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The Start of a Legacy

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Asteria Halliwell grew up in an orphanage run by a horrid Headmistress. She thought she'd never amount to anything in life. That was until a kind stranger paid Asteria a visit.

Chapter 1 - The Arrival

I sat on my bed, reading a novel. It was a chilly day, yet that didn't stop the other girls from playing outside. 

I signed. 'I hate this place.' I thought.

After spending 9 years in this orphange, I barely felt at home. I had one friend, the only girl who would put up with the odd one out, Anne. I got to my feet, wanting to search for her. As I wandered through the girls dorm, I examined the room. To my left and right, beds were placed against the walls, each neatly made. The headmistress would beat us with her cane if we didn't make them every morning.

I made my way to the kitchen. Anne was chopping potatoes for tonight's dinner.


"Asteria!" she said.

"Cooking up something delicious?" I asked.

Anne nodded gleefully.

"Let's play a game later," I said.

"Of course, le...-" Anne began to speak, but was interupted.

"Asteria! Come here, someone is here to speak with you," our Headmistress barked at me.

I stared at Anne, confused. Why would anyone want to speak with me?

"Now!" the Headmistress yelled.

"Coming," I said, hurrying off. 

I was brought to the reading room where most of our classes took place. It looked like your average classroom, except completely devoid of any creativity. At the teachers desk sat a man, reading through some papers. The Headmistress pushed me into the room and closed the door.

The stranger looked up. He was old, with gray hair and mutton chops. I watched him cautiously for a second. He wasn't wearing ordinary clothing. He was dressed in a purple robe and point hat. 

"Asteria, I take it? Pleased to make your aquaintence. I am Professor Hermes," the man said.

I gave a slight curtsy. Who was this man?

"You're probably wondering who I am."

I nodded. 

"Have you noticed that strange things happening the past few years?" He asked.

I immediately knew what he was referring to. From the moment I turned 10, odd occurances would happen around me. Objects suddenly floating, surges of energy flowing through me. I couldn't comprehend it. The other girls could sense it. They knew there was something off about me, which explained a lot of the bullying.

"Yes....." my voice drifted.

"Well, I might have the answer as to why," he paused, inviting me to question him

I remained silent.

"You see, you were born of magic," he smiled.

"Huh?" I frowned.

Magic wasn't real, and if it was, I certainly wasn't capable of it. Why would an orphan be anything special? I was nothing. 

"I'll give you a little test. A simple spell, that any child could do. Hold out your hand like this," Professor Hermes pointed his finger.

"Now, say floatian."

I decided to entertain him. Truth be told, my curiosity got the better of me. I pointed my finger at a pencil sitting on the desk.

"Floatian," I spoke.

A rush of energy flowed through me and in a matter of seconds, the pencil was floating. No words could escape my mouth. Sure, objects around me would levitate randomly, however; I could never command them. Part of me thought it was a trick of eye. A vision of the unhealthy mind. Which was entirely possible considering how much I hated the orphanage.

"There you have it. Now, I'd like to bring you with me. There's a school for children like you. The term starts next week, although I'd need to bring you with me today. As you'll be starting your education in year 10, you'll be substantially behind. I need to train you in the basics," Professor Hermes said.

I stood there dumbfounded. How could I trust this man? 

"You're asking a lot of me," I said.

"Well, the alternative is staying here, and living a mundane life," he watched me, knowing anywhere was better than here.

I looked around the classroom. This place was awful, and honestly it was worth the risk of trusting this stranger. 

"Okay," I said.

"I'll wait here while you pack."

I nodded then ran out of the room. I didn't have much. Only a pair of shoes, the clothes on my back, and my locket, but I had to see Anne.

She was right where I left her.


"What happened?" She asked.

I was breathing heavily, "I'm leaving this place." 

"What? Why?"

"Someone's adopting me," I said. A white lie, she wouldn't believe me if I tried to explain. 

Anne frowned.

"Asteria, I'm so happy for you," her words were supportive, yet her face said it all.

I approached her, "Anne, you know I won't forget you, and I'll write to you."

She forced a smile, "it won't be the same without you here".

I hugged her tightly. We lingered for a few moments. When we separated, I realised she was crying.

