Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 81 - Chapter 79: Sun Wukong Who Came to Deliver the Treasure

Chapter 81 - Chapter 79: Sun Wukong Who Came to Deliver the Treasure

For a treasure like the fragment of the Pangu Axe, unless a Great Divine Transcendent was there in person, no one else could discern its origin.

The fragment of the Pangu Axe was enveloped in innate spiritual energy that demonstrated its exceptional nature. Otherwise, the East Sea Dragon King would have disregarded it as scrap iron.

Curious about where the East Sea Dragon King found the Pangu Axe fragment, Jiang Chen asked softly, "May I ask Your Majesty, where did this object originate from?"

Shaking his head, the East Sea Dragon King replied, "The king doesn't know either. When I explored the deep sea, I accidentally discovered this innate iron. I intended to melt it and forge a postnatal treasure."

"However, who knew that this item's hardness far exceeded my expectations. Whether it was forging with fire, hitting with lightning, or hammering, it remained as good as new."

"Over time, I grew tired of it and left it in the treasure house for someone predestined to find."

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