Chereads / Bonding with the Enemy / Chapter 19 - Chapter 19

Chapter 19 - Chapter 19

Beta Cinis felt his heart catch as he blurted one word.


Alpha Fumus's ear twitched and Beta Cinis really wished he could hide. Alpha Fumus's lip twitched as he said "Well then if your so bound and determined to join that rogue…"

Beta Cinis felt his throat catch as Alpha Fumus growled "All of you are cast out of the clan of Petra!"

Sakara jumped forward as he shouted "Wait! Do not cast out the others!"

Alpha Fumus cackled as he turned his gaze upon Sakara who stood only three feet away from him, and he smirked as he said "Is that so?"

Sakara glared at Alpha Fumus as he growled "Yes."

Alpha Fumus looked hard at Sakara before he turned his gaze about the field and said "What does the audience have to say about this?"

Suddenly the appearance of the remaining twenty members of the clan appeared. Making Beta Cinis look about the field in the hopes Sabina was among them, yet against all his wanting she wasn't there.

A grey and white wolf walked forward "I say your last edict should never be questioned, Alpha."

Beta Cinis growled at the grey and white wolf as he glared "You would be a traitor to think so, Grand Uncle."

The grey and white wolf morphed into a man naked as the day as he said with a smirk "I speak only the truth."

Beta Cinis's grand uncle was about twenty years younger than his grandfather making him be the young wolves who was a pup of the last litter of Beta Cinis's great great grandparents. However even though his grand uncle was of the Alpha lineage, he was not appointed to a higher status than warrior even when Beta Cinis's parents passed. Beta Cinis looked at the snake-like eyes of his grand uncle and glared at the arrogant naked man, not even he had such confindense to let it hang in the breeze.

"So what are you implying, Vardis?" Sakara growled as he looked at the grey and white wolf who shrugged.

"I am just stating what all are thinking. Nothing personal Sakara." Vardis smirk never left his lips as he side glanced at the other wolves who nodded in agreement.

"Vardis are you suggesting that Beta Cinis is unfit because he goes against the whims of a senile old wolf?" growled Sakara who could see Beta Cinis was shocked to see him defending him again.

Vardis's eyes went wide as though if he was shocked when he looked at Alpha Fumus "Senile old man? Brother, are you going to let this rogue pup insult you?"

Alpha Fumus's eyes narrowed as he growled "So what is the consensus?"

The other wolves looked about one another before they all nodded. Beta Cinis sighed as he said "So that is how it's going to be then?"

Beta Cinis nodded "Alright then. All wolves who stand for their new Beta come with me."

Slowly Beta Cinis turned away and as he did, his bare skin began to grow grey fur and by the time he took four steps his body morphed into that of a wolf.

Alpha Fumus growled "So you won't even repent before I give my answer?"

Beta Cinis did not even looked over his shoulder at his grandfather as his voice rung in their heads "The fact you even think to consider the packs opinion over mine just justifies my resolve."

Alpha Fumus's rage filled his eyes as he growled "How dare-Wait Renmar where are you going?"

Beta Cinis looked back to see Renmar had morphed into a wolf and had begun to follow him. Renmar looked back at Alpha Fumus as he stated "You said all those who support the young Alpha's decision must leave, therefore I must go."

Renmar looked at Sakara and nodded as he walked by making the young wolf stare dumbfounded as the old wolf stood beside Beta Cinis. Sakara looked at the young men behind him to see the seven wolves looking at him with fearful eyes yet his siblings looked at him and Abby smiled.

"I am always at your side." Abby walked out of line and transformed into that of a wolf and the clothing fell to the ground as she walked to Renmar's side where she smiled at him but he only seemed to be looking at the wolves.

Omaris smiled as he stepped out of line and said "Was it ever a question?"

Sariah looked at Omaris walk away and she stood but immediatlly a pair of grey wolves tried to push past the other wolves, one tried pushing itself forward as it morphed into a naked woman with silver hair "Sariah! No!"

Sariah looked towards the pair of wolves as she sadly smiled and turned back, only to see Omaris had stopped halfway to Beta Cinis.

"No go back Sariah." ordered Omaris.

Sariah scoffed "No."

Omaris stared wide eyed as he said "You have family here."

Sariah smiled as she looked at Omaris and said "You are my family, Omaris."

Omaris shook his head quickly "I am not your mate."

Sariah shrugged "Does it matter either way? I wish to stay by a wolf who believes what I believe, and even if my mate is amongst those wolves it doesn't matter." She walked up beside Omaris as she said "He's not you."

"Who knows….till midnight." Abby said as she looked at Renmar who scoffed and avoided her gaze.

