February 11
the morning news reported the attack on lava hills. lobos odini and his gang had come to hide at the settlement.
However.they had been driven away from the settlement.
only one officer had survived.the rest were killed.
onswart was laying down on the bed.
he was trying to relax when he saw the news being reported by a female reporter.
it would seem that olive city and Hampton government had joined forces in other to cleanse the criminals in Torino and bring back control to the town.a video of their vehicles driving into the town was seen.they were up to 30 of these military vechiles and 10 helicopters.
the Torino council members had no say in the matter anymore.they could not escape government intervention.
lava hill settlement was outside the town and it was under government supervision.the criminals had caused the loss of goods.buildings and lives.
"for fuck sake."said onswart. he had a confused countenance on his face.
"this can't be happening."
the soldiers began to round up the town. the streets were filled with military men.
onswart knew this wouldn't end well.Fred was on his mind.he picked his phone and dialed his number.it began to ring and he was waiting for him to answer. he had a nervous look on his face.
"onswart."said Fred.
"am glad you're alive."
"thank God."
"am the only one who got lucky."said fred.
"it's hell out here."
"the government brought thier soldiers into town."
"in search for the criminals."
"I know."replied onswart.
"i saw the news."
"what's the chief doing?asked onswart.
"they have taken control over the police department and all files concerning the gang members."
"I should come."said onswart.
"you shouldn't." said fred.
"stay there with your daughter."
"it's not gonna be fun anymore."the call ended
"damn."said onswart.
he dropped the phone on the bed and rested his back on the bed.he closed his eyes.
the helicopters flew around the town.they were ten of them and the streets were filled with men who wore military uniforms.the stores were locked and so were companies.schools and hotels.
the council members had announced this to the police officers in the town.
saying that the government were here to help.
Fred wasn't pleased with the development but what could he do.
everything was in thier hands now.
the governor of olive city had taken matters into their hands when they got report of the lava hill take over by the criminals from Torino and before the next day morning. they had assembled their elite military men to take over the town.
this was against the towns new policy of being under government directives.
it was too late now.it wasn't a game anymore.they considered the towns security to be inefficient in taking care of their problems of loss of life.properties and defense against gang members.this would cause further damage to the people and the town it self.if not taken care of.
the military squad was lead by a general.
Ramiro Sergio.
a black man who had a built body.
they were in the police department.
at the security room.
they had requested for the targets locations.identities and informations.
zero.the members of the heathens crew.the hells angel and lobos odini and his gang.Sergio had shut down the train station. sealed off the exit which led out of the town and the express had been blocked.soldiers were positioned at these key areas.
"it seems that lobos is not in town."said the man. he was behind the computer.
"the security cameras are still on and we are searching for him."
the general in command nodded to the men behind him and they began to walk toward the buildings exit door.
the general stared at the cameras which displayed the locations that they would go to.
he began to walk toward the exit door. his soldiers were following behind.
zero was inside naked ally. It was closed.he'd sent off the few workers who'd stayed till morning.he'd seen the news and the soldiers who were in their helicopters.
he'd called Sarah to inform her of the development.
it seemed that the government of other cities were out to get them all.
he'd ordered her to hide.
the exit had been sealed and the streets were filled with military officers.
lobos odini was no where to be found.he'd escaped from lava hill settlement.they would be after him.
zero picked his hat from the table. It was at the bar. he began to walk toward the exit door.
he put on the hat and opened the door.the street was quiet and no vechiles were seen outside.some people were closing their shops.they were open.the sound of helicopter blades could be heard.followed by the warnings from their speakers.it told everyone to remain at their houses.
zero looked at his building.the bar.the stripper poles and the inner rooms.it would be a while before he comes back here.it was not safe for him anymore.now that the government had taken over.it wasn't safe for any of them.he closed the door and began to walk toward the left direction.it led out of the street.
blue lane street was filled with soldiers.they all had shields.the mob had refused to stay inside and let the military do their work of clearing out each street.block by block.
the villains were being hunted. the gang known as the heathens crew. they dominated and lived at blue lane.
the men and young boys who made up the mob were armed with sticks.flaming bottles.stones.
the struggle and chaos was something else.the mob fought aggressively. screaming as they attacked.
the military men blocked with thier shields while attacking with sticks and guns.
some of the men and boys had been killed in the battle to dominate and protect their surrounding.
this had led to further violence.rex and his gang members were at the black market.it was located at the last block. they wanted to escape.
but the road was blocked and soldiers were roaming around.they seemed to multiply in numbers.rex and his gang members were in the building which was by the left side of the black market. the buildings were opppsite each other and they were built close to the express.they hid inside one of the many houses in the building.
they were at the 6th floor.it was a 10 story building.they spied from the window. at the soldiers who were busy moving below.
"go."yelled one of them.
the rest of the squad followed. they entered into the first floor of the ten story building. it was built in a rectangle shape.it was long and high.
"they're in."said Barack.
he was up standing while the others bent down. rex was busy rearranging his gun.
"what's the plan boss?asked Barack.
"we can't let them take us."he walked toward the front door and opened it.
they were 9 of them in total.rex included. those who were not with him were either dead.
captured or still on the run somewhere inside the town which was surrounded and blocked.
somehow.they were targeted and followed.
rex was lucky. they broke into his house.Omar had warned him in time and he had escaped.the mob were still busy fighting.their screams could be heard.the sound of gun fire too.it was a riot.
the military men were looking for them at the second floor.
"get ready."said rex.
"to the top floor."
"now."he came out and pointed his gun at the left direction.
his gang members followed the opposite direction.
where the staircase leading up to the next floor was just at the left corner.
the steel used in barricading the building was carefully constructed.from the first floor to the tenth floor.
rex began to follow them. he was watching his back.the footsteps of the military men were getting louder.
he turned around and ran to the circled staircase.
they arrived at the next floor and kept on running toward the straight path which led to the next floor.
rex and his gang continued to run toward the staircase. to the next floor. the 7th floor came in view and before they could continue.an helicopter flew toward their direction. the men inside the helicopter saw them.rex and the others opened fire before they could make any move.one of the pilot was shot in the head. the helicopter began to fall to the ground.
the copilot began to yell into the radio.the system was alerting them of danger.
rex yelled and the others increased their speed.
toward the end.
the staircase was at the left corner.the helicopter crashed on the smaller buildings.destroying them.
yelled a voice.
"move."the military officers were on thier trail. rex and his gang were running. they climbed the staircase.
the 8th floor was in sight and they were still running when another helicopter showed up. two machine guns were attached to its side.it started spinning and bullets began to decorate the walls.
rex and the others fell back into safety.inside one of the houses in the building. they were being held back and the military men were coming to get them.
the helicopter was hovering in the air while shooting continuously.
it went into the building walls. filling it with holes.
