Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 243 - Chapter 231 Donghuang Taiyi

Chapter 243 - Chapter 231 Donghuang Taiyi

"The Heavens are divided into nine levels, each represented by one of the nine palaces. The central Heaven is called Royal Heaven, the eastern one is Azure Heaven, the northeastern one is Morph Heaven, the northern one is Xuan Tian, the northwestern one is Ghostly Heaven, the west is Whiten Heaven, the southwest is Scarlet Heaven, the south is Blaze Heaven, and the southeast is Bright Heaven."

"At the end of the ancient era, a decisive battle occurred between the witch and demon clans, which shattered the vast Nine Heavens into fragments."

"The Heavenly Realm you see today is formed from the fragments of the past's Nine Heavens."


Unbelievably shocking!

Could the heavens also be shattered?

This is the first time Sun Wukong has learned of such secrets about Heaven and Earth. In his view, the Heavenly Realm is so vast that it seems to have no boundaries.

What kind of power would it take to shatter such a world? Sun Wukong simply couldn't imagine it.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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