The werewolves were ferocious and fearless, attacking like a tsunami, wave after wave crashing against Tang Zheng and his two companions, but in the blink of an eye, they turned into corpses of severed limbs and dismembered arms.
Mu Nianqi went on a rampage, swinging her curved knife, her slaughtering movements carrying no trace of theatrical flair, yet her methods were brutally efficient. No enemy could stand against her, not even the elite werewolves, who couldn't withstand two strikes.
The Northern Wind Ring was launched, and semi-transparent air blades continuously appeared around Queen Mu, spinning, growing in number, almost enveloping her entirely, making her seem like a tornado. Those air blades were incredibly sharp, not only blocking attacks but each slash would slice through a werewolf's body.
Mu Nianqi practically turned into a human meat grinder, wherever she appeared, a pile of torn flesh and blood was left behind, staining the entire battlefield red.