DU du du du du du.
Writing is fun they said
Writing is easy they said
What a joke. When I first come to writing I never even wrote seriously. I don't care about the plot, the story, the character, the building. Nope I care non of that. And here it will be the same case. I hope you be confuse of what I'm writing here. Enjoy
Imagine there were a second earth orbiting the oposite site of earth but on the same way. That would be something.
"Yeah Imagine being such a loser to think such think. Couldn't be me"
*sweat profusely
I have many great idea in my mind for a story ( A real delusional I am). Maybe I want to write them all one day.
*He didn't know what coming for his ass
So I start writing..... Until I realise I am very bad at writing (It only took 2 years)
So what kind of writing I had done in 2 years. Probably a lot right? 2 years is a long time..
Most of them is in the garbage bin currently....
Not because the story wasn't great it just that there is too much of other thing weighting it down to be such an ass story.
In spend of two years I had write about 5 story. 4 is in the garbage bin, later to be recycle and my attention is focussing on this one story that I think probably the hardest to write among all five of them.
Yeah done such a great job at picking aren't you.
When I first pick this story I thought it be the easiest one of them all... Until I realise the only easy part is the beginning. I never meant to develop the story further and here I am stuck on a story that I didn't even know if I could finish in time or not.
Dumbass Calman.
What if there are me in the future that finish writing that story.
I be suprise.
Either way what do I have for dinner. Oh wait I forget. I am a college student.
*My broke ass laughing after spending all my month allowance
It's okay I got biscuit to fill me up. A lot of it. I am not sure why but my parent always give me a crap ton of biscuit like, what? You expecting me to eat all of it. (Not that I complaining now)
Back to the topic....Wait what the topic again. I forget..... Here another issue. When you are writing you always want to write something that sound flawless or at least sound good but then suddenly your brain wisper to you
"What is the words?"
Than you come to a stop.
Oh sh**.
*Realisation come hitting you like a truck-kun
But this time it didn't take you to another world but instead take your few brain cell left and throw it into the garbage bag.
What I try to said is, when it come to writing I have a lot of problem with words. And forgetting is one of the main issue.
My english isn't that terrible, it actually pretty good, I got A for my second language.. Wait no english is my third language but still.
When I try to read other novel they love to use this all kind of words that I never even heard let alone used. Making me needing to do reseach to find its meaning which I hate to do.
Some of you probably asking if you got A for english how come you had so many grammar mistake.
Bit*h, do you think I care about grammar here.
Here some grammer msitake for tou.
Also, today is a pretty nice day (The day I wrote this)
But it very difficult to dry your laundry when there is other student clothes in the dryer without that student himself.
"This people think they live alone in the dorm"
*Smiling looking around with that stone looking face that doesn't care about anything anymore
I usually end up just drying my clothes under the sun most of the time.
Going back to writing..... What is it again..... Oh yeah words. I hate words, I hate grammar I hate anything that needed correction afterward.
Also I really can't stand when people using too much of discription when writing. I like things simple
*Just like myself
Atleast make it understandable. What the fu*k is this poetic stuff trying to sound different when the scene is only trying to tell the main character woke up from bad and watching bird singing outside.
I'll be crazy if I try to wrote something like that every time.
*Sigh no.2
Writing sometimes is dificult. (Excuses)
"Yeah fu*k that"
*Middle finger in the air
That should conclude chapter 1. It full of chaos and other stuff but it really only meant for fun.
Bye to the reader hope to see you aga-.
*Reminded of the stuff I learn. READER FIRST bs (foreshadowing of future chapter)
Yeah, hope to never see you again!
"Comment anything you want if you want chapter 2... or don't. I'll probably do it anyway when I'm bored. Peace yo"
(Go support my other work tho- NUROS:Atlas. It's dropping around mid this year... hopefully. Thanks XD)