"Oh Anne," I said. Then an idea came to me, "hey, why don't we swap lockets?"

They had both been given to us as a donation from the local aristocat. He wanted to feel like a good person for a moment, before returning to his life of luxuries - which of course, was paid for by the labour of the lower class.

"That's a fantastic idea," she smiled.

We exchanged the small silver lockets we were given. Her's had a pink gem and mine had a blue one. 

"I think pink suits you better," she said.

"And blue brings out the colour in you eyes beautifully," I smiled.

She held my hand, "make sure you write."

I nodded, "bye Anne. I'll miss you."

With that we parted ways. I grasped my locket. I was leaving the only family I had. I thought I was a horrible person in that moment. How could I leave her just for a better life? She deserved it just as much as me, and yet I was choosing to part ways.

I found Professor Hermes waiting for me by the front door, "where's your stuff?"

"I don't own anything," I said.

The Professor watched me sympathetically. "We'll change that," he smiled.

I exited the orphange. My new life had started.


There I stood, at the entrance to the great hall. A giant wooden door reaching up to the high ceiling. 

"I hope we haven't missed the opening ceremony", Professor Hermes said anxiously.

He opened the door and he peeked in. I stood on the tips of my toes, attempting to peek through the gap he had just created. I could barely see into the hall. It was filled with students sitting down at a few very long tables.

Professor Hermes jumped back. 

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Headmaster Crowley is coming", he said.

I watched him pace back and forth in thought.

Seconds later, a tall man dressed in a black suit opened the door.

"You're late", he spat.

"Headmaster Crowley. I'm terribly sorry. You see we were attacked on our way here." But that was all Professor Hermes managed to get out before the headmaster hushed him.

The Professor wasn't lying, our means of transport had been ambushed by a dragon.

"That's enough blubbering, I have no time for your tall tales", he spat again.

Clearly he spoke with that tone frequently. Headmaster Crowley's eyes shifted from Professor Hermes to me. I could feel his piercing gaze.

"If you're lucky, we might just have time introduce you tonight", he said.

'Wait, is he going to introduce me in front of everyone?' I thought.

Headmaster Crowley made a gesture for me to follow him.

"He's charming", I said to Professor Hermes sarcastically, once the Headmaster was out of earshot.

"Very. Okay, I'm off to the council to report our attack. I'll send an fairy when I am back and we can discuss the events of the night further. For now, it's best we keep this to ourselves", the Professor said.

I had no idea what he mean't by a fairy, but I nodded. "Have a safe journey."

With that I entered the great hall and Professor Hermes left.

I froze for a moment. Every single head in the room turned to face me. I began to feel my face turning bright red. I hurried along the isle, avoiding eye contact with any students. Headmaster Crowley held a small dagger in his hand. In front of him was a small stone well. 

"Students, we have a new student starting in year 10. Asteria Halliwell ", he said as he motioned to the stool in the middle of the stage.

I walked up the two steps and stood next to him. He motioned for me to stand in front of the well. Inside, was a thick and dense liquid. 

"Hold your hand out over the well," the Headmaster spat.

He held the dagger tightly in his hand. I knew exactly what he was going to do, and I didn't like it.

Hesitantly, I held my palm out, and braced for the pain as the blade drew near. 

'This is ridiculous,' I thought.

The Headmaster sliced my hand. I winced in pain as my blood dripped down into the well. In a matter of seconds, the water began to swirl, then glow. A beautiful bright light blue shone. For a moment, gasps filled the hall. I looked around in confusion as every eye in the room was on me. I glanced at Headmaster Crowley, even his eyes were wide. Then, the light fizzled out, and was replaced with a gentle red glow. 

"Hmmm," the Headmaster said, sounding somewhat disappointed, "it appears we have a blood mage."

The table to my right erupted in applause. I guessed they were the blood mages. I scanned the room. Students were seated at four long tables. Professor Hermes mentioned something about it. I sifted through my memories. There were four types of mages. A blood mage, who drew their power from within. A green mage, one whose energy was obtained from the nature around them. Then there was a sun mage, and a moon mage, where their most powerful magic was drawn from what lit up the sky. Each had their pro's and con's, each equally as strong. Apparently nature always balanced it's magic. None could have strength vastly larger than the other.

