"Please give me more time to pay off my late husband's debts, "said a woman who bowled down to us in fear "Mommer are we going to be homeless?" said a little girl holding a worn-out teddy bear as she was shaking the woman who is bowling "Haa... fine 10 days and that is it here is some money to start a new life with your daughter so that she does not grow up to be like us" as I spoke in a lulling voice "but.. but what about your boss?" explained the woman in a confused and who was on her knees "don't worry I will talk to him," I said with a wolfish smile. oh, my name is Betzalel I have black skin and white hair other kids have always criticized me due to that and because I was born into a Yacuser family with my mother passing away when I was born. My dad is the leader of a terrifying Yacuser in Tokyo called MiddonaitoburÄdo. I picked my phone from my pocket and called my dad, The phone rang for 1 minute before it was picked up " Ah.. hello father I have dealt with our client..." "Good job, come back I have a surprise for you so come back" in the end IÂ was unable to tell him.Â
I sat in my car and was about to sit off when I heard a ticking sound in my car. I knew my time was so stepped on the brakes driving tempo to a far place away from the city, once heard the bebe I smiled thinking to myself I could finally join my mother on the other side as I was engulfed in flame. when I opened my eyes I did not find myself in a plane filled with grass but I was in a void of darkness, then all of a sudden, a huge blinding as a giant woman in the form of light stood she spoke ...you have been one of the purest soul in this world that has never seek revenge, get mad, you even help same one who had lost all hope, for this kind of act I shall grant you a new life and shall give you the three ability for your survival in another world and a chance for you will happy life.
 Then I started to feel