Omaris smiled as Sariah and him stood in line with the others, it was then that Sariah looked at Ella who stood and walked up to Sakara and said "I believe you are far more than worthy to be our Beta. I'll stand beside you too."

Ella walked away to the line when suddenly a grey wolf passed beside Sakara and Xavier's voice could be heard "Denmar?"

Sakara glanced at the wolf in surprise but Denmar had in fact joined the line up next to Beta Cinis. Denmar nodded to Sakara uttering not a word or explanation, Sakara shrugged as he looked away from Denmar to Alpha Fumus.

"Well you get what you want, Father. I am leaving now but I am taking Sabina with me." growled Sakara.

The old wolf shrugged but Vardis quickly stepped forward "Who says?"

Sakara looked at Vardis to see the wolf had calculated the cost of casting out Sakara, but he had not considered losing Sabina. Which went to show that Vardis would allow Sabina, a wolf he considered a rogue to stay because she was very useful.

Sakara smiled as he said "I do. After all she has always been by my side, why should that change now?"

Vardis smirked as he said "We shall see. One of you go find Beta Nix."

A wolf disappeared towards the dens leaving the wolves gathered to stand in apprehension when suddenly Alpha Fumus broke the silence as he whispered "Beta Nix is leaving with these rogues. After all she is one."

Vardis quickly looked at his brother as he said "Brother, Beta Nix is still useful. Besides it was not her who bewitched the young Beta to believe the rogue pup was a good choice."

Alpha Fumus whirled around and growled "Oh but she did!"

Vardis took a step back as he looked at Beta Cinis "Is this true?"

Beta Cinis scoffed "Bewitched? Sabina is not a witch! She told me only the truth."

Vardis bit his lip as he said "What truth?"

Beta Cinis stepped forward and stood beside Sakara as he said "It is my choice to choose my Beta, and as I am an Alpha to be and I chose Sakara!"

Vardis groaned as he rubbed his eyebrows but Alpha Fumus scoffed as he said to the wolves gathered with eyes wide brimmed with his red eyelids "See?! This young wolf has been manipulated into believing a rogue pup would be our Beta!"

Beta Cinis growled when suddenly Alpha Fumus turned back to the small group of wolves as he said "Leave. Before I spill your traitorous blood on this snow."

Beta Cinis's heart plummeted as he looked into those cold eyes of his grandfather. They were cold as a frozen lake and even though this man was his grandfather, he could see there was no sight of the wolf who raised him. His grandfather was gone.

Sakara looked at Alpha Fumus as he said "I will retrieve Sabina."

Suddenly Quinn's presence came known as he said "Sabina left before the ceremony started."

Vardis looked at Quinn in shock "What? Where did she go?"

Quinn shrugged "She left without saying where she was going."

Sakara looked at the gaunt grey wolf and he cocked an eyebrow "Then I will go look for her."

Quinn shook his head as he said "You will not find her this night, young Sakara."

Vardis sighed as he leaned against the large rock formation and combed his grey hair with his hand "Then we will just have to see who she remains with once she returns."

Beta Cinis nodded and bumped Sakara as he passed, making the wolf come back to the situation in hand. Suddenly Beta Cinis turned back to Quinn.

"Do you wish to join us Quinn?" Asked Beta Cinis.

Vardis immediately jumped to his feet "No!"

Quinn chuckled as he said "I will follow Sabina. So let us wait till she returns to decide."

Beta Cinis nodded as he turned back to his path and walked out of the small clearing. They passed by the dens quickly and before long they found themselves before the ravine leading out of the valley.

Beta Cinis looked at Renmar as they went between the tall stone walls "Do you know of a place we can stay?"

Renmar nodded as he quickened his pace "I know just the place."

Sakara looked back at the opening leading to the valley but Abby bumped him as she passed "Sabina will know and come. Don't worry."

Sakara nodded but as he turned away from the valley. He suddenly felt his heart quicken with each step he took.

Would Sabina follow them? Or would she remain with the pack. Sakara looked at the wolves he followed to notice Beta Cinis was in fact still listening for footsteps behind them.

Sakara shook his head. He needed to focus on the pack before him not behind him, even if that meant leaving Sabina behind. But he nodded to himself as he thought Sabina will come.

But with each step he took the more he was not so sure Sabina would leave the Petra Clan behind to follow him.

They traveled amongst the tall pine trees but before long they began to find themselves in the high mountain, where the river flowed over a cliff and descended into the Rivera Clan's territory. Renmar looked about the river to see a small path leading down into the waterfall.