"what do we do?yelled Omar.
rex turned around to hear the footsteps on the staircase and then he stared at the helicopter.
he aimed at the helicopter and opened fire at it but the bullets being sent his way forced him to go backward.
the military men approached and opened fire.
the first three men were killed.
more men came forward but Omar quickly threw a grenade toward them and it exploded. the sound wave and explosion sent them flying against a wall.inside the house and half of the staircase blew away.leaving traces of destruction and ruin.
Omar went to meet rex.
he was standing.his body was against a wall. Barack and the others seemed to be in a haze but still alert.
Omar ran toward the exit door. he held a gun and bomb in his hands. he opened fire on them and threw the grenade toward the helicopter. but then. It flew backward and the grenade went down and exploded before reaching the ground. the explosion shook the building and the wave pushed them backward.Omar fell to the ground. they were bullets in his body.
rex eyes widen in shock as he stared at him.
"no! he yelled and made to go out but was held down by Barack. the helicopter came to their direction and continued to shoot at them.
"no! yelled rex.
the others were busy shooting at the men who were below.
the gun fire sound filled the air and time seemed to slow down in his eyes as he stared at Omar. he was dead.
"stay back."Barack yelled. he freed himself from his hold and opened fire at the helicopter.
they shoot at the helicopter and it began to divert from its position.moving up to avoid damage.
"go now."yelled Richard. the others were behind. they began to move forward.
rex began to move.he was still staring at Omar who lay on the ground. the helicopter resurfaced and began to shoot at them while following behind thier trail.
Richard pushed rex into one of the houses.
through the door and they both fell to the ground. the helicopter flew past them. It was following the remaining members of the gang.they had successfully reached the end of the the 8thfloor and then turning left. to the other side were the staircase which led up to the 9th floor was at. Richard and rex were hiding at the dinner table.
"shit."said Richard.
"we almost died."
rex looked out through the window which was broken down.
the helicopter was onto the others who was
at the 9th floor.
Its blades were swinging and the helicopter was flying around.
"we have to support them and get to the top floor."said rex.
"we're escaping through the exit door."
"what about the helicopter?asked Richard.
rex walked toward the door with his gun.
"we have to put it down."
the sound of gun firing could be heard as the helicopter machine guns began to shoot at the others.
"we have to go."
"they won't make it out."
rex came out and raised his gun up. he was watching for the helicopter.Richard was behind him.the next floor was just above and half part of the helicopter could be seen.
they both went toward the constructed steel used in barricading the building and hanged on to it with their guns.aiming at the helicopter back side.
they opened fire and it began to hit. however.the helicopter moved away and then coming down toward their direction. Richard shot his grenade launcher at the helicopter and it hit the front side.then it exploded.pushing it backward.
the wave sent both men against a wall.
they watched as it crashed down on the buildings which were below.
they were panting. long ropes flew up and hanged on the constructed steel.
the military men had began to move.
they approached from below.
Richard quickly turned around and began to shoot at them.he was shot in the process.
rex held him before shooting at the men. he was dragging himself forward. toward the end of the 9thfloor.
where the staircase leading up to the 10th floor was.
he quickly went toward the left corner.
with Richard.
he was bleeding from his mouth and chest.
Richards weight added to his and they fell on the staircase.
the others came to assist.
"no way."said Olivia.
"we need to move."yelled Barack. he moved past them.the military men came in view and he began to shoot at the men while hiding behind a wall.
beta came forward to assist Barack.
"you need to leave me."whispered Richard.
he began to gasp.
"I can hardly breath."
rex kept staring at him as he struggled to breath.
Richard eyes suddenly went still and his body seemed to relax.he was dead.
"no."yelled Olivia .rex stood up and began to climb the staircase.
"let's go."he yelled.
Olivia stood up and began to follow him and so did the others.
beta and Barack followed too.they all ran toward the 10th floor.
the express was just ahead.rex planned on jumping on the constructed steel.
"go now."
"Cross over."he yelled.
Kelly.Ramsey and Olivia went toward the end and jumped on the constructed steel and then. they jumped.
they fell on the express road. It was filled with cars.
it seemed not to be operating.Barack and beta stayed behind to buy time. they shot at the military men who tried to move forward.
a smoke bomb was thrown toward their direction.
the bomb exploded and green gas began to flood their surrounding.rex and the others began to withdraw back to the constructed steel while the military men advanced forward.
they had gotten to the destinated spot when a bullet found its way to beta's leg.
he fell on the constructed steel which was at his right direction. he held onto it with both hands. he quickly brought out his gun and began to shoot at them.
"I'll handle them."
rex and Barack had a sad countenance on their face as they stared at him.
"go."he yelled.
Barack held rex on his shoulder and they both looked at each other.
"let's go."Barack said and began to run toward the constructed steel.rex followed. he stared at beta who was standing and shooting at the men.
the green gas had began to cover the area where he stood at.he quickly began to run ahead with Barack.
Barack went to the constructed steel and jumped on it before lifting into the express.
rex did the same and they both crossed over to the other side. the others were already waiting.
they all stared at beta. they shot him and he fell from the building.
"no."Olivia yelled.
"now."rex said. they all began to run.they hid among the cars which were on the road.
the military men began to shoot at them and some at the building performed the same action and crossed over to the express.
the chase had began.three military men began to fire at them while pursuing from behind.
the bullets hit the cars at every turn they took.they were ducking and moving while shooting back at the military men who seemed to be increasing in number. more of them jumped into the express.
"go."rex kept yelling.he and Barack stayed behind a car while holdig them off.
they appeared to be trapped at the corner of a vehicle where they ducked down.until Barack bought out a grenade.loosened it and threw it toward the military men.
"let's go."he stood up and they began to move.heads low and guns down.
the bomb exploded and so did some of the cars behind.the other cars began to make an alarm sound.their lights were blinking.
rex and Barack had not caught up with the others who were ahead. when an helicopter was seen in the air.it was moving toward their direction.
the machine guns had started to spin around.
"get down."Barack yelled. they bent down.
the others ahead quickly ducked behind a car.
the bullets hit the cars. the helicopter turned around.
rex and Barack saw it and a scary look was registered on their faces as they stared at it.they were unable to make a move but then.a rocket suddenly flew straight to the helicopter and collided against it.
it exploded.damaging the helicopter and it crashed down to the ground.
it fell on the road.it was in flames. it destroyed the road and cars on it's path.a vehicle was behind. at the right side of the express.within the passenger seat. was a man with a rocket launcher in his hands. he kept it inside the car and opened the door.
james ricko came out from the car with a machine gun in his hand and he began to walk toward them.
"go to the car now."
"get the car ready."
Kelly.Ramsey and Olivia went toward the car.he started to shoot at the military men who were standing at the far end of the express.
rex and Barack quickly ran to meet james.
"get in."
"we're leaving."
rex and Barack ran straight to the vehicle and went in.
they had suddenly reversed and alerted him. by pressing the horn.Kelly was at the drivers seat.
