A child crying isn't something that should be ignored, not even by Bai Ruozhu, who reluctantly stood up and excused herself to the others, saying, "I need to go check on the baby, please continue eating."
No one stopped her. Bai Ruozhu went to the room, picked up Dengdeng, and started to soothe her, all the while keeping her ears pricked for any noises in the main hall.
Dengdeng was probably hungry. She became quiet soon after being fed. While nursing, she looked at Bai Ruozhu with wide curious eyes, probably because Bai Ruozhu was crying.
Bai Ruozhu rarely cried for her own sorrows, she was an inherently positive and optimistic person. She returned back even stronger after her transmigration. Today's tears were shed for her family, for the struggles her second brother had to go through, her eldest brother's sacrifices and most importantly, for her parent's hardships.