Chapter 15 - First Time

With that Arthur watched as Quan led Ren and Jiang towards the corpses, which after looking at them, he turned away. Thanking the triplets in his heart for taking on such a task. Seeing corpses strewn everywhere with his own eyes compared to Mana Sense was completely different. As a modern day citizen who had only seen blood and gore from movies, such a sight though briefly was definitely unsettling.

Scarlet, who saw Arthur looking away from the corpses, realized this might be his first time seeing such a brutal scene, "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly while rubbing his back.

Feeling his back being rubbed and being asked if he was okay by Scarlet, he couldn't help but notice she didn't feel anything from the gory scene, "This is my first time seeing such a gory battle let alone participating in one. Are you used to seeing such a scene?" He replied while asking a question of his own.

While still rubbing his back, she answered, "As the Grand Duke's daughter I normally should not be used to such a gory scene; however, my father did not want me to be a stuck up person like other noble children. So Father frequently took me out hunting for magical beasts and sometimes even let me watch as he dealt with traitors in our kingdom."

After that brief talk though he wouldn't say he was used to seeing someone dying even if they were his enemies he at least felt much calmer knowing sooner or later he would have to be.

With the brief conversation done, successfully diverting his attention away from the corpses.

Silence fell between the two as Scarlet kept rubbing his back wanting to help him even if he had calmed down. She knew he wasn't completely okay, after all when she first saw her father killing someone, she had reacted much worse.

Arthur, on the other hand, was instead thinking about what he should do to help everyone. Although he had calmed down, that didn't mean he was ready to see corpses and definitely not wanting to help with picking up corpses and putting them into a fire to later burn… 

The triplets were truly too strong. 

Yuki too since she was the one who had informed him what the triplets were currently doing. She had even comforted him unlike when she had thrown him in front of a moving carriage or even wished for his death… on multiple occasions…

Not that she meant it though.

Anyway, after Arthur's brief talk with Yuki, he knew what he could do to help.

The problem is before he could start his plan he had forgotten that Scarlet was next to him and she was still rubbing his back…

"S-sorry, I zoned out there for a second. I was thinking about what to do to help everyone"

"Oh, what might that be?"

"Since it's getting dark, I thought I could hunt for some animals for us to eat and set up a temporary camp."

"Arthur, that's a perfect idea. Is there anything I can do to help." Scarlet said as she practically beamed with joy at potentially finally being able to do something.

Seeing the way Scarlet behaved, Arthur knew she must have felt bad about letting everyone else fight while she stayed inside the carriage, and even after the battle, she wasn't able to help.

It's just, he didn't know what task he could give her.

Hunting was a big no since her curse would worsen. 

Arthur knew he had to come up with something especially after he had briefly looked at another one of his weaknesses…

Puppy dog eyes…

Not fair…

[Tell her she can help gather sticks for a campfire.]

That's right, gathering sticks would be easy and not mana intensive for her.

[Thank you, Yuki!]


Already used to Yuki's personality, Arthur immediately told the puppy dog-eyed girl that she could help gather branches and sticks for a campfire.

Scarlet hearing that she could finally help with something ran off in the direction of where a few trees had fallen, where the mages had previously hidden and casted their spells from.

Seeing Scarlet run off as if she were in a hurry, Arthur smiled as he followed behind to make sure nothing happens.

After all, she might be stronger than him, but with her being cursed she was practically defenseless if a magical beast decided to wander out of the Gaia Forest.

According to Yuki, the only reason why Scarlet hadn't died after being cursed was because of her Divine Eyes of Purification. Which purifies any negative ailments, whether it's a common cough or even a high level curse.

Unfortunately, due to her current strength being lower than the caster of the spell, her Divine Eye of Purification could only neutralize it.


[I know what you want to ask, and yes it is possible.]

Hearing that, Arthur was ecstatic.

He didn't want a kindhearted young girl to continue suffering despite her Divine Eyes Of Purification helping to neutralize the curse and her mana helping her do "daily tasks", but to someone who was used to using magic, it must be hard.

It's like a modern day person one day being told he could never use his smartphone ever again...

If she were a "stuck up young miss" Arthur would have thought otherwise or at least had some reservations about helping her.

She has a butler and guards who follow her every command without question, yet she wanted to help them with picking up corpses and repairing a road which a young miss like herself shouldn't be doing.

[With your current strength and knowledge of magic, you have two methods that you can use to cure the curse within a short period of time. The first method is quite simple and doable within a few hours, that is to learn Cure. It is a holy magic spell and as its name suggests, it can cure all negative effects."

[Then what is the second method?]

Arthur didn't want to get ahead of himself and choose haphazardly, for some reason, he felt there was a deeper meaning to both methods.

[You are right! The first method is quick but not as quick as the second method which can be done within seconds.]

Arthur waited for the catch… 

[Do you remember that she was born in the Vampire Kingdom and that she is the Grand Duke's daughter?]

[Yes?] Arthur didn't understand where the conversation was now heading. What does her place of origin and her father have to do with the curse?


But when he heard it, he was gobsmacked…