Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 629 - 509 Old Dragon King Cuts Tao Honored with a Cup of Wine

Chapter 629 - 509 Old Dragon King Cuts Tao Honored with a Cup of Wine

With his mind made up, the Nine-Horned Demon Dragon decided to self-destruct, intending to take Jiang Chen with him to his death.

Self-destruction, a do-or-die attack, is extremely difficult to prevent. Generally speaking, if an enemy chooses to self-destruct, unless your strength greatly surpasses theirs, apart from using all one's strength to resist, there would be no other way.

Jiang Chen's strength is still not as great as that of the Nine-Horned Demon Dragon, so he naturally could not resist his self-destruction, and the world within the Thunder Pool, not yet fully developed, could not block it either.

Therefore, at this time, it was necessary for Jiang Chen to call for outside help. If he truly waited for the Nine-Horned Demon Dragon to self-destruct, the entire Thunder Pool may be destroyed.

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen messaged the East Sea Dragon King directly: "Old Dragon King, the tribulation of the Thunder Pool has arrived, hurry up!"

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