The man we had seen before commanding the Pale Orcs, was seated at a large table with several others. However he was clearly not in charge in this environment like he had been back on Aetheria.
"Son, I have pulled many favors for you to be the only god with involvement on this world you found. You will never directly intervene in any conflict less you break the agreement of the Assembly of Eternal Sovereigns and cause an all out war on my empire. I trust you can handle a freshly awakened world even if you are a lazy god.
By this time next year your warriors will be the strongest and be recognized as the worlds guardians, that way it will fall into line in my empire without much trouble." The beast of a man spoke to his son, Prince Austin in a commanding tone.
Austin was one of his many sons he had across many worlds in his empire, he considered him lazy since all his sons that had reached nineth stage all had their own worlds in his empire.
He had barely been at nineth stage for a year and his father was constantly pressuring him and calling him lazy, in reality there was not much Austin could do. He simply had to wait for the opportunity of a new world to arise, he was not exactly the strongest, being a fairly new god, he wanted to conquer a freshly awakened world rather than try to take someone else's by force.
When he was searching and saw a mana signature from this new world he was very excited and gathered the strongest warriors he could find, the pale orcs, to conquer it with his assistance. Of course he could not actually battle on their behalf since the Assembly deemed it unfair, but he could guide them to world domination and then make the world his own after the one year protection ran out.
'This will be it, father will stop hounding me and I can finally relax.' Austin thought.
"AUSTIN!" His father shouted, "Were you listening? You are free to go now, return to that world and ensure it becomes part of my empire."
"Yes father, of course father." Austin said as he stood up from his seat and exited into the hall way, closing his eyes to identify his teleportation target. He then vanished from the Assembly building where he had met with his father and some other gods he did not care about.