When I went back inside the shop and made my way towards the dwarf, he turned to me as I came to a stop and gave me a satisfied smile.
No, it was not merely satisfied. He looked proud, with chin up and cheeks puffed.
"You seem happy." I said as I returned a small smile of my own.
The dwarf wiped his brow, "Of course I am! Made myself my proudest work, and to think that it would be wielded by a hero of tomorrow brings my heart a toxicity only the strongest ale can provide."
Hero of tomorrow?
"But I won't be the one to wield it though," I said with confusion, "My daughter will, remember? And not for a few years at least."
The dwarf bellowed a laugh. By this time I decided to blow out the hot air from the place and summoned a spell. A gale of wind rushed from horizons unseen and swept through the shop, sweeping away the hot air and the clouds of dust and smoke that had accumulated.