"You may be seated at the table. At the end of the ceremony, Professor Griffiths will show you to your common room", said Headmaster Crowley.

I stood up and approached the table, making eye contact and smiling at a few of my class mates. Two caught my eye. At first, I noticed an incredibly pale blond boy, with piercing blue eyes and a few precisely placed beauty spots. He presented himself so eleglantly. My eyes shifted to the boy next to him with freckles, brown hair and enchanting brown eyes. He smiled at me. I felt the red rising in my cheeks. I gave him a smile and averted my gaze.

I sat down at the very end of the table, next to some small students, they must've just started year 7.

When the opening ceremony was finished, all that was left was to go over was a few school rules.

A tall, middle aged witch with reddish hair approached me.

"Good evening Miss Halliwell. Are you ready for a quick tour?" she asked.

"Good evening, yes I am", I smiled.

"Perfect! I'm Professor Griffiths by the way. Welcome to your first year at Selonia's Academy of the Mystical Arts. It's quite extraordinary that we have a student start in year 10. But don't worry I'm sure you'll catch up in no time. Now, follow me", she said.

We began heading towards the blood mage common area, however not before we stopped at some notable locations. Professor Griffiths would give me a brief run down on areas in the school. The building was magificent. It was a stone castle, situated on a cliff overlooking the ocean. I stopped for a moment to gaze out the window. The sea was dark, but slightly lit by the moonlight, and I could hear the waves crashing below.

"Magnificant, isn't it?" Professor Griffiths asked.

I nodded.

"Right, here is the entrance to the to the common area. The secret password is aspiration. It changes weekly. You must not speak it to the other mages," she said, then motioned for me to say it.

I walked up to the wall, "aspiration", I said.

Without a second delay, the walls oozed with a red liquid. It appeared to be blood. As it dripped down the wall, a door appeared.

"How theatrical," I said.

"Very. Now, the house captain Isaiah will show you to your room. Meet me in the common area tomorrow morning. I have a surprise for you", she smiled. 

With that she strode off. There I stood hesitant. This was it. The moment my life would change. I was a witch and I was going to be amazing. I turned the handle and entered.

"Asteria Halliwell?" A young man asked.

"I'm Isaiah, the blood mage house captain. Follow me to your room", he said.

Isaiah led me down a spiral staircase that opened into a large dungeon. The room had red velvet couches and arm chairs. Beautiful mahogany tables and chairs. Red velvet curtains hung from the windows which looked out to complete and total darkness. The common area was breathtaking. Isaiah led me through a hallway to a dorm that had five beds. 

"This is your room. Your stuff is already here", he smiled.

Professor Hermes had kindly taken me shopping in London.

"Thank you", I said as he left the room.

My luggage was stacked next to my bed. It was a canopy bed that had a deep red bed spread. Next to it was a small wooden end table, then a large wooden wardrobe beside. It was perfect.

I began to unpack, stacking my luggage on the chest at the end of my bed.

"Hi!",A girl walked up behind me and said.

I turned around startled.

"I'm Esmeralda Beswick. You must be the new girl. Nice to meet you", she said matter of factly.

"Hi, Asteria Halliwell", I said.

"I bet you can't wait to explore the castle. There's so much to do! I'm the blood mage dueling captain, and I have the highest ranked in our year level. I have never been outranked thus far", she said, matter of factly again.

"Never say never", I said. This girl was incredibly unbearable, and reminded me of the girls from the orphanage.

"Hmph, I'd like to see them try", she said with a tinge of annoyance.

"Well I have to unpack. It was nice meeting you", I said, keenly aware of the fact I had to share a dorm with this girl for the rest of the year.

I turned around before I could let another word escape her mouth.

After I unpacked. I lay down in bed, my thoughts drifting to the opening ceremony.

'How could I be a blood mage? Professor Hermes said they were only pure bloods witches and wizards. My parents had no magic, if so, why would they abandon me in a non-magical orphanage? I vaguely remember my mother, and she never used any magic. I was not pure-blood. What was everyone going to think?' I thought to myself. 

The only thing I did know, was that I could not utter those words to anyone. I was not born of witches and wizards. I would be ostracised by my own kind.