James began to retreat backward.
"go over to the next seat."he said and threw the gun to Kelly.
before going in.
he took control of the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator.the car began to move on the road.
with full speed.
he took a left.
down the road which went led them away from the express.the roads downhill presented themselves and the car went leftward into hilltop street.
Josh Santos/pov /16years ago/
it was finally march 11.the day of the black festival. I had been up since 6am.standing near the window.i was holding a blunt With my right hand. I was thinking of Amanda.over the weeknd. we've had sex twice.she'd some how opened up to me fully. after the last conflict caused by Levi was settled in the field.we had won the game at the end of the second half.
this didn't speak well for their reputation but it didn't change the fact that they were the ones representing holy high against the rhinos of all saint high school.
Levi had announced thier rematch.they would be coming for the game which was named the black festival.
they were already arranging things and putting it in order.
Abel seemed to be excited about it.he'd gone to school quite early. to practice. he was among the tigers in the basket ball team. I had been up.
chatting with Amanda.we talked about lots of things.including prom. collage and the game.it was starting around 10am.
I guessed that the students of both schools would already be coming to watch.it was 7am already.Amanda had insisted that we go to the same collage next year. at olive city. the end of the session was fast approaching and we would be leaving school as senior students.
before that was the end of year party which was called prom.she was happy.it was as if she couldn't wait for that day to come.
my grandpa had found a job at Oxford street.in a garage where vehicles and trucks were repaired.
I went there in the evening.after school and i stayed till night time before going home.
my plans for collage was in motion and I had Amanda behind me.
the street was quiet and calm.the sun was not out yet.
but people had began to move.
i quickly walked toward my bathroom and pulled off my shorts and boxers before putting on the shower.the memories of her naked body flashed into my mind and I couldn't help but remember as I had my way with her body. in her bedroom and bathing room. she was unlike other girls I'd seen. she was passionate and soft.I guess it was because she came from a rich family.
she was well funded.her mom was not around. in town or at her house.
she always went outside torino for business and shopping.their restaurant needed new and fresh supplies of goods and she provided them without fail.
her life was good.I was lucky to be in it too.
i had finished bathing and i came out after cleaning my body with a towel.i selected new clothes and then I put them on.
the time was 7:55am.i came out from my room. I went toward my grandpas room.the door was closed but the lights were on.i stared at his door and wondered if he had gone out. he didnt check on me these days.
i went over and began to knock on the door.
"hey grandpa."
"are you still asleep?I asked but received no reply.so I pushed it open and an empty room revealed itself.his bed was empty and his window was closed.his curtains covered it. It was dark but I could see that it was empty. perhaps he had gone out.
I closed the door and walked toward the kitchen.opened the fridge and took the sliced bread from there.
I walked toward the dinner table and I began to eat.my phone began to beep and i brought it out from my pocket.
it was Blake balde.I stared at my phone screen.i was surprised.
"hey Josh."
"how are you doing?
"am good man."
"It's been long I seen you."
"what's up?
"noting much."
"same old stuff."he replied.
"are you coming for the games?I asked.
"i am."
"people wouldn't stop talking about it."
"yeah."i nodded.
"I'll see you in school."he said and cut the call.
I was happy to hear from him.seeing his call.hearing him say that he would come to school after such a long time of skipping classes.it made me remember rachel.she had also been absent.
due to money issues and her bills.naked ally took most of her time.she still worked there fulltime.
i brought out her number and dialed it.
it didn't go through.I kept my phone in my pocket.
james end street was just a couple miles away.I could visit her and take a bus back here.i finished eating and then returned the bread to the fridge before going out through the door and then locking it.
I walked down the staircase and strolled down the left direction where the bus usually stoped at.
I crossed to the other side and began to wait. few people were already waiting too.a woman with her little girl and a man in white uniform.he was holding a briefcase.i was still waiting when the bus arrived. it stoped at were we stood and the closed doors opened by themselves.
I went in last and walked toward the end of the seats which was at the back.they were other passenger inside the bus.i sat down and rested my back on the chair. my bags were still intact on my shoulders.i looked out the window As the bus began to move.
the stores around were open.it was another day for business again.I was wondering how it would be like when i leave this town for collage.how would he cope to begin with.he was old and retired.he was on pension from the hospital.it was the reason i agreed to work in the garage owned by Mr brown.a young man who had lost his wife to disease.
it appeared that he and grandpa were friends in church.he had come to church to share the news at the altar.
he had a grieving countenance on his face.he looked pale. his skin seemed to have lost it freshness. he usually helped in the church.
during weekdays.
With cleaning and putting things in order.
I don't really go to church everyday or Sundays to be precise.
but I knew them. she was a chorister among the group of choirs.
the bus drove past our house and I couldn't help but to look.it was the same way I had left it.the doors were locked.we continued on the bus. it moved past our house.straight ahead. the driver took a right bend and then turning around into another road which led outside the street.it went onward in the tortuous road system which was built in the town.the bus went into another road at the right direction. we arrived at James end.the bus stopped.
I came down from the bus and began to follow the crowd of people that moved at the sideway. the sun had began to rise from the west. the stores and buildings around showed signs of activities within.I went into an alley way. I kept on walking till I came out into another sideway.at the right direction was naked alley.it was among the buildings that were located here.
I began to walk toward the building.
the use of drugs around these parts of the town was much and it was well supplied.the underground subway station was at lake lines.
I walked toward the building and looked at the door.it was closed.the sign tag was visibly seen on the door.
"damn."i whispered.
I brought out my phone and dialed her number.it began to ring.
her voice sounded from the other side.I could hear the sound of snorting and coughing too.
"what's up?she asked.
"where are you?
"am at your work place and it's locked."
"am at home."
"can't you come over?
"no I can't." I replied.
"what the hell have you been up to?
"no calls or texts."
"have been busy josh."
"if you can't come now."
" we'll see another time."
"and when is that?
"you and Blake dont come around anymore."
"unlike you."
"we both have business to run."
"he's coming over today."
"there's this sport festival going on in school."
"I was wondering if you were gonna show up."
"am sorry josh."
rachel paused for a while as she began to move in the background.some one called her name.
"I'll catch up with you when I can."she said and cut the call.
I sighed and shook my head.it would seem that she was handling business at home. what ever it was that she was doing.i didnt care to know. her house was not far from here.i could go check on her but then I had planned to see her here.
"damn you Rachel."I whispered.
I turned back and began to walk toward the direction I had come from.
I took the alley way and came out through the other side of the street where the bus stop was stationed.I crossed to the other side of the road. after watching the traffic light turn red.
they were others who were crossing too and the vehicles at the right side were waiting. we crossed to the other side and I walked straight to the bus station.I sat down on the steel chairs and stared at my watch.it was 8:15am now.I began to watch out for the bus while my left leg moved nervously. the sun was out now.it was bright.
the bus suddenly began to approach from the left side of the road.i quickly stood up as it came forward and stopped at the station.
the doors opened and I went inside.
the driver had a black shade on his face and he wore a uniform.
