Chereads / Twelve Olympians High:The Book of Poseidon / Chapter 2 - Chapter I:First Day Back

Chapter 2 - Chapter I:First Day Back

I'm Sara Pearl, The Ruby Haired Daughter of Poseidon. Second in command of Neptune's Blessed and student at Twelve Olympians High. It had been six months since I had been to this school, for whatever reason the creatures under the waves had been rowdy. That called me away for legion work, the feeling of being above sea level was foreign now. I stumbled a bit walking up the stairs but was caught quickly.

"Gods above, Fire Hair, you need someone to carry you as well?" A male voice asked, standing me straight.

Only one person in this entire school called me Fire Hair besides Ares. I looked to my right and saw Leonidas Sheppard, Son of Ares. His blood red school uniform, and crossed swords patch, complimented his red eye contacts and dyed undercut.

"No no, I'm fine Leo," I answered, stepping forward and tripping on a step.

Leonidas picked me up, or rather threw me up in the air and caught me, carrying me down the hall. He carried me over his shoulder like I weighed nothing to him. It was, unfortunately, not the first time he's done this. If I hadn't just come from the ocean, or had the balance to walk, I'd protest more.

"Leonidas, put her down," Andromeda, my best friend, called out from behind me.

"She can't stand," Leonidas answered. "I'm helping her get to class."

"Oh I can hear Ares now," Andromeda walked around Leo to face me. "Need help?"

"I would if I could stand, but I currently can't. Maybe if I show up like this I won't have to participate," I said.

"Oh, honey you know you're still gonna participate. Besides, he has a fancy new obstacle course he wants us to try," Andromeda smiled.

"Yeah, besides, your legs aren't broken," Leonidas called out, putting me down.

I stood straight for a moment and fell against the wall. My shoulder caught most of the hit and I practically slid down the wall. My shoulder burned and practically cried out in pain to my entire body. Andromeda smacked Leonidas on the back of his head, which brought me some amusement cause she practically had to jump to reach him.

"Fucking Spartan," Andromeda scolded Leonidas, picking me up bridal style.

Leonidas chuckled in amusement looking at Andromeda, "And I'm The Spartan."

That joke took a second to click into place, when it did my face burned. Andromeda smiled and started walking me down the hall, humming The Bridal Chorus. I hid my face in embarrassment, I didn't want to be seen anymore. I wish in this moment I could've vanished, never to be seen again.

"I should've stayed in the ocean," I said under my breath.

Andromeda giggled at the remark, "Oh please! You missed this!"

She wasn't wrong, I missed being away from the ocean and being with my friends. Leo Shepherd, The Spartan, one of my best friends since I had started coming to this school. Gods above has he fucking grown, when I met him he was barely taller than me and now he was 6'2" and he towered over me. The Spartan was pure fucking muscle, with intelligence to back it the perfect mix of a war mongering and war tactics.

Then there was Andromeda Rose, the equivalent of a sorcerer, I've known her since I was 5. She was a daughter of Selene who happened to live in the same city as me, when she ran away from home Poseidon opened his home for her. Or rather, my home, we were both unsupervised 11 year olds at the time but we made it work. I'm not even sure if we can say unsupervised with the amount of soldiers that came through until I was 16. I would rather die than think of Andromeda leaving my side.

When we had finally arrived to the gym, the bell had gone off. Leo stood infront of us, and Andromeda, slowly, set me down. I stumbled a bit, but Andromeda grabbed me and stood me back up. Leo cleared his throat as I felt Ares' presence, Leo stepped to the side and Ares stood there. He stood taller than Leo and he held a cold smile.

"Fire Hair, welcome back!" He shouted, clearly excited.

"Lord Ares," I replied, cautiously.

"Little birds," he chuckled a bit "Or rather, little fishes, tell me of your legion work in Neptune's Blessed."

"Yes, what of it?" I asked, his eyes lit up at the question.

"Oh Daughter of Poseidon, I made this obstacle course just for you. Designed to shake your sea legs," his smile widened. "Of course, if you aren't up for it. Everyone else can run the underwater one! Twice!"

A symphony of yells and complaining came from the line of demigods. Either I would suffer, or everyone else would. I could hardly stand without Andromeda's arm around my hip, how could I run an entire obstacle course. How could I run an obstacle course the God of War made?! I was out of my league; out of my element. But I had to do it, right?

"SILENCE!" Ares commanded, his voice rang in my ear, the line of demigods ceased their complaints. "What will it be, Fire Hair. You? Or the entire class?" His voice calmed.

"Me," I said, putting determination in my voice.

"Sara-" Andromeda had started to plea.

Ares raised a hand and shouted "Then, Sara Pearl, I welcome you to try The Crossed Daggers Run!"

My heart sunk, not that run. Anything but that run. That run was used to determine legion leaders, not test a Demigod's ability to stand. I know Christina Bell had passed it but it was modified by Poseidon to fit a goal, what chance did I stand if Ares had modified it further.

"Dad, don't," Leo turned to Ares.

"Do you challenge me, boy?" Ares stared Leo down.

Leo kept eye contact but backed down, "No sir."

"That's what I thought, Leonidas." Ares' words came out like daggers. "Daughter of Poseidon, step to the blue line."

I stepped to the blue line he had mentioned, infront of me laid an entire set of obstacles. Strength training, endurance training, combat training, every obstacle you could think of but swimming. Of course there wasn't any swimming, he knew that would rejuvenate my strength. The first obstacle was just rock climbing though, I couldn't see anything past that but I knew this test.

"Oh and Sara, beat your sisters score. Christiana Bell holds an impressive record; beat it or you'll do it again and again until you do. Or you give up that is," Ares looked at me, his smile completely faded.

Ares loved making demonstrations of demigods he thought were too prideful. I guess I would be one of them, he believed pride was the quickest way to kill yourself. He wouldn't be wrong, but he was when it came to me. I am a diplomat, not a warrior. I debate and fight with words, not with swords. But if this was the only way to prove that I belong in this class, that I belonged in the legions, that I was a demigod; Then so be it.

"GO!" Ares commanded.