried to do the same thing but failed "What! My magicโ€ฆ It's not working"

The guy Rose was facing let out a sinister smirk "So you finally noticed! But it's too late now!" He then swung his sword with full force aiming to kill Rose.

Rose couldn't do anything but close her eyes and prepare for the inevitable. She felt a gust of wind fly across which she assumed was the sword until she heard a voice, Cid's voice.

"Are you alright?" Cid asked.

When Rose opened her eyes she looked shocked, Cid was standing in front of her while holding the sword between two fingers, she wasn't the only one that was shocked, the cult member in front of them and the owner of the sword was equally shocked.

"What! That shouldn't be possible! You shouldn't possess any magic!" He shouted trying to pull away his sword from Cid.

Cid then turned towards him and just said "Who said I'm using Magic" Cid then turned his fingers slightly causing the blade to break and fall apart.

Cid then took the pencil he was fiddling with earlier and jammed him on the side of his head and when he withdrew it blood started gushing out, killing him with one strike.

Rose looked at this with widened eyes unable to believe what she was seeing. She wasn't the only one everyone present in the room looked at Cid in shock, whether it was the cult or all the students, everyone just looked at him in awe.

"A pencil" someone whispered

"He killed him with a pencil." another one finished.

The cult all quickly got out of their shocked state and screamed "Kill Him! Everyone together!"

All the cult members then went running towards Cid, but Cid didn't sit still he ran towards all the cult members that were running towards him.

When the one in front tried to swing his sword at him, Cid easily sidestepped out of the way and plunged the blood soaked pencil right into his neck, making him drop his sword and grab his neck to stop the bleeding.

While his comrade was trying to blood his punctured throat, another tried to use him as a distraction and tried to sneak attack Cid, which failed as Cid grabbed the guy that was holding his throat as a human shield and blocked his attack.

A giant slash appeared on the human shield as blood sprayed everywhere from his injury he just received.

Cid then threw the human shield at the attacker, the attacker was unable to move in time, his sword ended up embedded inside the human shield making the attacker unable to attack or move.

Which Cid used as an opportunity, he spun around on his heel and stabbed him with the pencil on the place he attacked the first cult members.

Two members then appeared in the air behind Cid with their sword aiming right at his back. As they were dropping down Cod spun on his heels once again and threw his pencil like a dart and impaled one of them right on the forehead making him drop down from the sky, dead.

The other one dropped down and slashed downward using the moment but Cid easily dodged it by leaning backwards a bit.

The attacker quickly slashes upwards towards Cid but Cid once again easily dodges it, but as the Attacker slashes upwards Cid punches the hilt of the sword slightly making the blade face towards the attacker at an awkward angle.

Cid then follows that in one quick motion by doing a palm strike to the very butt of the hilt pushing the sword forward and into the throat of the last Cult member in the classroom. Killing every single one of them once and for all.

All the students in the classroom were frozen in fear and shock as they just saw something unbelievable. Never in a million years have they witnessed someone killing a group of people with just a pencil and come out completely unscathed without suffering a single injury.

Cid then turns to Rose as he says "It's best that you all stay here and stay hidden"

Rose who was still looking at Cid in shock and pure admiration and adoration snapped out of it when he heard him "Wait what about you where are you going?"

"I want to make sure, people I know are safe" Cid as he started walking out.

"Wait let me come with, it's dangerous outside for you to be going by yourself." Rose said, worried for his safety.

Cid just raised a brow and asked "What are you going to do? You can't even use magic, if you tag along you'll just be a burden. You're more useful here keeping everyone calm"

Cid then started walking out the classroom with his hands in his pockets stepping over all the dead bodies.

While Rose just watched Cid's retreating back while biting her lip and clenching her fist until her knuckles turned white.

'He's right I'll just be a burden' she thoughtโ€ฆ