Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 115 - Chapter 113 Zixiao Palace

Chapter 115 - Chapter 113 Zixiao Palace

Suppressing his breath and condensing his spirit, Jiang Chen concentrated his attention on the Sea of Consciousness within himself. Indeed, he saw a dazzling golden light, exceedingly brilliant, entwining itself around his divine spirit.

Strangely enough, although the golden light was dazzling, Jiang Chen didn't find it dazzling at all. On the contrary, he found it extraordinarily soothing.

Looking at it, his entire spirit calmed down and he became extremely composed. It felt as though the golden light possessed the power to soothe hearts.

This is Merit, a treasure of the Prehistoric World.

Likewise, it is also the best amulet in the Three Realms. As long as one has enough Merit, even saints would not dare harm them.

Sensing the power emanating from this Merit, Jiang Chen calculated to himself. He realized that if he could refine this Merit, he would directly reach the realm of a fully accomplished Golden Immortal, also known as the Heavenly Human 9th Level realm.

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