Colton wakes up, he slept horribly that night. He then remembers the ants prowling and peeks over the window. It was morning and with no ants in sight. He sighs in relief and plans out what he must do next. He grabs out a can of beans and begins eating. Two more cans left he thought, Colton had to find more food. Finish eating, Colton decides to use the empty can to store food. He looked around the shop, all the meat was rotting and decaying. He checks the cold storage in the back. Same thing, all power has gone out to just every building. Disappointed, he takes his bag and leaves the store.
Outside he noticed guts and bits of whatever the hell ants were able to get to. The blood trails lead back to the holes. Colton speedwalks quickly away from the area.
"Hey Richard, are you awake?"
"Guess not"
Colton makes his way downtown, looking at all the different crumbling buildings.
"Do you copy over?"
"I copy, hey Richard. Last night was awful, I woke up feeling like shit."
"Yeah, it can be stressful but anyways where are you right now? Are you almost here?"
"Nah, I'm still lost, there's the Nutrient Grow plant shop where I am."
"Let me check. You could probably make it here by the end of the night if you're fast."
"Oh nice, I'm almost out of food so that would be great!"
"You're closer than I thought. Do you see that tall building in the big tree direction that has New Bank on it?"
"Yeah, towards the center of the city, right?"
"Yes, once you reach that building entrance, take a right and walk 2 blocks forward, and then make a left and walk one block and you should reach the G.S.R building. You got of that?"
"Yeah, I got most of that, but it will take me a while."
Colton starts making his way towards the building. Walking for what had to be hours he finally reaches his destination. He notices the immediate change in the surrounding buildings. All these buildings were used by companies for work, it looked rich. He stands there staring at the building, he always imagined a kid working for one of these companies and coming here. He remembers his task at hand and begins to continue his journey.
"Hmm, was it a right?" Colton said to himself.
"Oh well," he said as he shrugged his shoulder.
He thought he would be able to see the G.S.R building since he'd been there multiple times as a kid. His dad brought him here sometimes. He wanted to work here but after his father's death, his mom became mentally unstable, and Colton was left all alone.
He walks around and sees if he remembers anything to guide him there. Out of the corner of his eyes, he spots something in one building. He pulls out his gun and points towards the building. He starts panicking and shaking once again.
"Calm down, it was probably nothing," He thought.
Colton starts walking backward before he trips on a metal rod on the ground. He loses control and hits a car, which makes him fire a shot in an accident. He gets up only to make the alarming discovery of 4 pairs of eyes staring from the building right at him. Terrified, he ran for it looking back to see whatever was staring at him was now on the move. It was large, it was around a meter tall, around 5 meters long, muscular body, 4 eyes, a massive mouth, 6 pairs of legs, and a thick tail.
"HELP ME!" he shouted.
"Richard help me please, are you there, please answer."
"Woah, woah, calm down what's going on?"
"I'm being chased by some 6-legged lizard thing but I'm close by."
"Ok, ok, I will send some guards out, just keep running and make sounds so they can find you. If you see a large DNA statue, then you're close."
"Ok, ok, I'm running as fast as I can."
Colton darts around the cars and checks back. The beast was still charging unaffected by the cars as it just knocked them over. He keeps running while shouting in complete fear. He fires off a few shots as well to attract the guards. Running 3 blocks he makes a sharp left and sees the DNA statue. Relieved, he smiles and runs towards it. The creature is still in hot pursuit. Colton reaches past the DNA statue and sees the G.S.R building as he remembers it.
"Yes, yes, yes, I'm here!" He shouted in joy.
Unfortunately for Colton, he trips over the curb and lands on his face. He looks back and sees the beast has caught up. He puts his hands up and prepares for the worst. The beast's booming steps get ever so closer, and Colton begins watching his life flash before him. He hears multiple gunshots fly around him. It was the guards, there were 3 of them, each equipped with an assault rifle. He sighs in relief before he finally passes out from exhaustion.