"welcome on board."
"good morning sir."i said and took a seat among the chairs at the left front row seat of the bus.
the bus began to move.
I looked at the right direction.where the road leading to oxford street could be seen.
I worked with Mr brown now.I doubted if I would be idle again.i would be working till the day ends. just like Rachel and Blake.it would seem that they have stopped school.they had a lot of explaining to do when they eventually show up to write the final Senior exams which would be coming up at the end of this month.
this was our last year at holy high and everyone was excited and awaiting the prom that would be held in honour of the senior students of the school.I didn't think I would last till now.after all.I had been known for missing classes and coming once in a week.being late was my thing and Mr Laran had grown out of his feelings. he no longer sent me back. we had gotten close too.like everyone else.he was human. with a life of his own. he'd aged but he still kept his punctuality in check.he was among the old workers at holy high.
the bus approached brevely hills and took a left at the end of the road. we entered into my street.the bus past by my house.
the bus kept moving. I stared at the house.i kept wondering where grandpa had gone to this morning.
the bus went down the road till we approached holy high.everyone began to come down.it would seem that the remaining people in the bus were students.i didn't really pay attention to their faces.i was focused on my phone. Amanda was busy texting me and she had my attention.
the gate was open and everyone were going in.amanda was already in school.she was at literature class.She'd texted me.
mr divine often did his classes and lectures early. according to her.it was a revision of the previous works of prose and poetry which he had taught.
she told me to come straight to her.the boys would be at the field now.
I looked at the compound.it was crowded with people.
the parking space was filled with vehicles and bikes.they was a big yellow bus.it was parked behind the vehicles.i saw the media personalities outside.they were with their cameras.it was gonna be an event.just like the others before this one.
I was still walking toward the building when I felt a grip on my shoulder.i turned around to see Blake behind me.he wore a hoodie.
"don't scare me like that."i said.
"you seem to be focused on your phone."
he glanced at my hands and then stared at me.
"didn't wanna distract you."
"okay fine."I said.
"where you headed?he asked.
"literature class."
"Amanda wants me to meet her."
"the chick who caught us using cocaine at the lab."
"we're together now."
"cool."he said and walked past me.
"I'll lead the way then."
"how did the thing with Levi end?he asked.
Blake carried a bag.it hanged on his left shoulder.
"it ended in the field."
"we won the match that Levi challenged us to."
"really?he asked.
"that jerk."
"you guys were lucky."
"what game?
"rugby."i replied.
"let's see how today match goes."
"l'll hate to see them lose."
we approached the building and walked past the double door.
inside was also crowded. students were busy at their lockers.everyone seemed to be happy.Blake was still leading the way.
we walked toward the left direction which led toward a passage way.it was filled with rooms which had thier various names attached to its doors. Blake and I walked into literature class. the junior student were upstairs.the class room was not filled and Mr Divine Clark was no where to be seen.i walked straight to Amanda. she was reading a book.
"what's up?
she looked at me and her expression softened.she held my left hand and squeezed it.
"you're late."she said and feigned an angry countenance.
she stared at blake
"is he your friend?she asked.
I nodded.
"nice to meet you again."said Blake. he extended a hand and she took it.
she stood up from the chair.
she looked concerned as she stared at his face.it was bruised.
it was one of those fights he got into while pushing his uncle's products.
sometimes.it was the police.they had no pity for dealers.the Torino prison was filled with lots of them already.
"is he okay?she asked and stared at me.
I shrug my shoulders.
"he's gonna be okay."
"are we leaving or what?he asked.I looked around.they were five other students in the class room.they were reading.
"where's the teacher?
"he's gone."
"i was waiting for you."
I looked at my watch.it was 9:30 am already. I could hear students yelling.it was coming from outside the building.from the field.
"it's time we go out there."I said and began to lead the way.
"am right behind you babe."Amanda quickly arranged her books and put them in her bag before following me.
"after you."said Blake. they smiled at each other.I was already at the door.we began to walk toward the gym and training room. It was at the back of the building. we followed the passage way and this lead us through different staff office. we took the left direction.we walked into another passageway.other students were here. the boys had thier green jackets on.it was the colour of holy high sports uniform for the senior boys in the school.I wasn't wearing mine and neither was blake.I could hear the crowd cheering.the basket ball court was just down the corner.
at the left direction.
in the passageway.
the time was 9:50am already.
we climbed down the stairscase. into the hall. it was already filled with people.the stand where chairs were arranged.
the two different cheerleading squad where in the court.both representing their team.on the left side was summer and her girls.they were dressed in white and yellow outfits.it had shiny materials and shiny hand gloves. they were dancing.
"we are the tigress."they yelled while moving in accordance to the low drumming sound.
at the right side was another set of girls.in black short sleeve shirts and short skirts.they appeared to be dancing. they looked hot.I quickly recognized the twins from last year.they had a ponytail hair style.
"we are the rhinosoures."
"ain't that classy."said Blake. he walked toward the stand.we all took a seat at the middle of the stand.I looked at my watch. it was 10:00am.the boys from all saint high.who were on black outfits had started to advance through the door.it was at the left corner. all eyes turned toward them and the cheering began.
they were twelve of them.including an elder man who had a whistle around his neck. they walked straight to their side of the court and began to scheme among themselves.
"that's David Armstrong."a voice said.
"he's the star player of the rhinos."
Amanda scoffed while eating her popcorn.
"let's see if he gets his team through this one."
the tigers began to walk to the hall.
from the right corner. they were dressed in yellow and white outfits.
they were twelve of them.including Coach styles.they looked secrious as they walked past their opponent.the crowd began to cheer again.
both cheerleading squad had left the court and a referee was now standing in the halfway line. he had a basket ball in his hand.
both team sent their remaining players from the court.leaving only five players at both side.
Diego.rex.Calvin.usher and Sam represented the tigers.with Diego as captain.the other boys were tough too.
they seemed confident. they wore head bands on their heads.
the referee blew the whistle and threw the ball up before walking backward.
and the game began.the struggle for possession.the ball went to Diegos hands and he began to bounce the ball while moving around. a defense player from the rhino came for him but he tossed the ball to the left. toward rex.he caught it with his right hand and began to bounce it with his left hand while running toward their boundary line.another defense player came forward but rex past him by bouncing the ball left and right.
he ran past the boundary line.the set time was in 15seconds already. he was outside their three point line when a defense player from the rhino came for him. he quickly threw the ball toward the basket and it entered into it.
