Vampires, enigmatic and sinister, stand as the unholy progeny, distant cousins of the elven lineage, and the descendants of Demonoid dragons. Their existence is shrouded in shadow, and their abilities are as much a curse as they are a source of dread.
Physical Characteristics: Vampires assume a humanoid form, yet their presence is unmistakably otherworldly. Typically, male vampires measure at 180 cm (5.9 feet) in height, while their female counterparts tend to be slightly shorter at 174 cm (5.7 feet). Skin tones among vampires vary, ranging from eerily pale to the darkest ebony. What sets them apart are their features—a cascade of luxuriant hair, elongated canine teeth that serve as tools of their unholy trade, and razor-sharp claws that make them formidable in combat.
Extraordinary Strength and Speed: Vampires possess an astounding physical prowess, transcending human limits. They are approximately 20 times stronger and 50 times faster than ordinary mortals. Such attributes serve them well in their nefarious endeavors, allowing them to strike swiftly and with devastating force.
The Thirst for Blood: Vampires, however, are cursed with an insatiable craving for blood. This infernal appetite fuels their existence, granting them a unique ability known as the "veil." Through the consumption of blood, they gain power and vitality, regardless of the source. This unholy communion sustains them and enhances their supernatural abilities.
Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities: Despite their formidable nature, vampires have their share of vulnerabilities. Holy water, a symbol of purity, is anathema to them. When exposed to it, vampires suffer searing agony and endure excruciating burns. Even more perilous is their aversion to Worzien blood, which, in small quantities, ignites a malevolent fire within them, while large doses can prove fatal.
Eternal Existence: Vampires are no strangers to the passage of time. Some have been reported to have lived for centuries, and the potential for even longer lifespans exists within their cursed lineage.
The Genesis of Vampires: The origin of the first vampire, Vlad III Drăculea, is shrouded in darkness. On a fateful hunting trip, he and his party encountered a hybrid demonoid dragon, a monstrous fusion of soul-sucking and blood-slurping dragons. In the heat of a savage battle, the dragon's fatal wound turned Vlad into an unwitting vessel. The demon's essence coursed through him, bestowing upon him enhanced abilities but cursing him with an unquenchable thirst for blood. The bite of a vampire initiates the process of "Draculfication," transforming victims into vampires over the span of 2-3 days. This should not be confused with the academic or spiritual pursuit of "vampireology," which involves the study and veneration of vampiric entities.
Society and Behavior: Vampires are creatures of both darkness and society. They often dwell among large groups of humans to remain inconspicuous, minimizing the risk of exposure. However, should a vampire abstain from blood for an extended period, they lose all semblance of control, devolving into a frenzied state known as "blooded." Once this transformation occurs, there is no turning back, and the vampire becomes a ravenous and relentless predator.
Aggression and Warning Signs: Vampires, when provoked or threatened, can turn hostile in an instant. Signs of their agitation include a shift in vocal tone, subtle finger twitching, a forward-leaning posture, and the menacing reveal of their razor-sharp fangs. These are the unmistakable warnings of an impending and dangerous encounter with these supernatural beings.