Sakara looked at Beta Cinis who shrugged in response and followed the wolf down the path till they went behind the water fall where a large cave could be seen.

The young wolves all filed into the cave when Sakara said "I am sorry everyone. I know this was not the ceremony any of us wanted."

Abby shrugged "Its alright brother. I wouldn't change it any other way."

Sariah and Omaris nodded as they smiled laying together not far away from Sakara. Denmar nodded as he said "I don't see why you would apologize but I have to agree with the others."

All the young wolves in the den looked at Denmar for a long moment in shock who refused to look at any of their faces as he laid close to the entrance.

Beta Cinis side glanced at Denmar as he said "Me too."

Renmar smirked as he said "I never figured I would see Sakara apologize to others."

Ella nodded as Abby walked up to Sakara and bumped Sakara's shoulder with her own as she said "Its a new look I can get used to."

Sakara looked at Beta Cinis as he said "I am sorry you never got to be Alpha."

"Who says he still can't?" Said Renmar with a smirk.

"What?" Asked Omaris as the others looked between themselves before settling their gazes upon Renmar.

"Since we are no longer the Petra Clan. We will be considered rogues." Said Sakara in confusion.

Renmar smirked "All clans started out as rogues at one time or another."

Sakara smiled as he looked at Beta Cinis "What do you think, Beta Cinis? Do you want to lead a bunch of rogues around?"

Beta Cinis smiled as he said "Well I don't see a problem with it myself."

Omaris jumped to his feet as he shouted "Lets be the Rogue Clan!"

Denmar scoffed aloud but seeing everyones eyes were on him he pawed the air as he said "Ignore me. Sorry."

"What? You got a problem with the name?" growled Omaris.

Denmar looked at Omaris for a long moment when he smiled softly as he said "No. It fits us."

Sakara cocked his head as he looked at the others with his eyes wide. Denmar looked around for a second at all their wide eyes and sighed as he looked back out at the falling water.

Ella looked at Sakara as she said softly "Did Denmar just smile?"

Renmar was looking at Denmar for a long moment in disbelief when he turned back to Beta Cinis "Do you object Alpha Cinis?"

Beta Cinis shook his head as he said "It's Alpha Fenar. I wish to severe any tie I have to the Petra Clan."

Renmar nodded in approval as Alpha Fenar said "Let this day be known as the day the Rogue Clan came to be."

All the wolves stood as Alpha Fenar looked at Sakara "Sakara do you still want to be my Beta?"

Sakara smiled as he said "I wish nothing more."

All the wolves in the den howled with joy as the red moon glowed through the falling water. This was the birth of the Rogue Clan. A clan birthed upon a night of the blood moon.

Vardis watched as Alpha Fumus collapsed as the last of the young wolves disappeared into the ravine, the other wolve quickly rushed to the Alpha's side and Vardis sighed.

"Get him into the Alpha's den and get the healer." ordered Vardis.

Alpha Fumus was carefully picked up by two naked men who quickly carried him into the den followed by a grey wolf, leaving Vardis and the remaining wolves standing in the clearing.

Vardis turned back to the wolves as he said "Return to your dens, I will sit with our Alpha and tell you of any news."

The other wolves nodded as they slowly dispersed to which Vardis noticed two crying grey wolves walk away.

Vardis looked back to the wolves to see Quinn had already disappeared. He quickly followed the path leading to the herbal den where he found Quinn just about to enter into it.

"Quinn!" Called Vardis.

Quinn looked back and nodded "Vardis."

Vardis felt his hackles raise as he watched the old wolf show no expression.

"So you're just going to leave the clan?!" Demanded Vardis.

Quinn shrugged "It doesn't matter if I leave or not. After all the pack will have a healer, as my nephew is trained to take my place."

Vardis growled "He is not even half as decent as you!"

Quinn shrugged "He is with the Alpha now, isn't he?"

"Regardless-" Began Varids but he was cut off.

"It does not matter, My destiny resides with Sabina's, and as such I must follow where she goes." stated Quinn.

"But what about the Clan!? You foretold I would lead this clan in it's entirety, that includes you and Sabina!" shouted Vardis.

Quinn looked hard into Vardis's eyes "If that were true the young wolves who left would be resting in the dens, not out hunting for a place to sleep."

Vardis went argue but Quinn once more cut him off "Also that was not what I said. I told you the path you wish to lead will place you in the position of Alpha in it's entirety. But this path will end by its consequences."

Vardis growled but Quinn flicked his tail "Good night Vardis. We shall see what Sabina's decision will be when she returns."

The gaunt grey wolf turned tail and slowly descended into his den leaving Vardis standing alone.