"boom." yelled coach styles.
at the corner where he sat with the other players who were on bench.
the crowd began to scream.the score board buzzed and three points appeared on the tigers score line.
the ball was in possession of the rhinos now. at thier half way line where two players stood. the referee blew the whistle and the player with the ball quickly began to bounce the ball before anyone could get to him.
he tossed it toward his team mate at his right side and he crossed the halfway way line.still bouncing the ball.Austin Gibbs was printed at the back of his t shirt.
he was still moving when two defense players from the tigers came for him and he quickly tossed it to the left angle of the court. his team mate caught it and then began to bounce it along the way as he passed their boundary line.
another defense player came for him but he tossed it to the right angle and his team mate who'd suddenly opened up outside the three point line caught it and he turned around swiftly while bouncing the ball. this enabled him to pass the defense behind him as he ran into the box.
two defense player rushed toward him but he tossed it to another rhino player who was three meters away from the basket and as he caught it.he bounced the ball toward the left side.avoiding the defense player who was on his trail and then he jumped and slammed the ball into the basket. the clock which was at four second.stopped and the score board buzzed.two points was added to thier score. the crowd had began to clap.
the media personalities who had cameras were taking pictures and recording the event.
they retreated to thier court and the ball was handed over to the tigers.
both team took Position again and the referee blew the whistle.Diego did a spin around while bouncing the ball.avioding the defense player who came for him.
he passed the ball to the left angle. across the halfway line and Calvin caught the ball and began to bounce it along the way.
two defense player came for him and he was held in that area while bouncing the ball with both hands.
one of them hit the ball away from his hand and the referee blew the whistle and raised his left hand. the crowd were not satisfied with this outcome as they began to murmur and shake thier head.
the rhinos were in possession of the ball now and both teams were taking position in the court.the clock had been set again.
the referee blew the whistle and onward they moved.
Austin Gibbs was bouncing the ball when a defense player came for him.he quickly passed the ball to his team mate.
who was at his right direction. Caleb caught it and began to bounce it leftward.he was trying to avoid the attacks of the defense players.this bought him time.he quickly passed the ball to mark Twain.he caught the ball and began to bounce it forward.
from the tigers defense player came for him as he passed the boundary line but mark ran past him.he bounced and controlled the ball with himself.
mark was just outside the three point line when he jumped and threw the ball to the basket. it went in smoothly.
the score board suddenly buzzed and three points were added to the rhinos.
mark raised his left hand up.it had turned into a fist.this was his victory pose.
Blake chuckled.the crowd were clapping and cheering at the same time.
"that's a good one."
the rhinos had five points now.the tiger players looked discouraged. they did not expect this outcome.
eight minute had passed and another eight minute was added to the set time.
the ball was with the tigers now.the rhinos had already returned to their side of the court.
"I'll see how this plays out."
I said and adjusted on my chair.
Amanda held my left hand while eating her popcorn.
we both stared at each other and she flashed me a smile.I smiled and refocused my attention on the basket ball court.
the referee blew the whistle and Diego began to bounce the ball. he ran past the two defense player in front of him.
two more came for him but he quickly passed the ball to the right angle.near the boundary line and Sam caught the ball and began to bounce it as he passed the boundary line.
he had not moved into their box when a defense player came for him and jabbed him down with his shoulder.Sam fell to the ground.
the referee quickly blew his whistle and the clock stopped.
the crowd were complaining now.
they were murmuring.
"what tha hell is that?
"oh no."
"that's a foul."
the referee walked toward Sam.he was holding his injured arm.
"are you okay?asked the referee.
"yeah."he nodded and stood up. they were at the sideline. past thier opponents boundary line. outside the three point line.
the referee blew his whistle again. to declare that it was a foul and a free throw was given.
the rhino player began to complain.
the ball was given to sam and he walked toward the free throw line.inside thier opponents box.
the referee blew the whistle and he threw the ball Into the basket.
the score board buzzed and one point was added to the tigers.
the ball was given to him again and he jumped and threw the ball into the basket.
the score board buzzed again and one point was added.the crowd were already clapping now.
the ball was given to sam again.
he inhaled and held on to the ball before bouncing it on the ground. he threw the ball into the basket.
the score board buzzed.
the tigers were six points now.
the crowd began to cheer.
I watched as they welcomed Sam into thier court. the ball was given to the rhinos and they took position at the half way line.
the referee blew the whistle and Austin Gibbs began to bounce the ball while moving forward.
a defense player came for him but he quickly passed it to his right side where gift smith caught the ball.
another player came for him.
with both hands outstretched and guarding his every move.
gift quickly stopped bouncing the ball and passed it to his team mate who was at the boundary line of their opponents court.
David Armstrong caught the ball and he began to bounce it. he moved past the line.
toward the box.
two defense player came for him but he escaped his way through.by running toward the rightward direction. then running to the left direction.he was outside the box when he jumped up and threw the ball into the basket.
the score board buzzed and three points were added to the rhinos point.
"David."the crowd began to chant.he began to run back to their side of the court.ot was at the left side.
"that was fast."I said and watched in disbelieve.this guy was their star player from last year and he was still in form. he wore a cocky look on his expression. his team mates nodded at him and he did same. the score board was 8:6 now.
the rhinos were leading and were already positioned at their side of the court.behind the half way line.
the tigers were awarded with ball possession.
they took position at thier side of the court.
the referee blew the whistle and Diego was bouncing the ball while running leftward. A defense player attempted to hit the ball from his hand.
but he put the ball in his other hand and slipped past his opponent while bouncing the ball. he passed it toward rex. he was at his left side and rex passed it toward Sam. he was in front of him. Sam avioded the defense player and threw the ball into the basket.
the score buzzed and two points were added to the tigers score.
it was a 8:8 now.
"now that's team work."yelled the coach of the tigers.I stared at him from where I sat.he seemed anxious too. he sat down on his chair.
the ball was in possession of the rhinos and they were already starting to take position and so were the tigers.
the referee blew the whistle and Austin Gibbs was bouncing the ball forward when a defense player confronted him.
he quickly passed the ball to his right side and his team mate caught the ball and continued to bounce it along the way. gift smith was still in possession of the ball when a defense player hijacked the ball from him and began to run toward the halfway line while bouncing the ball.
he passed the ball toward rex and he continued to run past the halfway line while bouncing the ball.he quickly let go of the ball as he passed it to usher. he caught it and then he ran past the defense player who came for him. he'd ran past the boundary line now and was advancing to thier opponents box when two defense player came for him.
usher threw the ball toward the basket and it entered into it.
the crowd began to cheer in excitement. some stood up.
clapping and whistling.
the score board buzzed and three points were added to the tigers score. making it 11 points.
the tigers returned back to their side of the court and took their various positions.
the ball was with the rhinos and they were taking positions too.
the referee blew the whistle and Austin began to bounce the ball while moving toward the left direction.
