At Themescyria, Wonder Woman barges into Batman's tent to confront him. "I never expected this from you. You disgust me with the method and length you go to accomplish your goal, how you betrayed us your friends," she says. Batman replies, "Clark crossed the line which we can't cross over and you're also gonna cross that in our last battle." Wonder Woman replies, "You could've helped us shape a better world instead look what you've done you bring gods into this matter." Batman gives a sharp reply, "You think I wanted this, you think I bring the gods into this matter. All of this is manipulated and done by Ares. I rejected his offer already. But he didn't tell the others." Wonder Woman asks, "Why didn't you tell them this before?" Batman replies, "Cause none of you guys let me tell that and things have already progressed this much."

Suddenly, between their conversation, both Bruce and Wonder Woman feel a strong earthquake and go outside to check. To their surprise, outside huge waves of Ocean are standing on the coastline waiting for someone's command. Batman goes inside to ask for help from Arthur, and Wonder Woman goes to confront the God of the Sea, Poseidon.

Poseidon comes with Superman to confront Zeus. Seeing Superman bring this to her homeland enraged Wonder Woman. Hermes confronts Poseidon, but someone shoots an arrow towards Poseidon, declaring war. Between all this chaos, Arthur comes with his wife to put a stop to the god of the sea's.

During the battle, Arthur manages to put down the god of the sea, but Mera is unable to control the huge wave that Poseidon holds this long and lets it go. But before the wave hits the land, it stops again. "Batman, can you tell me what's going on here, and why can't I feel Harley?" Goku arrives on Earth and stops the wave with his ki, then glares at it and pushes back the whole wave into the ocean again, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

Batman replies, "Where have you been this long? Read my memories; it will save time instead." Goku starts reading Batman's mind to know what happened.

All Father Zeus comes to the battlefield for his brother and tells him to leave. Then he confronts Superman, "Be gone from this world, or many will start to die, and the beginning would be that boy Billy." Goku interferes with the All-Father and says, "Can you return the people you vanished back then for no reason?" Zeus looks at Goku, "You unmannered mortal, your act of stopping the wave is commendable, but that doesn't give you the right to talk to an All-Father in this manner. All those people are culprits for going against my will." Goku replies, "You started this whole scenario first and now entrapped them for this kind of unreasonable reasons." Zeus gets furious, "You're saying an All Father's will unreasonable. These days every mortal is thinking they're above God's." Goku answered, "The only thing I am thinking is you're an unreasonable bullshit." After hearing Goku's answer, Zeus gets furious and launches a sudden lightning on Goku. Goku blocks the lightning, "So this is your reply, remember you started this." Goku launches a punch on Zeus. Zeus phases through the punch and tries to deliver a punch in response. Goku uses spirit push in time to push back Zeus, "How did you avoid my punch?"

[Azmuth scolds Goku, "Are you dumb Goku? Oh, I forgot you're dumb, who asks his enemy how he did the stuff?"]

Goku replies, "Sorry, but do you have any idea what he did."

[Azmuth replies, "He phased through your punch."]

Zeus replies, "How did you get the idea a mortal like you can even touch me?" Goku replies, "Is that so? Let's see then." Goku powers up and launches another strike. Zeus is again ready to phase, but this time, he feels something binding him, and before he can react, Goku's punch lands and Zeus directly goes inside a mountain. "How's that no more untouchable," Goku replies with a smile.

Zeus this time seriously comes out of the mountain and showers Goku with massive continuous thunderstrikes. Goku first blocks them with his hand, then rushes towards Zeus. This time Zeus throws a punch. Goku dodges it and throws Zeus away by grabbing his hand, "So you can fight without lightning, but looks like you never used them before they're predictable." Zeus suddenly moves in front of Goku and starts throwing punches at lightning speed, "Still predictable mortal." Goku starts blocking all punches by matching them with his own, "Pretty much yes." Zeus speeds up more, and in response, Goku does the same.

The clash between these two is shifting the earth's atmosphere. Zeus grabs Goku by his head and lifts him in between clashes. In response, Goku breaks Zeus' wrist bones with both hands. Zeus gives a punch imbued with magic and lightning on Goku's gut launches him into the Ocean and heals the wrist bones. After this, Zeus starts throwing punches filled with magic and lightning at Goku. In retaliation, Goku covers his hands with ki.

