Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 566 - Four Six Nine, the time has come _2

Chapter 566 - Four Six Nine, the time has come _2

"Such performances from the gods bring shame upon Heaven Court. If the death of Martial Virtue Star Lord was suspicious, the blame cannot rest on Emperor Lord, but on these celestial soldiers and generals."

"Their incompetence is beyond anyone's imagination. If not for their hindrance, based on the Emperor Lord's performance this time, our Heaven Court's reputation would have greatly improved."

"Unfortunately, the favorable situation created by Emperor Lord was ruined by these useless beings."

At this moment, another immortal person chimed in angrily, "With such power, not to mention killing six Great Luo Golden Immortals, even sixteen of them would be enough. With such a huge advantage, it's shocking that our gods were defeated, and it was a bitter defeat."

"Calling them a bunch of useless swillers and gluttons is being kind."

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