In a large office on the top floor of one of the capital's tallest buildings was a man with black hair, green eyes, and a fit physique. The man, in a dark gray suit, smoked a cigar. He looked young, in his thirties, with dark circles under his eyes, evidence of sleepless nights. This man was Adam, the Minister of Home Affairs of Country A.
Secretary Adams was an orphan who rose from nothing, slowly climbing the political ladder. A lawyer by profession, he began as the mayor of a small town. Seeing his success in improving living conditions, the president entrusted him with a larger city. Secretary Adams rose through the ranks. He was honest and fair, giving almost 90% of his salary to orphanages, fighting corruption and mafia groups. The minister changed millions of lives with reforms in health and education, now focusing on the judicial and financial systems. He was expected to be the future president of Country A.
While reading documents, a voice was heard. "Mr. Adams, what a pleasure to finally meet you." A young man in his twenties sat in an armchair. The voice belonged to Michael. "I had a hard time finding you. You're always on the move and never alone, which made it troublesome. Fortunately, you like to stay alone in the evening while you work in your office."
The minister was pale, fear visible in his eyes. "You are part of their organization, the one with the power holders," said the minister, trembling.
"As the responsible for your country's security, you are well informed," replied Michael.
"What do you want? It is impossible for me to do anything for you. The president ordered all this. I am only a link in the chain."
"A link certainly, but a big link nonetheless," replied Michael, tapping the table. "Mr. Adams, I'll be brief. Our time is precious. I need the location of the prisons set up to capture the power holders, and I need it now. So, I'm not going to give you a long speech. You're going to die tonight. You can do it in peace or after severe torture. You have 5 seconds." Michael began to count.
"1," said Michael.
"I don't know what you're talking about," said Adams.
"It's the president who knows where the prisons are. I have no idea."
"I beg you, I have a family, two children."
"I can help you, be useful to you."
"I can..."
Boom, Michael broke one of Secretary Adams' fingers. "Ahhh, I'll tell you. I beg you, don't hurt me."
"That's what I wanted to hear," replied Michael. "We only have one prison in the country which takes care of the power holders. It is located at Green Horn City, in a forest. I have the documents to prove it if you let me show you."
"Good. You understand I cannot let you live, Mr. Adams. If I kidnap you while I do my business, people will ask questions. And I can't let you go, because you would foil my plans. It's a dead end. I don't like shedding blood for nothing, but your situation leaves me no choice. I'll give you 5 minutes to speak with your family one last time," said Michael.
"Please, please spare me. I will do what you want."
"There is a solution, but you could be considered a traitor by your country."
"I would do whatever there is to do in order to live," replied Adam.
"You will escort me to the prison and help me free its inmates. This is the only solution for me to let you live. You seem to be an honest person, Mr. Adams, and I am not used to making extra efforts to help someone, but given your story, the hard work, the changes you brought, I will tell you a secret. In a day, the whole world will suffer an unprecedented cataclysm. Therefore, ask your wife and children to join you in Green Horn City. That way, you will be able to protect them. As to whether I am telling the truth, you will see it in a day."
Adams took his phone and, without really believing Michael, asked his wife and children to meet him in Green Horn City. He did this mostly to please Michael and because he thought the power holders' organization was going to organize a big event in a day, and that Green Horn City would be spared.
"Let's go," said Michael. "Don't forget, Mr. Adams, if you do anything suspicious, you will pay with your life. I only need you for one day. After that, I will let you go."