In the events of Amaryllis: A Demi-Human's Tale, our main character Lucas, after nearly dying, discovered a new side to the world around him with the involvement of magic and magical creatures called Demi-Humans. He gained a new friend in the form of an Oni named Amay, who awaken to a world much differently then she last remembered. They both agreed to help each other out by forming a contract. Amay would be Lucas's bodyguard and partner, in return, he would be her friend and somewhat guide to the new world. While juggling his normal evey day life, Lucas would learn the grasp magic and the power within himself from his hesitant mom (Elizabeth) and older sister (Martha).
While giving him the bare minimumal of training, Elizabeth, with the help of Martha, would set up a test to push Lucas to see if he would be able to handle this new way of life. Albeit, she wanted to deture him away from this way of life by making his test a little more challenging. This sadly turned into a horrific moment for both Amay and Lucas with unforseen involvement from a blast from Amay's past.
After everything that happened, we pick up with both Lucas and Amay having shockingly discovered something from Elizabeth. We will pick up from that moment.