Zeus is struggling to land hits on Goku. He exclaims, "What kind of mortal are you? Every second your power is rising instead of going down!" Goku slips through Zeus' barrage of punches and delivers a punch in the gut, saying, "This is for the last punch." Goku follows the momentum and delivers another kick, saying, "I" and another heavy punch, saying, "Am". Goku tries to deliver one more punch, but this time Zeus catches Goku's hands. However, Goku slips out of his grasp and instantly teleports above Zeus' head, delivering a massive blow, saying "Insane".

On Themescyria, Wonder Woman asks Batman, "Where did you get this madman Bruce and what did you tell Superman?" Batman doesn't reply to Wonder Woman and tells Barbara in his communicator, "Barbara, locate both of them right now and keep an eye on them." Barbara replies, "I located them already. They reached the mainland and are just punching each other so heavily." After hearing this, Batman tries to go somewhere else.

Wonder Woman asks, "Where are you going now? To help your new friend?" Batman replies, "He doesn't need my help, but somewhere else needs my presence."

On the beach, Zeus stands up and exclaims, "You're insane! All mortals have become insane and forget the fear they should have in front of God. No more, I am going to teach every mortal on this planet about the fear they should have - the fear that should come into their mind instinctively when they try to stand against a God." Goku thinks to himself, "I messed up. I was gonna say Saiyan but uttered something else. But man, I hate this guy's nature. He is more dramatic than Beerus' first visit."

"You want to teach everyone a lesson? Well, sorry for you. As long as I exist here, you're not gonna harm anyone on this planet," Goku replies to Zeus with a confident tone and instructs people to empty the area.

"No more play," Zeus flew into the sky and the whole sky started covering in black clouds. Goku realizes through his ki-sense that this is happening all around the world. Without wasting any time, Goku charges toward Zeus, but Zeus releases thunder on the whole planet in various places. Two of them strike Goku and push him to the ground.

"No more holding back," Goku says in his mind and uses his full 20 percent power to create multiple ki balls and release them all around the world. The ki balls clash with thunder and cancel them in mid-air. After releasing an uncountable amount of ki balls, Goku charges towards Zeus again, this time with his dragon fist. Zeus sees Goku coming towards him, gathers all the clouds, and creates a giant fist with thunder and clouds. Goku suddenly uses kai o ken just before the clash. Goku manages to land the punch, tearing through the storm and clearing the whole weather. This time, Zeus staggers for a few seconds.

Azmuth replies to Goku, "You're fighting a guy with lightning-based abilities. Instead of wasting your ki on ki balls, do something so that he becomes unable to use his lightning."

Zeus also comes back to his senses and goes towards Goku, but Goku releases a wave in the whole atmosphere. Zeus manipulates the weather for storms and thunder, but nothing happens. "What have you done now, you insane mortal?" Goku replies, "I covered all free electrons in the atmosphere. Now, no more lightning."

Zeus gets seriously angry at Goku, "Now I see the bands on your hand. These are Celestial objects. They must be the reason behind your absurd rise in power and your confidence to challenge an All-Father. No more. Now, the whole earth will see the wrath of an All-Father." Zeus goes into space to charge up a massive magic attack.

Goku says to everyone's mind, "Hi, guys. I am Goku. I need your help to defeat this guy who is threatening Earth. Please lend me your energy, and I need everyone's help to defend this planet." One guy out of the crowd suddenly raises his hand, saying, "Here, take my energy, and show these Gods we aren't gonna surrender in front of them." After one man, everyone starts to give Goku energy. Goku makes a massive spirit bomb and starts to compress, screaming "Big Bang Kame Hame Haaaa!"

Both Goku and Zeus' attacks clash again. "This mortal again and again humiliates me. No more. I will erase your existence with your attack," Zeus exclaims. Goku replies, "It's not gonna be easy. This attack contains the united energy and emotions of all people living on this planet. This one is not gonna break or bend at all."

Goku then charges up Kai O Ken times 3 to break through the beam struggle. This time, Goku triumphs in the clash, and Zeus is pushed back into the moon's surface. Zeus comes out, and before he takes any action, the High Father stops time, saying, "All-Father, stop this madness right now."