Vardis shook his head as he said "This night has only delayed my plans."

Vardis quickly looked at the red moon as it slowly began to become a bright ball of light in the sky.

"Where are you, Sabina?" But no answer was given to the wolf beneath the moon.

Abby woke to see the red light upon the falling water was gone leaving only the glowing light of the moon. She quickly stood from where she laid next to Sakara to see Omaris and Sariah were looking at one another happily with their eyes glowing.

"I knew it was you." Said Sariah softly.

Abby watched her brother stupidly smile as they cuddled next to one another leaving her to be the only witness to their little secret. She smiled fondly as she whirled around to quickly look at Renmar who was sleeping soundly but as looked at him she felt nothing.

She looked at him for a long time willing her heart to race but it remained still, she felt her hopes plummet to the bottom of her feet as she finally came to reality. He was not hers.

Abby looked at the stone floor of the cave as she heard the sudden giggles of Omaris and Sariah who leaned heavily against one another happily. They wished to be a pair since they were pups, but even though Abby wished it upon every star in the night sky Renmar was not hers.

She took a deep breath to sigh but she stopped herself as she smelt the smell of honey and sweet flowers in the air. She quickly looked around with her nose stuck in the air hoping to find it's delectable origin in the hopes of comfort when she found herself walking out of the cave.

She walked along the path leading up back to the ledge where they decended earlier to find herself amongst pine trees. She sneezed as she smelt the air but as she walked through the pine trees her nose began to dribble with snot. She sniffled loudly as she walked but as she came to a rock formation that made a ledge overlooking the water fall, her breath caught in her throat.

There laying on the ledge she could see the outline of the most handsome grey wolf she had ever seen. His grey coat looked to be the most handsome color of grey making her almost wonder if there had ever been a grey like his coat. She smiled to herself as she realized this wolf was her mate.

Suddenly his gaze laid upon her leaving her astounded as she looked into his blue eyes when he said "Abby?"

She stopped short of running up the ledge Huh?

"What?" she asked confused at how this hunk of a wolf knew her name. Maybe mates were clairvoyant?

The wolf smiled as he said "Its Denmar, Abby."

Abby's happiness fell flat "What?"

Denmar sighed and Abby felt her heart flutter against her will.

"No. You are not my mate." growled Abby.

Denmar looked up at the sky as he said "What do you think of this goddess? You got my hopes up."

Abby's ears went flat against her head as she growled "You are not my mate. No goddess can tell me who I can and will love."

Abby saw the hurt in Denmar's eyes and she felt as though she had been stabbed in her heart, but she refused to accept this bond. She raised her hackles as she growled "I will never love you! Even if you forced yourself on me, I will never be your mate!"

Denmar stood up as he jumped off the ledge next to her making her suddenly realize how large he really was. He was slightly taller than her but as he looked at her with his cold eyes she suddenly felt she was a mouse before a mountain cat.

The sudden chill in the air disappeared as he growled "I would never do that."

"Right I can have faith in your word that you wont harm me when you were the one who pushed me into the water?!" She spat.

Denmar's eyes wavered as he mumbled "I am sor-"

"Sorry?!" Shouted Abby as she went close to his face "Sorry doesn't cut it! I almost drowned!"

Denmar's looked at her for a long moment as though if he wished to hold her and for some odd reason she wanted him to. She growled and took a step back "If you think a sorry and bond will fix what you did you are sorely mistaken."

Denmars gaze never left hers as they stood silently watching one another, making her almost think time had stopped when he said "I won't force you to love me, Abby."

"That's good because you can't" retorted Abby.

"I will never harm you again, Abby." He said calmly and suddenly she felt she should be silent as he said "Because even if you hate me or never love me, I will love you."

Abby felt her heart flutter and the rage in her soul slowly left her leave only the shock at his words. Was this really Denmar? The wolf who had pushed her into the lake?

Denmar looked hard into her eyes but even as she looked in them she found no malice only pain. Maybe she should not have said anything about the lake.

"Don't stay out too late. Abby." Said Denmar as he reached out with his nose to her shoulder but Abby jumped back and once more the rage returned to her soul. How dare he!

"You said-" Began Abby but she was cut off as Denmar pulled away and said "Goodnight."

He turned away and slowly walked towards the direction she had come leaving her alone next to the stone ledge. She morphed into her human form and crumpled to her knees as she cried in snow. Yet even as she cried her heart was fluttering with joy she had met her mate.

"It's not fair!" shouted Abby at the night sky.

"Why?! Why have you done this to me?!" demanded Abby but all she was greeted with was the silence of the night.