Vend intl. Hotel and casino suite: Biloxi Mississippi.
Lilly's fury was evident as she exclaimed,"I told you that guy was a jerk! How could he be so shameless? If I ever see him, I'd give him a piece of mind. " Lil come down," Isa said in a soothing tone. " he doesn't deserve your time. I blame myself for not seeing who he truly was. But don't worry, I'm okay. Lilly wished she could bring happiness to Isa's life, but she understood that healing takes time and Isa needed space to heal on her own. As the silence between them broke, Lilly's phone suddenly rang. She answered and looked at Isa with sad eyes."I think I have to go," Lilly said with a bitter smile."you don't have to worry about me," Isa reassured her giving Lilly permission to leave."bye then," Lilly said, kissing Isa on the cheek."remember to text me when you get home." As Lilly walked out, Isa knew she was worried about her but she also knew she needed time to heal. She closed her eyes and took a sip of her bitter liquor, determined not to let the pain consume her spirit. As Isabella continue to drown her sorrows in alcohol, she realizes it wasn't helping her forget the pain. Maybe time was what she truly needed, as there were so many thoughts weighing on her mind. She ordered more bottles, seeking temporary solace in the drink. It was hard to believe he had promised to spend the rest of his life with her, only for it all to be lies. How could he do that to her? "You should not blame him, it was all your fault." She mumbled, taking another gulp of the liquor."you wanted to remind virtuous." He chuckles. She clearly remembered how he had said that cuddling with other girls, without considering how she felt." You know we could start over if you are willing to join me," he smirked, making Isa feel repulsed as she recalled his words. After everything, he had the nerve to say that? Why wasn't he ashamed of himself? Where was the sweet guy she once knew? "Are you sure you really don't want to join us?" He asked giggling. "Thanks, but I'll pass." She nervously nibbled on her lower lip. It was clear that was his Ture colors and she knewed that better than anyone. Isa, feeling nauseous and disoriented called for a waiters attention drunkenly." Hey, where is the restroom?" The waiter replied, "just go straight then turn left." Was all she heard before walking away. She accidentally bumped into several people along the way. But she quickly apologized to each person she collided with. "Excuse me mister, where's the washroom?" She asked a man passing by but was completely ignored. " silly goose" Isa gave a dramatic eye roll before entering a room, unaware of what she was getting herself into. Let's see how their relationship develops