The group with their adrenaline still pumping from the heat of battle, found peace in one another's presence, their happiness apparent in their wide smiles and sparkling eyes.
"Siarra, that last move of yours was truly something," Niss commented, his tone was even and mature. "Your control over your mana is impressive, especially for someone at our aura level."
Trevor, standing beside Niss, nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, Siarra. The power and control you poured into that was impressive. Its good to know its worth protecting you guys! Hahahaha!" Trevor unleashed his big happy laugh.
Siarra smiled at what they said, a mix of gratitude and determination to keep up with them in her eyes. "Thanks guys! But Niss, your magic was so strong too! That shaman barely stood a chance against your surprise attack." She looked up at Niss with her cheeks flushing red.
Niss tilted his head, acknowledging her compliment with a smile. "We all played our roles effectively. Each of us brought something to the table, and we made it work."
In that moment, they had a newfound respect and understanding for each other, they were happy with the strength they had found in each others company. They stood together, not just as adventurers, but now as friends and as a party that had conquered a dungeon.
With cautious steps, the group ventured further into the room, the remnants of smoke gradually dissipating around them. Hope lit up their eyes as they scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of hidden treasures or a cache of gold.
'I wonder if their will be one here... Probably not since it is F-rank.' Niss wondered.
"Well, it looks like they were gambling on their card game," Trevor exclaimed, his grin widening as he displayed a handful of gold coins between his fingers.
"O-oh! Trevor, be careful!" Siarra's voice shook with alarm as her wide eyes fixated on the dangerous barrel before them. Her shock was clearly visible on her face. "That's not just any barrel, it's filled with dwarven bombpowder! One wrong move, and we could be blown to pieces."
Trevor's eyes widened in realization, his steps growing careful as he slowly backed away from the explosive barrel. Despite the danger, he ensured not to leave a single coin behind.
'Haha, I like Trevor, you don't see many like him out there.'
Niss stood at the other end of the room, looking over all of their surroundings. The place had an elegance to it, with intricate and artistic carvings covering the walls and a beautiful altar at the room's far end. His mind was calling him towards it and as Niss continued his exploration of the room, his steps carried him closer and closer to the altar.
Finally, his eyes fell upon what he had been seeking, a dungeon artifact!
Even in an F-rank dungeon, there was still a slim possibility of the dungeon's power forming into an artifact. These artifacts, formed from the release of magical energy after clearing the dungeon, and they held a strong sense of mystery. It was still unknown what factors the dungeon considered, if any, when creating these artifacts which lead their power being mostly unknown until tested with a detection artifact.
The artifact before him was a Kama a weapon that was a work of artistry and lethality. Its handle was deep obsidian black and had delicate swirls of glowing purple embedded inside it. The weapon also offered a grip seemingly made of bandages, he found it was somehow perfect for both control and precision when he held it.
The blade was a shade of very dark silver, gleaming ominously under the dim light of this room, it's razor-sharp edge reflected the deadliness the weapon gave off. Forged by the mana of the dungeon after the boss was killed it was bound to be at least somewhat powerful.
With each curve of the blade Niss felt like there was a manipulation of magic, making it almost feel like more than a weapon. He had already felt a connection drawing him towards it, much stronger now that he held it.
'Ooh I only practiced with a kama briefly when I was young but I really like this one... It speaks to me.'
As he gripped the kama, a sense of purpose surged within him. He felt something unique coming from the curved blade like it was ready to take on his journey with him. The other two simply watched seeing the bond between Niss and the artifact, there was no trace of jealousy in their eyes. Niss held the precious dungeon artifact, and they all felt like it was made for him.
"Well, if you're going to be swinging that thing around, I think Siarra and I will have to upgrade our equipment when we get back! At least I know where all this gold is gonna go!" Trevor chimed in, his laughter hearty and genuine, filling the room as he observed Niss's practiced swings with the blade.
"That's amazing, the dungeon dropped such an artifact! You'll have to have it appraised when we head to Mourne Town!" Siarra's enthusiasm was evident, but at the mention of Mourne Town, the group's mood shifted somber.
They still had to meet up with Gerard in Mourne Town, and this fact served as a stark reminder that the dungeon took away as much as it gave. Leaving them with a mix of excitement for their newfound strength and the weight of the journey ahead.
In the now silent dungeon, the group gathered their belongings filling their packs with the goodies they managed to find and getting out heavier clothing. They had a new goal, Mourne Town. Despite their recent victory, the journey was far from over. The future reunion with Gerard was a bittersweet feeling looming over their excitement, creating a strange blend of uncertainty and eagerness.
"Alright, we're not just dungeon conquerors now. We're on a mission to reunite with our friend," Niss declared, trying to inject a note of confidence into their spirits. "And hey, let's not forget, we've got some goblin ears as souvenirs!" he added, a hint of a grin breaking through the gravity of their task.
Siarra chimed in, her tone surprisingly light despite the weight of their mission. "I can already picture Gerard's face when he sees these ears. Probably a mix of disbelief and relief!" Her words got a few chuckles from the group, momentarily lifting the tension.
Trevor, proudly displaying the collected goblin ears, joined in. "And the guild in Mourne Town won't know what hit them. They'll be begging us to take on another dungeon after they see these trophies!"
Their laughter echoed in the dim dungeon, a small moment of rest before their next journey. With newfound determination and Trevor's ridiculous laugh, they ventured off toward Mourne Town. Their new friendship providing the light they needed to face this dark world that lay ahead of them. Whatever was to come next for them, they knew that they could trust each other, and that was something exceptionably rare.