And soon Arthur found himself in front of a gigantic and imposing building.
The double doors were in the style of the Wild West or maybe not since the Wild West probably didn't exist here.
Anyway, with excitement bubbling in him with each step, Arthur pushed the double doors open and a familiar scene he had envisioned came into view.
A board full of what he presumed to be quests was pinned up on the left wall.
There were a few people already there picking and choosing quests.
On the right side, there looked to be some kind of a restaurant.
From the initial look, the food didn't look quite appetizing, but he doubted the ruff-looking adventurers who were devouring it minded.
Especially since most were drunk and surprisingly not fighting and just chatting amongst their groups.
As for the middle, there were five lines full of people.
"Welcome to the Heartfilia Adventurer's Guild Branch! Will you be registering with us today?" The female receptionist said with quite a lot of enthusiasm.
'It seems she likes her job.' Arthur thought.
"Yes, ma'am!"
"Oh, what a polite boy. Quite a rare sight nowadays." She said as she picked up the Adventurer's Guild registration papers.
"T-thank you." Arthur said blushingly before taking the Adventurer's Guild registration papers.
"Hehehe, would you like to hear a basic explanation of what it means to register with us?"
"Yes, thank you, but would that not hold up the line?"
"You have no need to worry, waiting in long lines is practically part of being an adventurer. Now then shall we start your explanation?" The female receptionist said before starting her lengthy explanation making Arthur feel sorry for the adventurers behind him, a few had even left and joined other queues.
Most of the explanation was quite common knowledge to him.
The Adventurer's Guild acts as a middleman taking requests from either individuals or groups before posting them, and upon completion of the quest, a small fee would be taken.
Otherwise, the Adventurer's Guild would have gone bankrupt by now.
Anyways, each quest that is accepted by the Adventurer's Guild must be viewed and ranked accordingly based on the completion difficulty by the Branch Guild Master before they are put on the Quest Wall for the public to view and choose from.
As for the ranks of the adventurers, they were split into Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Royal Gold, with each rank being further split into three stars.
It seemed the Adventurer's Guild used this world's currency as their rank system.
But the three-star part was different, according to the receptionist, Ms. Isabell, it was added on by the fifth Guild Master after noticing that the highest and most prestigious rank Royal Gold seemed easily attainable.
As for Arthur, he was obviously a Beginner newbie, one-star Copper Rank.
The rest of the explanation was simple and expected.
If an individual or party were to fail multiple subjugation requests then their Adventurer's Guild registration would become invalid and banned from ever registering with any Adventurer's Branch Guild.
If an individual or party causes the death of an innocent person their Adventurer's Guild registration would be revoked and depending on the motive behind the death of an innocent person they could be imprisoned or worse.
If the death of an innocent person was accidental further investigation would need to be done until a verdict is made by the Adventurer's Branch Guild Master.
And until a decision is made, the adventurer in question or party would be unable to take on requests of any kind.
If the death of an innocent person was orchestrated by one or few individuals within a party, the entire party's members would be interrogated until the Adventurer's Guild and authority confirm they had nothing to do with the death.
Intentional or accidental injuring of people would be investigated and could be met with punishments.
Faking a quest completion could lead to a person's Adventurer's Guild registration being revoked or worse depending on the severity of the request.
The Adventurer's Guild rules were quite lengthy and criminals were met with corresponding punishments.
The punishments ranged from rank demotion to even execution.
After all, the Adventurer's Guild runs on the people's trust.
If the adventurers were allowed to harm men, women, and children then how could the populace trust the adventurers in completing their requests?
It would be like inviting wolves into their homes.
"And that about sums up the explanation. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer."
"For now, I think I understand the rules. If I have any more questions, I will come back at a later time." Arthur replied before handing a filled-out registration form and ten Copper coins for the registration fee.
The receptionist took the Copper coins and the papers in hand making sure everything was filled out.
"Everything looks good, well then Sir Arthur if you will, please follow me."
"What about the others?" Arthur asked curiously if he were them he would be mildly annoyed.
"You don't have to worry Sir Arthur, someone else will take my place." Isabell said before leaving the receptionist's counter and heading upstairs.
Arthur followed Ms. Isabell and just as she said, a male vampire took her place as soon as she left.
After walking up the stairs, Arthur was led into a small room with only a wooden table and nine crystals.
The crystals were all oval in shape and palm sized; however, the only difference was that each crystal was colored differently.
After another glance, Arthur noticed a word on each crystal.
"Sir Arthur, please channel your mana into each individual crystal." Isabell said before noticing my hesitance, "You have no need to worry, your magical aptitude will be kept confidential within our records. Without your permission, no one can see them!"
"Okay." Arthur replied simply before picking up the crystal on the furthest left with the word Water.
As instructed, Arthur channeled his mana into it.
However, after a few seconds noticing nothing happening, Arthur was about to pour more mana until.
"Sir Arthur, if the Water Stone does not glow after channeling mana, unfortunately, that means you do not have the aptitude for Water Magic. However, there are still eight more Elemental Stones. Please go ahead and try them."
Arthur picked up the second in line, Earth Stone, regrettably after channeling his mana nothing happened.
The same thing happened with the Fire, Wind, Light, and Dark Stones until the Space Stone shone brightly like a star.
"SPACE MAGIC?" Isabell shouted unable to believe the wondrous scene in front of her,
Space Magic was one of the first-tier magical elements.
Out of curiosity, she had once looked within the Adventurer's Guild extensive records and realized just how rare tier-one magical elements were.
Ever since the creation of the Adventurer's Guild which dates back to nearly a millennia, there have only been sixteen documented Space Mages.
Currently, only three… no, four Space Mages exist.
She was in front of the newest Space Mage.
As for Arthur, he could only smile bitterly at Ms. Isabell's stunned expression; he thought that no matter how rare Space Magic was, it wouldn't elicit such a reaction.
Before when he had used his spatial element or conversed about his spatial aptitude they would be surprised, but that was all.
"Ms. Isabell, I am done testing, it seems I only have an aptitude for the Spatial Element."
Breaking out of stupor, Isabell's lip twitched in response, only?
Does this kid not know how rare Space Magic was?
Could it be he wasn't satisfied with just Space Magic and wanted more?
"A-anyway, there is one last step before your registration is complete." Isabell said before taking out a small rectangular black card and a metal pin, "Sir Arthur, please spill a little bit of your blood onto the Adventurer's Guild Card to finalize the process."
Taking the pin and card, Arthur pricked his finger and let a bit of his blood fall onto the Adventurer's Guild Card.
"Congratulations Sir Arthur, you are now officially part of the Adventurer's Guild." Isabell said with a smile.
"Thank you!"