In the vast expanse of the universe, a medium-sized spacecraft journeyed through the cosmos. This spacecraft bore the moniker "Flying Eagle," a model common in the Golden Lion Empire, often favored by middle-class noble families for their daily travels. At the helm of the "Flying Eagle" was Imperial Baron Wolfe Eagle, who stood watch over his wife, Laura, while their 6-year-old daughter, Angel, gazed out into the starry expanse through the dimly lit windows of the observation chamber.
"Honey, are you feeling better now?" Wolfe inquired softly.
"I do feel much better. I thought the baby was about to arrive just moments ago," Laura responded in hushed tones.
Gazing at his wife's lovely countenance, Wolf's heart ached. "It's my fault; if it weren't for me, you wouldn't be giving birth in the depths of space," he lamented.
"Don't blame yourself, Wolf! We made this decision together, and you needn't shoulder the blame. When I made this choice, I had already considered our circumstances," Laura reassured her husband in a gentle tone.
"Very well, I understand. You can get some rest, and I'll remain by your side." Wolfe leaned in and planted a tender kiss on his wife's forehead. Laura slowly closed her eyes; the recent labor pains had left her drained, knowing that the birth of their child was imminent, she needed to conserve her strength.
Despite being a hereditary baron in the empire, within the aristocratic circles of the Golden Lion Empire that had persisted for millennia, a baron was often seen as representing the common people. Originally residing in New Athens, the capital of the Alpha system, Wolfe had aspired to secure a government position after his father's passing. However, following his father's death, those uncles and relatives who had once regarded him with warmth had begun treating him as a stranger, leaving him with no prospects in the capital.
With their inheritance nearly depleted, Wolfe heeded his cousin's advice on Planet Mu 3, situated on the outskirts of the Alpha Galaxy. He decided to relocate his family there, taking a more modest role as a manor owner. Prior to their departure, Wolfe had entrusted his remaining inheritance to his cousin to acquire a manor on his behalf. Accompanied only by Bob, their aging butler of nearly half a century, Wolfe, his wife, and children embarked on the "Flying Eagle."
The "Flying Eagle" had been the cherished vehicle of Wolfe's late father, Old Baron Eagle. During his father's time, the "Flying Eagle" had been a state-of-the-art craft, its silver hull and sleek design evoking the image of a soaring eagle. Under Wolfe's care, however, the "Eagle" had been reduced to an ordinary spacecraft, moving at a pace that seemed sluggish when compared to the latest advancements. Yet, Wolfe remained content with their choice; at least it was a private vessel. While it lagged behind the cutting-edge spacecraft in terms of speed, their family had no need for haste on this journey. They savored the unhurried journey through the cosmos, free from the need to share flights with the general populace.
Their voyage had lasted for about nine months at 1.3 times the speed of light when they last passed a transfer station ten days ago. Their destination, Mu 3 star, was drawing near. Laura had discovered her pregnancy shortly after they embarked on this journey. Wolfe had suggested returning to New Athens for Laura to give birth before proceeding to Planet Mu 3, but she had insisted on continuing. Now, as Laura's labor pains increased, the medical robots on the spacecraft prepared for the imminent birth.
Wolfe drifted off to sleep, not knowing when, and was abruptly awoken by his wife's cries. Laura was experiencing intense labor pains, signaling that the moment had finally arrived. The medical and nursing robots onboard sprang into action, orchestrating a seamless birth process.
Throughout it all, Wolfe sat by his wife's side, clutching her hand tightly, offering encouraging words. Seeing Laura in pain during childbirth tugged at his heartstrings.
Fortunately, Laura, being experienced with childbirth, made steady progress. Nearly an hour later, a resounding cry filled the medical bay—a boy was born. Wolfe was ecstatic as he held the newborn in his arms and presented him to Laura. Both parents exchanged knowing smiles as they gazed at their crying baby boy.
