Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 551 - Chapter 464: Jiang Chen's Plot_2

Chapter 551 - Chapter 464: Jiang Chen's Plot_2

In an instant, Jiang Chen replaced the Pagoda Bearing Heavenly King, becoming the supreme commander of this military campaign.

This was just as it should be. Jiang Chen was the Heavenly Emperor, presiding over all the gods of the Thunder Department, holding sway over the punishments of Heaven and Earth. His noble status surpassed even that of the Pagoda Bearing Heavenly King.

Naturally, he should lead the Pagoda Bearing Heavenly King, not be led by him.

"I will accept your decree and will not fail the trust you put in me," Jiang Chen willingly accepted the command. Then, he made a small request to the Jade Emperor, "Your Majesty, I wish to ask a favor from you, I want to borrow the Martial Virtue Star Lord."

"Regardless of the outcome, as the one who recommended Sun Wukong, the Martial Virtue Star Lord cannot escape the blame for his oversight."

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