Chapter 6 - Chapter Six

He knocked at her room door

Toyin answered the knock immediately but her eyes were hooded and cautious when she saw it was h

She was wearing a pair of shapeless cotton trousers and a T-shi

Yet all he could think about was the magnificence of her naked body and the way she'd cried out when he'd opened her legs and entered h

He was furious at himself for the hot surge of lust which flooded through his bloodstream, knowing he should be concentrating on her lies and subterfu

Not her undeniable physical appea

'Massimo', she said, her pulse hammer

'Oh, don't worry, ' Massimo said, with a disdainful curl of his li

'I haven't come here for sex. 

'Oh? Then why have you come her

Toyin tilted her chin in a defiant gesture and suddenly Massimo wondered how he could have been so dense. Of course she was someone.... A diamond in the rough ~ that had been his initial reaction on seeing her, and he had been right

And when he stopped to think about it her high-born status had been apparent in every gesture she made. It had been there in the way she moved and the way she walked. In her flawless skin and heart-shaped face and in the thick, lustrous bounce of her hair

She was a princess. A runaway virgin princess who had chosen him as her first love

' I'm still trying to get my head around what happened last night, ' he sai

" About the fact that you let a virtual stranger take your virginity. And is there anything else you've omitted to tell me

Just because he'd been deep inside her body the night before, didn't mean he suddenly developed the ability to read her mind, did it? How could he possibly kn

'like what? " She questioned nonchalan

'Oh, sweetheart, ' he said sof

' why do you women find it difficult to give a straight answer? Why is deceit always their default settings

I gave you a chance to tell me the truth, you chose not to take 


' I'm taking about the fact that you're a princess and the world's press know you're here. 

' No, ' she whispered, her fingers moving to her l

'Yes' he said gri

' They can't know. I've been here for months and been left in peace. did they find out?

' someone regonised you ' he s

Damn Massimo and the early Christmas party, if only she'd not go

For once she'd dress up wanting to look pretty, vanity and desire had been her down fal

Discarded her habitual disguise, of nondescript clothes and big hat and someone had identified he

' I'm sorry, ' she said, he had been honest with her from the start but she wasn

'It's a bit too late for that, ' he snapped, now am involved in this and so is my little solitud

' what else do you expect me to say? ' she said and walked back inside her bedroom. 'Excuse me. I have a lot to do

But Massimo followed her and reached out to hold her wr

And even in the middle of her confusion and fear, she could still feel herself responding to his touch.