Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 455 - Four Two Seven Creation Origin Elixir_2

Chapter 455 - Four Two Seven Creation Origin Elixir_2

Envisioning such a scenario, Jiang Chen suddenly became excited, his eyes blazing hot as he stared at the Prehistoric Thunder Treasure Tree.

He had underestimated this tree's power. It was nothing short of a massive treasure trove. Right now, the tree was still just a sapling. He calculated that within a single day, it could guide the creation energy from Thunder Marsh and refined about ten Creation Primordial Pills.

Indeed, ten may not seem significant. But don't forget, the Prehistoric Thunder Treasure Tree is still a sapling. How many times more creation energy could it guide once it grows? Perhaps a million times more, if not tens of millions.

What would the output be then? One million pills a day, or ten million? Who knows how many extraordinary disciples this tree could foster?

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