Diego blocked him and attempted to take the ball but it was passed to caleb. he was already past the half way line.Caleb bounced the ball while running forward. two defense player came for him and he quickly passed the ball to mark Twain. he was at the right angle. near the boundary line of the tigers.another defense player came for him and he began to bounce the ball from left and right.
with both hands. He was trying to find a way through. he passed the ball to billy. billy began to bounce the ball while running toward the three point line.outside of the box.
before the defense player could get a hold of him.billy passed the ball toward gift smith. he bounced the ball once and then he threw the ball into the basket. it began to bounce on the ground.rolling over the line.the score board buzzed and two points were added to the rhinos.
the referee blew his whistle and the clock which had turned zero. buzzed and went off. it was a half time now and the score points were 10:11.the rhinos were behind with one point.both teams began to walk away from the court.it was a tensed 16minues. the game would be continued after the half time.to decide the winner.
the crowd were still clapping. they exited the hall through the door which was at the left direction.
"that was game buddy."said Blake.I nodded. the second half wasn't guaranteed yet.who would be winning the second half?
I knew it would be tougher than the first half.
Blake suddenly stood up from his seat.he was walking straight ahead. at the right direction.I stared at him. wondering where he was going to.he had not bothered to tell me anything.Amanda stared at me and I focused on her.
"what's up babe?she asked.
"noting."I said and smiled.
"what about you?
"am just waiting for the game to start."
"me too."the hall was cold and filled with white lights and Windows.this was gonna be fun.
five minutes had passed since half time ended.blake was not back yet and Amanda and I were patiently waiting for the game to start.
the reporters in the hall were still in position. everyone seemed to be excited about the game and already awaiting the second half to begin.
I looked around.
hoping to see Blake. he was not inside the hall.
my mind wandered and I thought about Rachel.she seemed to be handling her business.it felt different without her.
her presence was something I had gotten used to since childhood.
she was always there to check on me in the morning.eat lunch at the cafeteria and we walked together when school was over.last I saw her.her body had changed.she'd gotten lean and tall.she was still beautiful.
but the work and drugs had changed her.Amanda had begged me not to take the substance.else she would end the relationship.I had agreed.she said she wanted the best for me and wouldn't want to be a part of my life if I continued with this habit. I understood and I had agreed. grandpa didn't know. he knew that i smoked marijuana.as he often did.
"it's about to start."
"they are coming in."
I stared at the right direction and watched as both teams came in.the crowd were cheering now. they were clapping.the referee walked toward the court.he was holding his whistle.
it would seem that some of the players of both teams had been changed.however. both captains were still present. Diego and David. both team took thier respective positions and formations on the court while the referee stood in between the halfway line. he was holding the ball.he threw it up and then shifted backward before blowing the whistle.it fell on the ground and bounced up. but then. rex caught it and began to bounce the ball. From left to right.the defense player in front of him blocked his view.
rex passed the ball to the left.
toward Markus. he had already Crossed into thier opponents side of the court. he caught the ball and then began to bounce it while moving forward.another defense player came toward him and he quickly passed it to his team mate. he was at the right angle. Gabriel was bouncing the ball when David hit it from his hand and it rolled outside the court.the referee blew the whistle and the ball was given to the tigers. Diego smalls bounced the ball to their side of the court.behind the half way line where his team were positioned.
the referee blew the whistle and Austin began to bounce the ball.
he ran past the middle of both defense players. he forced his way through.he passed the ball toward Markus.he was at his right direction. he kept moving along while bouncing the ball.
another defense player came for him and he moved toward the rightward direction while using his left hand to defend himself. after successfully finding an opening.he passed the ball toward the left angle.
to rex.
he kept on moving while bouncing the ball. he passed the boundary line and approached the box.two defense player came for him but rex jumped up and threw the ball to the basket.it flew straight into the basket.
the score board buzzed and three points were added to the tigers.making it 14 points.
rex ran back to thier side of the court and Diego did an high five with him.
they both took position again.
the referee blew the whistle and thier opponents began to close in on them by crossing the halfway line.Diego ran toward Austin.
he passed it to mark Twain and he continued to run down the court.he was still bouncing the ball.before the defense player could get to him.he passed the ball toward David.he had already Crossed the boundary line.he threw the ball into the basket. as soon as it got into it.the score board buzzed and the crowd began to cheer.three points were added to the rhinos.making it 11points.
"boom." David yelled.
"go rhinos."
"go rhinos."
the crowd were cheering and clapping.
David and his team were happy.
"let's do this."whispered Diego.
the referee blew the whistle and he began to bounce it. he passed it toward rex.he ran past the half way line while bouncing the ball.he passed it toward Gabriel.he was at his right side and he kept bouncing the ball.attempting to pass by a defense player.
Garfield suddenly opened up for him and waved with both hands.Gabriel quickly passed the ball and he caught it at the left angle. past the boundary line.
without hesitation.he threw the ball toward the basket. from outside the box.
it hit the basket and bounced away.
Garfield turned back and began to walk back to thier side of the court.
coach styles was equally disappointed too. he sat back on his chair.
the time was 11 minutes now and it would be counting downward when the game starts. they could only be one winner in this game and everyone was waiting to see who would be winning.
Austin Gibbs started to bounce the ball at the sound of the whistle which the referee had sounded.rex attacked him. he was aiming at the ball.
but then. he passed it toward David. he was at the right angle. past the halfway line. he caught it and began to bounce it when two defense player came for him and he suddenly passed it back to Austin.he was behind.Austin bounced the ball and caught it. he past it to mark Twain. he was ahead.mark caught the ball and continued to run toward their opponents boundary line while bouncing the ball.two defense player came for him but he quickly jumped and threw the ball up.everyone watched as it entered the basket.
the score board buzzed and three points were added to the rhinos.making it 14 points.
the man who accompanied the rhinos seemed to be impressed at his boys performance.He kept watching them.the rhinos went toward thier side of the court. so did the tigers.the time remaining on the clock was four minutes and it had stoped moving.Blake had not come back yet.his seat was still empty. he'd missed the second hall.the referee blew the whistle and Diego began to bounce the ball around with his left hand and right hand.
he passed the ball to Markus.he ran past the halfway line while bouncing the ball.a defense player came for him and he passed it to Gabriel.he began to bounce it while moving forward.
a defense player came for him and he quickly passed it to rex. rex ran past him. He caught the ball.
two defense player came for him and blocked his way.rex was bouncing the ball while moving left and right.behind their boundary line area.more defense players had suddenly come from behind and they all attacked him.
rex fell to the ground.
the referee blew his whistle and the crowd began to boo and giving a thumps down.
"that's a foul."a voice yelled.
coach styles stood up and began to yell.
the noise was distracting me.
the sound of the whistle sounded again and the referee raised his left hand.it was a foul.the referee picked the ball and threw it to Diego.he instructed him to go to the free throw area. rex was being ushered to where the substitute players where located at.
