Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 452 - Four Two Five Thunder Marsh

Chapter 452 - Four Two Five Thunder Marsh

Crackle and snap!

A burst of fierce lightning flashed, and the blood light on the body of the Prehistoric Thunder Treasure Tree sapling completely disappeared, restoring its original color.

However, upon close examination, one would notice that it now bore an extremely vague humanoid facial features, faintly resembling Jiang Chen's face.

This tree had been refined by Jiang Chen into a clone of himself. It was a pity that the transformation of an Innate Spirit Root was too difficult. Even after refining it into a clone, Jiang Chen was unable to make it transform.

Moving with a thought, Jiang Chen felt an bloodline connection with the Prehistoric Thunderbolt Treasure Tree, allowing him to manipulate it to do anything. However, the tree was too weak and many of its abilities were yet to be revealed, limiting the things it could do.

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