Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 371 - Three Five Four Experiment_2

Chapter 371 - Three Five Four Experiment_2

There's a saying, 'one would rather let one's dao friend die than oneself'. At such critical times, preserving oneself becomes of utmost importance. Warning the demons within the city before departing is already an act of extreme benevolence and righteousness on their part.

As for whether these demons can escape with their lives, that's not their concern anymore. Everything now depends on the demons' own abilities.

Seeing that their leader has left, the demons within the Three Hills City naturally wouldn't choose to hold the city. Whether it was transforming into a demon wind or employing their Magic Treasures, each deployed their own methods to escape into the distance.

Upon witnessing this, the Divine General Yun Ting sneered, "Want to leave? All of you should stay!"

As his voice fell, Yun Ting waved his hand and long, slender golden threads materialized in the world around him, crisscrossing and overlapping like a fishing net, enclosing the entire Three Hills City within.

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