"Oh! I have a little brother!" Little Angel exclaimed with delight. "Dad, Mom, what's his name?"
"Let's name him Sylvan; it was your grandfather's name," Wolfe suggested to his daughter. Laura smiled and nodded in agreement.
"Hey, little guy! Did you hear that? Your name is Sylvan," Angel addressed her brother, to which little Sylvan responded with excited clapping and louder cries, as if sharing in their joy.
"Master, on this memorable day, may I take a photograph for the family?" Bob, their old butler, proposed, camera in hand.
"Of course! Bob, please join us, and let's capture this moment as a family."
With a click, the camera immortalized the smiling faces of the jubilant family.
As they reveled in their happiness, the spacecraft's siren blared with an urgent alarm. Wolf hurriedly reached for the intercom in the cabin and inquired, "Control Center, what's happening?"
"Alarm! A large warship has been sighted at the 2 o'clock position ahead of us. It's identified as the pirate ship 'Redbeard,' wanted by the Aviation Center. They've spotted us and are projected to intercept us in 15 minutes!"
"Pirates!" The family's elation plummeted to despair after the cold response from the control center.
"God! What do we do?" Laura cried out.
Redbeard, the notorious pirate leader in the Alpha Galaxy and its neighboring realms, led a crew of marauders known as the Redbeard Pirates. They were a ruthless band of robbers who struck with impunity, leaving death in their wake. Throughout the southwest frontier of the Golden Lion Empire, Redbeard had become the stuff of bedtime tales used by the frontier planet's residents to frighten unruly children: "If you don't behave, Redbeard will hear you and come to take you away!" Yet today, Redbeard was far from pleased.
Earlier that morning, Redbeard had set sail with his flagship from their hidden base. A mere 1.58 light-years away, they had come upon an interstellar flight—the regular service from Mu 5 to Yu 2 in the Gamma galaxy. It had seemed like a stroke of luck, a vessel teeming with passengers, ripe for the taking. However, what had been expected to be a straightforward heist quickly spiraled into an unexpected showdown.
Unbeknownst to Redbeard, an Imperial cruiser fleet had been lurking just behind the interstellar flight, hidden from his flagship's sensors. The interstellar flight served as bait to lure Redbeard and his pirates into a trap set by the Imperial forces. The frontier star system was now the stage for a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, with officers and soldiers trying to apprehend the thieves.
Redbeard's flagship, laden with thick armor and heavy ship-mounted weaponry, had little to fear from ordinary commercial or civilian spacecraft. Even smaller military vessels took caution
when encountering it. However, the pirate leader had decided to embark on a solo excursion today, a decision that he was currently regretting. He had ignored the advice of his military advisors and ventured out alone that morning.
Faced with the relentless pursuit of the Imperial fleet, Redbeard was gripped by dread as he clung to the controls. His actions and carelessness were incongruous with his reputation as a seasoned pirate captain.
While Redbeard pondered his fate, his adjutant approached with news, "Boss, there's a medium-sized civilian spacecraft ahead, directly in our path. It's the only way to the meteorite belt. Should we eliminate it now?"
"Get out of your mind! There's no time for that. Any slowdown, no matter how brief, and those pursuing us will obliterate us in an instant. Let's go! Leave that spacecraft be, we'll wish them luck, and we'll deal with our predicament first," Redbeard rejected the idea flatly.
As the pirate ship continued to accelerate, the civilian spacecraft in question was none other than the "Flying Eagle," carrying Baron Wolfe and his family. If anyone had been present in that star field at the moment, they would have witnessed a peculiar spectacle—a civilian spacecraft, akin to a helpless prey, awaiting the oncoming hunter. Yet, the hunter, in this case, was not intent on the kill. Instead, he raced onward, pursued relentlessly by a relentless natural enemy.
Could the Wolf family escape this impending calamity? Would Redbeard and his pirates evade the clutches of the Imperial fleet in this fateful chase?