Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 532 - 458 Summoned to Emperor Wa's Palace

Chapter 532 - 458 Summoned to Emperor Wa's Palace

"Prehistoric Thunder Treasure Tree, Ancestor of Thunder's authority. The Heavenly Dao truly favors that kid, such treasures of Thunder Dao were simply bestowed on him. It's maddening!"

"These are the ultimate treasures, sacred items of the Thunder Dao, if I merely had one of these treasures, I could break my self-imposed shackles and reach the Quasi-Saint realm that I've longed for."

"If I could get both, then in the future, among the Great Divine Transcendents of the Prehistoric World, there will be a place for me."

"But it's infuriating that the Heavenly Dao would rather give these two Thunder Dao's ultimate treasures, these sacred items, to an insignificant insect, instead of to me."

"Jiang Chen is just an insignificant insect, what virtue and ability does he have to possess these two treasures? Only I, as the successor of the Innate Thunder God, am qualified to have these two Thunder Dao sacred items."

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