Diego was at the free throw area.the defense players had given him space to make the free throw.
the referee blew the whistle and he jumped and threw the ball to the basket.it went in and began to bounce on the ground.the score board buzzed and 1 point was awarded to the tigers.
the ball was given back to him and he bounced it once before throwing it to the basket.it went in and fell to the ground.the score board buzzed again and another 1 point was added.it was sixteen now.
the ball was given to Diego and he and his team began to advance backward. the crowd looked cheerful.the rhino fans weren't so hyped.I could see the boys who wore black jackets.they where at the opposite stand.they were smiling and laughing while watching the match. they were from all saint high.
the tigers had took thier positions. the rhinos did the same.the time left was 2 minutes.this would probably be the last round.Diego seemed stressed.he was the captain.leading his team to victory was his job.
the referee blew the whistle and he began to bounce the ball with his left hand while using his other hand to guard himself from the defense player who came for him.
he escaped past him and another came toward him. he passed the ball to kelvin. who was at his left side.
he bounced the ball once and passed it to Markus.he caught it and began to move forward while bouncing the ball. he ran past the boundary line.three defense players suddenly came from behind. Markus threw the ball toward the basket and it went in. the score board buzzed and three points were added to the tigers.making it 19 points.the crowd were cheering and chanting their mantra.
"go forward."
"move on."
"go forward."
"move on."
the camera men moved around.capturing the players.
the rhinos were now in possession of the ball.Austin gibbs was ready as he held the ball.awaiting the referees whistle. one minute was left now. the game would end soon.the rhinos couldnt change the outcome of thier teams loss.if the rhinos succeed in scoring. the tigers would still be leading with 19points.
the referee blew his whistle and Austin began to bounce the ball while crossing the halfway line. Diego came for him and he passed it toward mark Twain. he succeeded in escaping a defense player who came for him.
he passed the ball to David.
who was at the left angle and David caught it.bounced it once and then he jumped. before throwing the ball toward the basket.
from the boundary line area where he was located at.the ball flew straight to the basket and it went in smoothly.
the score board buzzed and the crowd stood up.cheering and clapping at the same time. three points was added to the rhinos.it was 17points now.David didnt look confident as he walked back to thier side of the court. 35seconds was left on the time board and the tigers were in possession of the ball. Diego looked confident.
it was clear they had won.David Armstrong couldnt save them this time.the referee blew the whistle and he began to bounce the ball. Austin came for him and he quickly ran toward the right direction to escape his defense.he continued into their side line and then passed the ball to rex.he was at the right angle. rex caught the ball and began to bounce it. two defense player came for him. they were tracking his movement. he moved from right to left.
"pass the ball."yelled Austin. from behind. rex seemed to lose his focus. A defense player at his corner hit the ball from his hand and it bounced outside of the court.
the time board buzzed and the lights went off.the numbers had count down to zero.the referee blew his whistle.the game had ended.everyone began to clap.including myself.others were whistling with thier mouth.the tigers had won the game of basketball.
"that was quite the win."said Amanda.
"they kept attacking and scoring."
"the rhinos couldn't keep up."
I looked at my watch.it was 11:15am.
the players and thier team had began to move out from the hall.
through both exit doors and so were the people.it was a great game.it was sad that Blake was not here.
"come on."
"let's go outside."
"to the field."
"the next game is about to start."
it was rugby. the tigers needed to win this one by all means.
"sure."i nodded and stood up from my chair. i brought out my phone and dialed Blake's number.
"hey." he answered.
"the game has ended."
"where are you?
"I went to meet some one."
"how did it go?
"the tigers won and the rhinos lost."
"that's bad."
"the rugby game is starting soon."
"Meet us at the field."I said and ended the call. I put the phone in my pocket.
Amanda and I walked through the passage way which led into the locker room. It was just at the left direction and at the right direction was the path that led into the field where the rugby match was to be played.they were other people ahead of us.they were walking toward the stand where the chairs were constructed into.
just like the ones at the hall.
I saw the tigers at their locker room and coach styles was with them.it looked as tho they were quarreling among themselves. the noise from the crowd didn't make me fully Focus on their words.I couldn't hear them.especially levi. he suddenly stared at me through the window and I looked away.i was following Amanda.she held my hand.his accomplishments as captain of the tigers in rugby was on the line.they needed to win and also win the football match.all that was left for me to do was sit down and watch.
as soon as we came out.i saw an helicopter In the air. I could see reporters inside.with thier recording cameras.both stands were filled with spectators who had come to watch the game.at the right side of the stand was Levi's mother.Mrs Anderson Williams was sitting down at the front row seat.among the teachers and other staffs.
at the left stand was the owner of all saint high.Gwen steel.
she was known to be one of the wealthiest woman in town.having many properties too.
we both walked toward the stand at the left side and began to find chairs that were unoccupied.
the cheerleaders were on the field and they were performing their teams introduction dance for the crowd to watch.
"why didn't you join them?I asked. amanda and I were walking around. looking for any empty chair.
"am not caught on dancing these days."
"especially out there in the field."
"dressed like that."
"you did dance before."
"didn't you?
"that was then."
"have decided to spend my time being more productive at work."
"with you."
we both found two empty chairs and sat down.I could see the open field here.they were still dancing.I looked at my phone. expecting to see a call from Blake but they was none.is he going to miss out on this game too? I wondered.
the rhinos were beginning to come out now. their coach was included. a total of 14.it would seem that players from the basket ball team would be playing the rugby match.
they were different faces and new players but I could see mark Twain,billy Billiton,David, Austin Gibbs,gift smith.
they all settled at the Left side of the field. the coach walked toward the chairs outside the field.where the substitute players were at.
some of the rhino players soon joined him.
the tiger players came next.dressed in their yellow and white outfits and shoes.the referee who was to officiate the match followed beside coach styles. he had a serious countenance on his face.
some of the basket ball players were in the team.
rex and Diego.14 players were at the right side of the field.the referee was in the field too.he brought out a coin from his pocket and threw it up.he caught it and opened his hand. he requested for a ball.it was thrown to him.he caught it and gave it to David.the captain of the rhinos.
the helicopter was flying around in the air. its blade were swift and fast as they spined. the match was about to start.i glanced at my corner to see Blake forcing his way toward where we were seated.I looked behind us to see an empty chair and I pointed at it. he nodded and he walked toward the chair. before sitting down on the chair which was behind me.
"I see it's about to start."he said.
"who do you think is gonna win this one?
I shrugged.
"I don't know."
"that's why am here to see the game."
"my money goes on the rhinos."said blake.he was looking at the rhinos.
"really?i asked.
"for real."he answered.
"I put my money on the tigers."
