In the real world, Kyle's concentration and focus was disturbed by loud screaming, and a BOOM. Looking up, he saw a fire right near his house, with 2 burning cars and loud screaming coming from the passengers. Grabbing his phone, Kyle dialed 911. "Hello, there is an accident in front of my house, at 203 Belwin Avenue, I'm not sure what has happened." Kyle, hoping people would arrive on time, turned back to the game.
While Kyle had been calling 911, the monster had an open chance to attack him. With speed, it moved and charged with multiple giant slashes and punches directed at Kyle's character. Kyle had gotten back just in time to see it, so he attempted to dodge. Realizing it was too late to dodge, Kyle had only one choice.
[Arcane Sacrifice] Kyle was flung away, losing an arm and half of his remaining Mana, yet was still alive. Moving to recover, he started firing off attacks at the monster to slow it down while trying to recover to a better position.
[Gale Offensive]
[Magic Grand Fireball]
[Lightning Calls]
Yet, the boss continued. Beating the attacks away, it made a rapid charge. Kyle was surprised. "How is it so powerful? The wiki did not say it was this powerful!" Even though he had formed rings of thunder, created such powerful winds it would instantly destroy an entire city, then created a fireball so gigantic and compressed with power that it should have caused some damage!
Yet the bastard had batted the attacks away without even blinking. What was this? Kyle knew... that he would not last this battle. Launching himself upwards, Kyle attempted to flee the battle, and try again another session to beat the final boss. Yet luck would not reward him, as suddenly, multiple powerful attacks hit his back, forcing him to pour every drop of his mana to create a powerful enough shield to take the force, and maybe use it to fling out of the battle!
In front of him, giant wind gusts and claws were heading towards his shield. Kyle could have used teleportation magic to escape the attacks, but in the split second he had to react, he made a shield instead. The attacks hit the shield with a brutal crack, as cracks slowly appeared. Kyle had a few seconds to spare. He knew that he had to teleport out and then keep fighting. Yet Kyle was too low on mana to use teleportation. [Teleport] required at least 35% mana, yet Kyle only had 15%.
Trying to move away, Kyle used [Recoil Winds] and moved away, but right before he could flee, the boss appeared in front of him. Blocking his path, it charged, but Kyle had managed to see its single weakness, and threw a final [Dark Strike] at the weakness. Kyle knew there was no defending, so he tried to use the recoil to flee. It seemed as if the monster had been heavily injured in the combat, yet it continued fighting on. In a back and forth of retreats and attacks, Kyle was driven to the edge. Running out of mana, even Kyles [Fly] magic paused, and he dropped to the ground.
Surviving the fall, his character was about to die! The screen had blurred, yet he could see it above him, biting down slowly, as if waiting to savor it. Kyle got ready for the death screen, yet what he got instead, wasn't the death screen. Before he could see it, he had been knocked unconscious to sleep...
An unknown amount of time later, Kyle woke up... where?