Chereads / NEW WORLD LOVE / Chapter 23 - ch.23 (hunting a yellow hornet pt.1)

Chapter 23 - ch.23 (hunting a yellow hornet pt.1)

Kirin (pov).

So I reached the student council room and met up with Yuri who stocked me up with guns and ammunition and then dropped me off near the Lower East district. it's 6:30 Yuri's raid is going to be in about an hour I have to attack as soon as they start their attack.

Now to track down the gang, since he conducts experiments and has a lot of beasts it has to be a place with a lot of storage and facility to perform those experiments.

I counselled my presence and went to the abandoned sectors where thugs would be hanging out I secretly used my observation to find a few yellow hornets and followed them to an abandoned hospital. bingo that has to be it but I don't see anyone. they must be underground so I sneak in and inside I reach the door to the basement which was guarded by two giant dogs they were grey and looked like they were decaying.

// demi-hell hound(artificial undead beast mutated with C.F.D).

Level. low-mortal.

skill- poison bite//x2

// poison bite- upon biting releases poison through saliva//

luckily their being undead took away most of their sense of smell I entered their side and them being hounds with eyes mainly focused in the front they didn't notice me and in a quick flash, I decapitated them.

I stealthily enter the basement and hide behind a contender. The basement was converted into a lab full of containers and tubes containing beast experiments and in the centre of the room was a massive vhat that held an ominous presses. 15 more minutes till the attack so till then let's hear what they are talking about.

Researcher 1" The merging is complete but the neuro link has not been set yet its completion has only reached 3%, I don't get why is it so low"

Researcher 2" That is to be expected insectoid brain is far different than that of a vertebra and there being five brains it will first synchronise with the main consciousness that being the last mind standing"

Researcher 3" Why can't we just choose one ourselves we have the capability to do just that"

Researcher 2" F*** how do you two call your selves researchers did you not pay any attention back we I was sticking it with those flames it has a low life expectancy and to prolong it as long as possible and with the strongest mind in charge the life will prolong higher the that of the other but still it is taking longer then calculate a by a large margin "


at that moment Koplad emerged from the other corner there were the two other researchers alongside him discussing something.

Koplad "It seems someone is attacking are base in the upper district so we have to send support to Karen so now release the chimera prototypes and it seems two of my dogs are not responding it seems like we have an intruder"

then the tubes start to open and from them come out five very large loins each having a snake for a tail and then he waves his hand summoned like seven hell hounds.

// lesser-chimera ( artificial and C.F.D muteted)

Level. mid-mortal

skill- acid spit//x5

// acid spit- the snake head spits acid five shots every minute//

// Koplad second leader of yellow hornets

Level. mid-mortal

skill- Hound summoning, beast takeover//

// Hound summoning- summons hell hounds' strength and numbers depend on the sommers mana and will//

// beast takeover- takeover body of a beast or monster who is neuro-linked to the user and intelligence is the main stat focus of this skill in maintaining this link// 

// hell hounds

level. mid-mortal

skill- fire coat//x7

//Fire coat- coats fangs and claws in fire to burn the enemy//

there are far fewer creatures than stated in the files but they are stronger than expected.

With Yuri (3rdpov).

just after Kirin had left to confront the leader of the second team of yellow hornets Yuri was looking out into the distance. reading a message left by Sebal which stated ( 'let him go alone he has accrued me he will be fine') and it seems that Sebal had complet blind fate in his nephew. 

Yuri's current thoughts 'Kirin just left but I am getting this irrational feeling that something is wrong but there is nothing I can do he is in a higher position than me from a political standpoint pulse I have seen him fight just like how I like it tearing through your enemy a perfect partner for me.'

she gathered her team which consisted of 15 members of which the most prominent were her secretary and a guy carrying a rifle both being high one star and the others were low one star. she took her team and left for the third leader of the Hornets Karen. they travel for an hour to reach their destination a shipyard there they quickly surround the premises and wait for the designated time to attack.

Secretary" Ma'am opening is in t minus 13 minutes when Karen arrives with the new shipment which means about two minutes before our original estimate"

Yuri "It's alright an error so small is within expectation but remember we have to get Karen alive others don't matter and lethal force is allowed so make sure not to hold back"

as Karen arrived at the spot they all launched the operation and started firing tranquiliser at nearly a hundred runts and in an instant about twenty of them went down in an instant.

Karen" fuck we are under attack take cover and inject yourselves and take these ideots down" She started to message Kopla that they were under attack and send them back up.

Yuri" Surrender Karen and we won't kill you" Karen" So it's you Blood princesses you can forget me surrendering I know what you do to those you get your hands on" Yuri" Then have it your way"

yuri cloaked herself in the blood arua and rushed towards Karen, who became a bee demihuman gaining exoskeleton and flight. Karen moved at a terrifying speed attacking Yuri with her daggers and she could barely react to that speed and blocked it right at the end. Yuri ' She is too fast to attack the info on her speed seems outdated I can barely react'.

for about a minute Karen had pushed Yuri to go on the defensive constantly doing and deflecting attacks ' That aura is too tough to cut through the most I have given her is a scratch I might have an exoskeleton for defence but those slashes cut right through the floor without any resistance and I am burin my stamina maintaining this speed I have to dra this fight to someplace else' she zips away and Yuri chases after they reach the centre of the yard was the containers were spread out like a maze.

yuri may have been a bloodthirsty worrier but she did not become the school council president with just powers she was smart and she had countermeasures for a flying enemy

Back with Kirin.

Kirin was happy he was about to face a powerful force and opponent. The last two times he faced a powerful he couldn't go all out the first case he didn't want to kill that fatso and second he was focused on protecting the orb and keeping the fire off Yuri but now he can go crazy and kill too his heart's content and finally realise the frustration of keeping the blood lust down.

he realises all the blood lust and the beast starts to bark like crazy at that moment Kirin walks up to them smiling like a madman. 

Researcher 1" That unnerving feeling and walking in here alone and looking at him his definitely..."

Koplad" some kind of blood thirsty glory hound just are luck they sent an mad man after us"