"they better win this one else it's over."
the referee blew the whistle and the rhino players began to run past the halfway line while the tiger players watched as the ball was kicked by David Armstrong.
it began to travel in the air.
into the 10mile line area and the ball crossed into the 22mile line.Diego caught the ball.he began to run forward with full speed.three rhino players followed behind him as he ran toward the try line.
three rhino players came for him and he passed the ball to kelvin.
he was at his right side.
kelvin caught the ball and forced his way past one of the rhinos player. among the three who had come for the ball.he continued to run until he approached the end. then he threw it toward the goal post and the score board at the top of the constructed stand buzzed.five points was given to the tigers. they began to regroup at their position while the tigers did the same.the ball was in their possession.Levi and rex were at the front.
they both took position.rex was waiting for the ball to be thrown back to him by Levi.he was in his front.Levi held the ball down on the ground.the referee blew the whistle and he threw the ball to him.
rex caught the ball and ran past him.by running leftward in the field.the other players were all running into their opponents side of the field.one of the rhino player came for him and he passed it to Richard.he was at his left side.Richard caught the ball and continued to move toward the left direction.
two more came for him and he passed the ball to Antonio.he was at his right side.Antonio caught the ball and ran past the rhino player who came for him. It was
Austin Gibbs.
Antonio ran past the 22 mile line and passed the ball to Levi. he was at his left side.Levi continued to run toward the try line.four rhino player chased after him from behind. he ran to the end and threw the ball toward the goal post. it went through. the score board buzzed and five points was awarded to the tigers.
the crowd began to cheer. some people were clapping. the place was totally filled up. the stands which chairs were arranged on. they were there of them.
"that's a good one "said Blake.he rested his hands at the back of my chair.
"sure it is."I responded.
Amanda held another bag of popcorn in her hand.the time was 11:47am and the sun wasn't bright anymore.the clouds had covered it.shading us from it's heat.
the ball was in the rhinos possession.David Armstrong was in the front while gift was behind.the others took position at thier various spots.the referee blew the whistle.David threw the ball back to gift and he ran past the halfway line.two tiger players came for him but he forced his way past their middle.running into the 22mile line. but then. he got hit by an opponent.
from behind.
gift smith fell to the ground and the ball fell from his hand.the referee blew the whistle and brought out a yellow card. Antonio was suspended for ten minutes.i watched as he walked out of the field.
the tigers backed up ten yards and the ball was given to gift.he stood at the end of the 22mile line and as soon as the referee blew his whistle.he let it fall to the ground. before kicking it straight to the goal post.it passed through and the score board buzzed.
7 points were given to the rhinos.their score was 7 now.
"go rhinos."
"go rhinos."
the supporters of the rhinos were clapping and cheering.I watched as the ball was given to the rhinos and they went back to their side of the field.
the two team had began to take formation and as the whistle sounded.David passed the ball to gift and he passed it to Jefferson.the defense players were already on their side of the field. hunting for the ball. It was now in possession of clever and he was running toward the 10mile line.three defense players were on his trail.he passed the ball to the left. Caleb was at his left side.he caught it and continued to run down the field.
until he crossed the halfway line.Caleb passed the ball to David. who suddenly ran past him to the left angle of the 20mile line.
David came across a defense player who tired to hold him back.
to secure the ball.
but then.David overpowered his opponent.by breaking free and running toward the 22mile line.
he passed the ball toward billy.he at his left side.billy crossed into the 22mile and performed a drop kick. the defense could not stop the ball from taking off. it soared in the air. toward the goal post.it diverted along the way and the ball fell into the dead line area.the rhino supporters seemed to be disappointed.
the referee blew the whistle and instructed both team to change sides.ten minutes had passed so far.Antonio had been replaced by Sam and the ball possession was awarded to the tigers.both team had changed sides now and the ball was with Levi.the referee blew the whistle and the tiger players began to advance into their opponents side of the field.Levi waited for a while before dropping the ball on the ground and then kicking it into the air.
it began to travel at the 10mile line and the players awaited to see where it would drop.
sam caught the ball with his hands.at where he stood at the beginning of the 22mile line and without wasting time. he turned around and escaped the defense player who came for him.they were two more defense player on his trail. he ran further to the left.to avoid contact with the defense players.
rex was at the right corner.he threw the ball toward him and rex passed it to his right direction.where Robert was at.and Robert continued to run into the 22mile area.
he passed the ball to the left.
to usher. before a defense player could get to him. usher ran past the 22mile line. only to be awaited by two defense players.they came for him but he quickly passed it to Levi. he was at his left side.Levi caught the ball and continued to run toward the end of the try line.
he'd not gotten to the end when he performed a drop kick and the ball flew straight to the goal.the ball flew past the goal and the score board buzzed.seven points were added to the tigers.making it 17points. the tigers had already started to run back and regroup at their side of the field.
another ball had been given to Levi and the referee blew his whistle.the tigers had began to run toward their opponents 10mile line.
Levi waited for a while before performing a drop kick.the ball went up in the air. spinning as it travele at the 10mile area and then into the 22mile line. billy Bill Linton caught the ball and he quickly passed it to clever.he was at his right side. clever crossed into the 10 mile line and threw the ball to Caleb.he was at his right side. he was near the corner line when he caught the ball and began to run toward the halfway line.a defense player came for him. but then. he passed it to mark Twain.he was at his left corner.mark caught the the ball and ran passed the half way line.
he'd not moved forward at the 10mile line of his opponents field when the ball was taken away from his hand.
it was Diego.he'd taken it without effort. he was close by.Diego crossed the halfway line and passed the ball to Richard. he was at his right side.
both parted ways and Richard began the long run toward the right direction of the field.a defense player came for him and he quickly passed the ball toward Steven. he was at his left side.
a defense player came for him and he passed the ball to Levi.
Levi crossed into the 22mile line and then he performed a drop kick.
the ball flew in the air and it spined all the way leftward and then it flew past the goal post. the score board buzzed.7 points were added to the tigers.making it 22 points.
the crowd were excited.they cheered and clapped. coach style's seemed to be pacing back and forth at his corner
while holding his beards.the tigers had regrouped at their side of the field. the ball was still in their possession.
the rhino players had already taken thier position.waiting for the referee to blow his whistle. my phone began to ring.I noticed because of the vibration.
i brought it out from my pocket and the daily check receptionist number appeared on my screen.a woman named Jennifer was the one who occupied the screen.I picked up the phone.the sound of the whistle sounded and the players had began to move.the crowd was quiet.they watched the ongoing event.
"hello."I said.
"who is this?
"josh Santos."
"is this you?
"yes."I responded.knowing it was her.I recognized her voice and she knew my name.
"Mrs Jennifer."
"it's me josh."
"what's the problem?
"you have to come over here."
"your grandpa."
"It's a case concerning his health."
my brows furrowed as I heard the words.I could feel my heart beating faster than usual.the crowd soon began to yell as the game went on.I didn't bother to look this time. I stood up and began to walk away from the stand.
"hey Josh."
"am coming."I said.
I came down from the stand and began to run toward the building. images of our building flashed into my mind. I had passed there in the morning.on the bus.they was no sign of anyone in the building.this was bad.